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300Tdi Throttle Cables -- Options ??


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My wonderful old Disco (Series 1, built in 1998) has a throttle cable that is, by it's length ( a huge "S") designed by LR to satisfy the bean counters in that it will suit both Left hand and Right Hand Drive vehicles. It makes accountants happy to stock one part instead of two, and accountants, used car salesmen and highway patrol police are all of the same ilk, and the controls on this site forbid me from a personal description of what I believe their parentage to be, suffice to say that they have little merit in my 68 years of experience.

My question therefore is, is there a shorter throtte cable available ???? And if so please what is the part number?

Not that the existing one is a problem but it will, like most cables, need replacement sooner than later and I would really like one that is shorter and more "direct"

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Yeppers, thats the one, reminds me of a very crude song we sang at boarding school _ The Good Ship Venus _ and the first make Chopper, "twice round the deck, once round his neck and up his a***se as a stopper" It's length is ridiculous but it meets the needs of LR drive vehicles, so we RH drives have to put up with an excessive long cable.

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Many thanks Red90, I will see if the RH Drive is shorter, my guess is that while they have different part numbers they are the same length though :angry2: the alternative I guess is to have a custom one made up, not too hard and not that much more expensive but I like to keep some things easy and standard.

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