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any special requirements needed that people are aware of and that can be sorted in 6hrs spare I have before Sunday?

and what are you taking if your entering?

DD what time will you be getting there?

coming from Exeter?

we are convoying on the M5 apparently if you want to meet up

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I have asked Adrian to email you the regs as I can't.

Or you could download the regs for the Scorpion Racing series from their website as they are basically the same minus the Warning Triangle, sorry I can't help more at the mo as my internet is still cr@p

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Well as long as you have got winch cut offs you can stop yourself being impaled on a tree!!

Would be good to be able to shut your vehicle down in the event of overrun, over-fueling etc, but I guess the ignition key does that for you doesn't it?

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Ive been let down, and the 6hp xp motor, 150" of 11mm plasma and fairlead that was supost to be here thursday at the latest has not left the people that I bought it off yet. Dont pannic, I will be at the challenge if its the last thing I do. Just might have to manage with a very short winch rope and pinch a motor off another winch. But is there anyone that live's close to someone that stock's any of this and will be coming to the challenge? If so Would they be prepared to pick the stuff up if I pay by credit card and bring it for us? If you can help out please let me know.

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am I just reading the same thread again and again.. .and again.. or have you typed this more than once.. :D

I hope its the later..

Ive been let down, and the 6hp xp motor, 150" of 11mm plasma and fairlead that was supost to be here thursday at the latest has not left the people that I bought it off yet. Dont pannic, I will be at the challenge if its the last thing I do. Just might have to manage with a very short winch rope and pinch a motor off another winch. But is there anyone that live's close to someone that stock's any of this and will be coming to the challenge? If so Would they be prepared to pick the stuff up if I pay by credit card and bring it for us? If you can help out please let me know.
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Panic over, Gwyn lewis seves the day, bringing everything I need Saturday afternoon. He's a top bloke. Cheers all for offers of help and thanks Neil for the call.

Pigster, Yep, I stuck the post on every inter club challenge thread I could find coz things were a bit tense for a while but all sorted now.

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Do i see a panic coming on over there :lol:

Don't panic everyone :lol::lol::lol: leave that to me :blink::P i may even look the motor over in the morning ;):lol:

Yep, Lots and lots of panic, Nearly there but didn't finnish till 10 tonight. Got a couple of hours to do on it tomorrow but im working in the morning so I think I will av to av an early start and get it finnished before work. Then sort camping gear and drive down in time to fit the bits that Gwyn will be bringing. Not last minute in the slightest, honnest! :o

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Yep, Lots and lots of panic, Nearly there but didn't finnish till 10 tonight. Got a couple of hours to do on it tomorrow but im working in the morning so I think I will av to av an early start and get it finnished before work. Then sort camping gear and drive down in time to fit the bits that Gwyn will be bringing. Not last minute in the slightest, honnest! :o

Glad to see your not leaving it till the last minute :lol:

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