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Front Shock Mount Ideas


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Hello, my front shock mounts are getting near there sell by date, Im thinking of makeing some new ones, Im thinking 50x10 flat bar bent to shape and welded on to a 10mm ring at the bottom.. has anybody any photos of differnt front shock mounts i could look at before I start..

cheers Gary

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Having attempted to make some of my own, and then bought/fitted/used ones from David (Llama 4x4) I can give them a thorough recommendation, excellent service, fast delivery and very easy to deal with. :)

I have no connection with Llama 4x4 before you ask :rolleyes: , just impressed with all the products I've bought from them.

If your budget is low/nonexistent then why not modify/remake the standard ones? If you are not needing to change the height then standard parts are fine. If you wanted lowered turrets then just cut and weld standard turrets, same for if you want to raise them. I mate has done this successfully on his RRC and hasnt broken them yet - all depends on your welding though ;)

If your budget is truly nonexistant then you are welcome to come and strip however many standard turrets you require off some of our scrap cars :)


Oh and 4mm or 6mm will be fine for the ring at the base.

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My suggestion is to look at the ones on my website and then just buy some from me instead of making your own :D


Though written as a joke I guess this is a bit of a blatant plug - what I was trying to suggest is that very often by the time you have made up something yourself it is often cheaper to buy one that is ready mde and tried and tested....

The reason I suggested looking at the ones I sell is that they are constructed in the same manner as the original post was heading.....

If you are to continue on the self build thheme I would say that 10mm flat is way over the top, 6mm is easily strong enough. AND if you use 10mm on the bottom plate you will then need to use longer bolts on the retaining ring aswell.


Edited by Mark
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Though written as a joke I guess this is a bit of a blatant plug - what I was trying to suggest is that very often by the time you have made up something yourself it is often cheaper to buy one that is ready mde and tried and tested....

pends who's doing the work and what toys they have in the cupboard :lol:

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I'll see your 50 x 6mm and raise you to 40x6mm as being plenty.

You don't need a ring at the bottom, just two more bits of 40x6 each with a pair of holes. Bend the bar into the same rough shape as the cross section of the original turrets, weld to the other two bits and hay presto.

I used ones like this for years without problem!


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thanks for all the in put. I have a well equiped workshop at home, lathe, milling machine, iron worker, welders etc and I like making thinks so I think Ill give it a bash. I cant galvanise myself, but my chassis isnt galvanised and I think the chassis will rot out before my new shock mounts.. again thanks for all the help

cheers Gary

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