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somewhere to check vin / engine numbers for legality?

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hey there y'all,

i've come to wonderin'... is there a database or something somwhere, that you can you can use to check to see if the 'rechassied' or '200td converted' you're about to buy is built out of 'genuine stolen parts'!?!

it'd be nice to go and see a truck, break out the smartphone, tippy tap in a couple of numbers, and then know if you were buying something that had been reported stolen, or otherwise.

i ask because in about 9 months time, my hicap aint gonna have enough seats, and not because i'm fitting a cubby box! :)

gonna need to find a cheap station wagon or simelar, but cheap for the right reasons, if you follow my thinking!

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you can check the VIN number on http://landroveronet...in_checker.cgi/

don't know of any website or otherwise for checking engine numbers except for the vehicles V5 registration document, maybe get a HPI check done.

had the wifes new p38 V5 back the other week, at the top in bold letters it says, this is not proof of ownership, and it was also on my defender90 V5, so what proof have we got, dd
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you can check the VIN number on http://landroveronet...in_checker.cgi/

cool website, cheers for the link. i'll be bookmarking that one!

but you can't just punch in a vin and get a 'stolen motor' alert? i guess that's what the hpi check does then? scuze my ignorance, butvcan somone tell me what hpi does, and how

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