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110 with 200 disco transplant

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Hi guys

had a 110 with a disco lump in for a year now, been great until the last month?

she started to struggle on starting after being left overnight, not every time but sometimes, she turned over, but for 5-6 seconds before firing? now were up to it being every time and running has started to be a problem? She never stalled but getting to the point where the symptoms are no fuel and runs really lumpy and doesn't respond to the accelerator for a few seconds,

So far in the last day or two ive put in new glow plugs and dropped in a bottle of Wynns clean burn, just in case id picked up a bit of muck, but nothing is improving?

What next to investigate?


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Change your air and fuel filters first, feed her and let her breath... that fixed similar problems with my 300tdi.

Then injectors, I'd get someone to look at these, they can do a proper test.

You can jump in and change them though.



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Does Your 110 have the fuel sedimenter on the rear chassis rail next to the fueltank?

A lot of people forget to clean that one so check that. If its full with muck and water the fuel won't get through.

If it only is reluctant to start at the first start of the day and fine for the rest of day then my bet is on the spill pipes from the injectors and air is getting in making the fuel run back overnight.



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You might have a pin-prick airleak in your fuel pipe, which is slowly getting larger, allowing more air in thus symptoms worsening.

You might also want to check your lift pump is in good order.

With the engine running, open the bleed screw (not all the way!) on the fuel filter housing, Does it foam/bubble/nothing/squirt diesel everywhere?

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Hi again

Yesterday i had a longish trip to make - 40 miles, nightmare! Every traffic light I came to I was lucky if she didn't stall? On inspecting the leak off lines I discovered the middle one was soaking wet, I've now replaced all three and put cable ties on each end of each pipe and it's better, but still not right. I've also replaced the fuel filter ( filled new one with diesel and wiped diesel around the rubber seal)

Also there was signs of diesel on the pipe that enters the injector pump, now remedied.

I did bleed the new filter and diesel pours out nice and clear with no signs of bubbling or fizzing, so I assume this means the main fuel line from the tank is ok?

I've also nipped up the banjo bolts, at the weekend I will replace these or the copper washers at least, is my problem pointing at the injectors themselves now?

I'm hoping today there is air in the system and it may right itself? Yeah, here's hoping LOL

Regarding the leak off lines, as they start at the bulk head the first doesn't have a pipe? It looks the same as the others, should this be blocked off? The kit I bought did have two little red plugs in it, are these to blank off the first "v" shaped union?


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.....Regarding the leak off lines, as they start at the bulk head the first doesn't have a pipe? It looks the same as the others, should this be blocked off? The kit I bought did have two little red plugs in it, are these to blank off the first "v" shaped union?


If I remember correctly (there is a good chance I don't) if you look at the one by the bulkhead there isn't actually a hole inside for the diesel to come out of. So it's just a dummy.

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Well, nothing's changed? To add to the poor running I know also seem to be leaking diesel from somewhere? I have a steady drip that I haven't found yet that seems to be making its way down and dropping off the clutch/gearbox area :-( ill investigate at the weekend, this could obviously be my source for air to be sucked in also

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Well, after all that!

Drove back into the works car park at 10mph, guy from the store says " I can see your problem"

I left a trail of diesel, popped the bonnet and the lift pump was doing its best to rid the lower part ofy engine of any crud deposited in the last twenty years! Mate mearby had an old one, which I've put on and seems all good? Touch wood........hopefully that's all folks?

Till next time

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