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More help - Gearbox or Clutch ?

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Walmart carpark in Indiana, USA.

Clutch up and a slow grinding sound. Flywheel rotating so its grinding in time with those revolutions obviously.

Clutch down and grinding stops.

its an R380 on a 300Tdi.

I'm thinking Clutch bearing....which one? the big bit of plastic?

Input bearing on Gearbox maybe ?

any way to narrow it down or does the clutch up and down prove its one and not the other??

anybody pulled a gear box back in a car park before? Can it be done on your own? Tips ? What should I need ?

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its an intermittent grinding so it sounds like a bearing. I changed the oil in the box only last week to some Penzoil as it was due. I hope it wasn't the ffing oil !

I looked at the manual and couldn't decide if it was possible or not. Having no parts at all this is going to be difficult. Nobody here knows the box and i can see a special delivery from the UK looming.

As you say it looks inconclusive. I might ask Dave at ashcrofts unless anyone on here come up with a yes it can be done without fully taking the box apart. It still means it going into a garage for a week I think. Damn !

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OK. Thanks.

options are. Get a new box sent out OR pair the old one.

Swapping lumps of metal (and with a lot of good will from the clubs) might be cheaper than getting some USA transmission shop to try to fix it after getting parts from the UK. Ashcrofts are £495 (+ £350 for the old one)

Inspecting sound like a plan but as 8pot says we might be OK until New York when we come back carrying a R380 in luggage.....how much do they weigh I wonder ??

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Gearbox on its own weighs about 35 KG

Was there any noise that you noticed prior to this ?

I had a problem like this a couple of years ago with a car. Exactly the same symptom, a real grinding noise, not a whine, and not a rumble.

Turned out to be the fingers (diapragm spring) on the clutch pressure plate becoming worn through on their pivot ring, after a couple of weeks there was a bang and almighty rattle as some of them had broken off and were rattling aroung inside the bellhousing.

Of course no clutch............................The original clutch HAD done a lot of miles though.

Might not be that but might be worth checking before you buy a gearbox ?

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Noticed nothing before. Changed the oil the other week as it was just past due. Only to Dexron though. Going to drain and check for bits tomorrow. Walmart carpark again !

If its the clutch I will be very happy ! I can order one and get it fitted (or do myself) pretty easily.

Thanks for the pointer. However the noise does come more from the gearbox end of the bell housing. So I'm not optomistic.

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If you've only got to get as far as New York, presuming your not taking in a loop beforehand, I'd be inclined to carry on with care, and if it takes a turn for the worse get yourself settled nearby and arrange for repair/ replacement.

Ive just checked freight costs and 3 day airfreight of an R380 would cost £185, so not too bad.

I ship plenty of parts round the world, so happy to help if you need it.

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Thanks for the offer and thanks all for the assistance.

Certainly the opinion is its the gearbox. Ordering a new on from Ashcrofts which might be ready for shipping monday....might !

We now have to find somewhere to live for a week and thats if its gets here and through customs in 5 days....

Current estimate. £845 + £88 clutch + £200 Shipping + customs + fitting fee from garage (~$800 / 10 hours)

OUCH !!!!!!

They have a good guy in the garage and as the noise get bad moving i'm not too happy to move the car. If we run against a deadline we will get a one way rental to Newark and leave the car here.

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