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Hekp with Non Working Fuel Guage - Diagram and info ?

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Hi all,

Erm....it might be an idea for me to having working fuel guage, today saw the light come on (Guage doesn't work) which meant I need fuel and "Now"

Didn't "Quite" Make it, ....short walk I decided about time sorted it :rofl:


Is a 1985 V8 Factory 90 - and I am after a wiring diagram for one, these are different to 200 / 300 etc etc

So, anyone have a wiring diagram ?

Have changed both guage and sender - no B difference ...

Anyone know if these have a voltage stabilizer, and if so WTF is it - had a good look, couldn't see one

Other than that HELP !

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Yes I have a V8 specific diagram, it's in the electrical section, which is a 4.19 MB pdf, so too big to attach in its entirety.

However, the power feed to the 'Fuel Indicator' is a Green wire (as it is to the other gauges), which means its a straight '12v' from a fuse that is live when the ignition is switched on, so there is no 'voltage stabiliser'.

According to the diagram, the 'green wire power' arrives at the fuel indicator first, then is daisy chained to the other gauges.

However, the earth to the gauge case starts at the 'other end' of the chain, and hits the fuel indicator last.

So, is the casing earthed? TBH I think the earth would have more to do with any illumination rather than indicator operation.

The sender is (should be) connected to earth (is it?), which it transmits over a Green/Black wire to the indicator.

The warning light is powered by a White/Slate wire from the sender earth, the light being supplied by 12 volts on a white wire, live when the ignition is switched on.

Good Luck

I have now attached links to the two specific pages, Diagram & Key.

Wiring Diagram Wiring Diagram key.

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