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Aye - there are several aftermarket seats by various 'big' names that can be fitted - if your wallet can stand the damage.

I believe that some of the older Volvo seats can go in, as I've seen them mentioned a few times over the years. Like HERE.

I'm sure that if your fingers work like mine a trawl through Google will unearth this or this and a shed load more. :-)

For more room though, you can possibly fit a Mud seat thingy to raise/move back the runners.

Someone else will be along shortly with more advice I'm sure, so sit tight and see what turns up.......

Hope this helps.

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There are lots of seats that will fit and be more comfortable but almost none will give you more room your main limiting factor being the truck cab. After market race style seats are comfortable and thin enough but a pain to get in and out. Normal car seats are great (i have disco seat in 45 (90 csw)) but you will lose room in a truck cab and the runners may cause a headache. Lastly sports car seat are often comfortable and think but runners/price will be against you.


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IIRC I had Volvo 343 seats in my lightweight which were comfy, and my mate has Smart seats in his 90 which are good.

Just a case of trawling the scrappies to see what is available, with the possible benefit of heated seats!

I have fitted Exmoor trip high backs to my 110, which were a bit spendy, but do the job nicely.

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