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Split charge & VSR help


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Can anyone give me a simple guide on how to setup a split charge/vsr system please?

I tried this ages ago and it went wrong as the relay burned out, though it was a cheap setup...

I basically want to install a leisure battery, which can run fridge/cooling fan/laptop etc but be charged when the vehicle is running, either from the main battery or from the alternator, all the standard vehicle wiring will be left alone as much as possible as i don't want to disturb anything, so i'll be running a couple of new 12v sockets directly from the leisure battery to power extra appliances.

Electrics are the work of the devil to me, so please make it simple!

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I've seen a Durite VSR which sounds good, cuts in at 13.3v and cuts out at 12.8v, does this mean it will cut out and not overcharge the leisure battery?

The car gets used most days so charge shouldn't be too much of an issue, even when camping it'll not be hammered by too much usage, i just need something simple so we can leave stuff on for a few hours and not kill the starter battery!

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I've got one alternator.

One normal vehicle battery

One 100Amp leisure battery

A simple relay

I run a fridge and other things off my leisure battery, four southern African trips

Two alternators. More power required from the engine making it work harder !!!

More things to go wrong.

So what am I doing wrong ?

I have no battery problems at all

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I've got one alternator.

One normal vehicle battery

One 100Amp leisure battery

A simple relay

I run a fridge and other things off my leisure battery, four southern African trips

Two alternators. More power required from the engine making it work harder !!!

More things to go wrong.

So what am I doing wrong ?

I have no battery problems at all

No one said you were doing anything wrong. I'm affraid that everyone has there own opinion on split charge systems... My opinion is that if your miles from anywhere and your alternator packs up no split charge system works at all, doesnt matter how many bells and whistles its got on it.

If i'm miles from anywhere and an alternator packs up, i close an isolator between my battery possitives and both my batteries are charging.

An alternator doesnt take much to run powerwise, and its not noticable on a tdi when its only producing a couple of horse power anyway.

Another thing to consider is that when running a heavy load, a winch or big inverter for instance on your vehicle you have a 100 amp alt and 2 batteries. On my vehicle i have 2 alternators available because of the isolator again and also 2 batteries under less load because i have around 30 or 40 extra amps available from my alternators... Doesnt sound much but as the adverts say, every little helps.

However as you say mike, for some people a 4 pin relay works fine. For others a volt sensing relay works fine.

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Sorry but I don't see the point of a hundred quid extra of alternator being used compared to a relay or a VSR. Either IMO will do in a vehicle


Why. I've not had the need to use one.

How did you wire the VSR in the first place and what amp alternator.i

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This has obviously ignited a few people's views on the topic!

For what it's worth, I have a VSR, one alternator, and two batteries. The system works very well.

The advantage of a VSR over a simple relay is that the batteries are not linked until the engine battery is fully charged, and are unlinked if the Engine battery becomes discharged. This protects starting ability, which a simple relay does not do so well.

Horses for courses, but two alternators is perhaps overkill when overnight capacity for a fridge, laptop etc is all that is required.

I have been using a BEP marine product for approx 8 years, without issue. The module is potted, so has resisted the elements well.


It should be made clear that a VSR of any type isn't suited to winching applications - that's not what they're designed for.


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This has obviously ignited a few people's views on the topic!

Yep! One of these threads for which there is no right answer, it depends on your application. Because I'm a control freak, I've developed my own circuit which I won't reiterate here, but for Hobson's application, I reckon this is the easiest solution:

Buy the X-charge split relay from Simon at X-eng and follow the instructions.

Get another fuse box with single main positive terminal to keep things simple and run things off that.

simples :D

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If you really want to do the camping thing on the cheap and have the space then go 24v for the second alternator, then you can get really cheap pure sign inverter (£16 for 1000w - a UPS system with dead batteries -does the same job as a £1200 steerling power device) and use a normal household fridge (a fraction of the price of a normal camping fridge)

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