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Just a quicky honest! FTC2882

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Ok so i may need to replace the swivel pin (local mechanic thinks it's suspect).

So the Quicky is do i cry like a baby and by a Genuine part (FTC2882) for silly money, or go with a Bearmach one, OR does anybody know who makes these for LR, as this might be a cheaper option OR do you have any other recommendations?

Plus is there any chance of setting up a charity on here for " Save Mutleys Defender Foundation"???

All donations (Mainly Money but parts considered, please phone first to save disappointment ie. item returned due to lack of space or simply not wanting it!) greatly received???

If so i will add a link where other members can put in their bank details. Hope this is OK?

Thanks all best regards as ever Mutley

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Last time I rebuilt a front axle, I had two new Allmakes swivel pins supplied.

One was perfect...

The second looked a bit 'off' so I checked it carefully. It was more out of spec than the 100k miler I was replacing!

It was out of round, undersized and off centre as well!!!

I didn't send it back, I kept it on the shelf as a reminder not to buy cheap sh!t :wacko:

Even at fifty quid difference, not worth a wasted day in the shed.

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OK looks like i'm gunna have to reach for the hanky! sob!

Would be nice if you had a result Snagger, new in a LR type box fingers crossed (thanks for looking either way).

Well no offers of donations as yet!!! it's been a whole 12 hrs. now!.... Very disappointing!!!.....Spend £3.00 a month to adopt a Jaguar, but wont chuck me 30 quid to save a Defenders LIFE!....... It's a sad day!!! sniff, sniff

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Can some one tell me why with swivel pin replacement kits they dont include the lower swivel pin?

And should you when renewing the upper swivel pin (with every thing) also renew the lower swivel pins bearings, even if not renewing the actual lower swivel pin it's self?

Cheers Mutley

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me being thick, why do you think the top swivel pin need replacing (if it's an FTC2882)?

With regards to the bottom pin, I suspect that its because it has less load on it, given it may be acting as the fulcrum and the top pin takes the angular load (just a guess no basis of knowledge), hence the pin doesn't actually wear as detailed below.

The bottom pin is just a pin with a bearing on the end of it, the top one (if it's an FTC2882) has the same bearing on it as the bottom pin, with the bearing cups pressed into the swivel (top an bottom). The top pin has a number of shims under it which allow you to set the preload using a spring balance. Given the FTC2882 and the bottom pin have a bearing on them they shouldn't wear as the bearing should take the wear and unless the bearing has seized the pin should not wear (I have seen one with a step on it though ... but I did have mud in the swivel collected in the bottom of the swivel and goosed that bottom bearing hence the pin was acting as the rotating surface).

If it was a railko type bush pin (pre-TDI300), that is another matter as the pin itself can wear given its providing the rotating face against the railko bush.

If you are careful to support the hub + swivel pin housing, you can remove the top pin and inspect it and put it back in without loosing the bearing as it's trapped between the swivel and the swivel pin housing (may need to clout it with a mallet / dead blow hammer at an angle to break the seal / stiffness, and then work it out by turning it as you pull it out). The bottom one however you will loose the oil (if it's oil filled, some are grease filled), and I wouldn't take both pins out at the same time as you may end up dropping one bearing, and then having to take the swivel pin housing off.

I have an old one on my bench off a 300TDI and is shows no sign of wear, it was just because I was stripping the axles that I ended up with it, I may have another and some of the old bottom pins, none with any visible wear, unfortunately I'm a bit far from you, for the cost of them I'd just buy a pattern part

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