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Can anyone give me the spec for Redline MTL - pictures?

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Not many of you may know but my Gearbox input bearing has gone. We are waiting for a new box in Ohio. The Redline we can get here seems to be different than the UK ? I cannot get MTF94. Dexron II may have been the culprit....as i changed the oil only one week before it failed.

Can one of you take me a picture of the bottle front and back. The MTL here seems to be EP 75/80 and I thought MTL was 70/80 ?

You might eb able to confirm this link



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Thats confirmed the worry. That's 70/80 and the one here is 75/80.

MTF94 is 75/80 but I'm not so sure what to do. The site says the USA 75/80 acts more like a 70/80 so it might be the same stuff !? :huh:

Why can't they just have MTF94 here ! its so much better for the box.

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The oil is not the cause of your bearing failure. ATF works fine. MTL will be better than MTF-94 for cold weather performance. Both will be fine for long term use.

Here is a comparison of viscosity data: http://www.red90.ca/rovers/MTF.htm redline MTL is one of the best. I'm not sure why Redline is now calling it a 75W80 as the specs meet the 70W performance criteria. Royal Purple syncrmax is the only other fluid to meet the 70W requirements. None of this matter unless you are cold running at very low temperatures. I'm not sure if Ohio qualifies for "cold".

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I agree with Red90 - nothing wrong with Dexron II. It may not be as high spec as MTF94, but wouldn't have caused a failure of the bearing, which must have been about to happen anyway. My LT77 has done over 170,000 miles on Dexron (ATF).



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I've told them to get me some MTL. Looks like it the best thing to do.

I've been running MTF94 until the last two changes. Dexron is not as good IMHO. I've run it in VERY hot and now cold places.

As for the cold its been -10C at night and although i've been spinning the box (few mins to get the oil moving) in the mornings in 4th with the transfer in neutral its a bit of coincidence that its failed one week after new oil. These thinks can happen though.

Its got really expensive to get the box here.....

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Could it be because you have a different measurement value over there ?

Rather like gallons and quarts etc are a different amount in the U.S. to here ?

No. The viscosity values are set by an SAE (USA based) J306 test. http://www.red90.ca/rovers/MTF.htm Redline's tech article states that MTL is near the border of the 70W and 75W spec. They must have changed the published rating to 75W to be safe. The problem is the range covered by 75W is huge. You need to compare actual viscosity and pour point numbers to properly compare cold weather performance between different oils.

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its only at the extremes that the expensive synthetic comes into its own , and its at these extremes where it will protect the bearings where the other has pretty much given up . I know that they were running a trial with a road train in Australia , the diff oil used to have to be changed every return trip . The redline was on 8th trip with no measurable degradation last i heard that was a good few years ago now , they were also logging the temp reduction experienced by using it .

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