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Touched by theft!!!


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Yesterday I posted on the Ebay Chassis with no ID thread only to be confronted with the theft of a neighbors Defender.

I posted this on another forum but will share with you guys as well, I am touched by this as it has happened to a friend and a good guy at that, a sobering wake up for me but it confirms my anguish at how valuable our cars are and not just to us.

As I write this I am thinking of a neighbor who is absolutely livid at the theft of his Defender in the early hours of this morning.

I have been looking into security devices to try and keep my own car safe from theft and have even posted thread about things I have found suitable viewtopic.php?f=2&t=85401&p=735412&hilit=security#p735412 , but it has struck closer to home this time and I am a little more nervous about the security of my car and how I can stop it from happening to me.

I have seen countless threads on here and elsewhere about stolen cars, wheels and accessories that we customize them with, one such caught my attention last night, a 300Tdi Defender 90 rolling chassis complete with axles, wheels and very good tyres and in excellent condition, but with NO ID!!! icon_eek.gif icon_eek.gif icon_eek.gif Alarm bells anyone? But after being told about the theft in the night I have been thinking about this all morning and by posting this I am hoping I will reach out to others who might not think about their own cars safety!!

I have been looking through Ebay and other internet sales sites for spares and parts generally for my car, and it amazes me that there are so many sellers who cannot give full detailed descriptions of their parts or when contacting them they have little knowledge or an un sound or questionable reason for selling.

How many of us are more concerned about the price of the part than where it actually originated from? I am always keen on prices but also of late I am also looking to seek genuine items offered from genuine sources, is it this lowest price and less about origin mentality that is making it such a lucrative racket for stealing our cars only to break them and sell them for parts? Maybe, but I know that there would be a lot that are cheapo buyers that would soon be howling on here when their car is nicked!!!

I don't know of anything that is a best solution, only to take as many precautions as we can to secure our cars.

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