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Rear window leak

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The leak is almost certainly the Land Rover part number SHT1333. You can replace this by buying a Land Cruiser.


If mine were any wetter it would be a boat......rainy season in South America and Land Rovers do not mix....

I replaced the felts and vert rubbers and had no trouble from the sliders any longer. Its the rest of the car that leaks now. I did paint all the rivets with rubber paint as I was convinced some water was coming in there. Replacing these means removing the window and thats not easy. My hand got cramp putting back all those rivets (with my crappy hand rivet gun) and make sure the heads are the same size or your rubber cover seal looks "lumpy". Try a hose pipe and start at the bottom....

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It could be the joint between the frame and side panel to which it is bonded, in which case a bead of black silicone sealant around its edge should cure it. Otherwise, it is likely to be clogged drain channels/slits on the lower track causing the track to fill with water and overflow internally.

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