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'Clank' from underneath

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A couple of weeks ago, I had an interaction with a slippy bit of tarmac and a ditch. The back of the 110 swerved on a corner (maybe some diesel on the wet road), I steered into it, passenger side bumped up the edge of the ditch/verge and along the top of said ditch, narrowly avoiding the car that had rolled into the ditch minutes before. Then i came to a stop.

I thought all I had done was rip the rear mudflap off. There was a scuff mark on the rear trailing arm on the passenger side, but no visible damage.

Since then, when I pull away, there is a metallic 'clank' from underneath. It's generally not immediately as I pull away, but shortly after I have gotten rolling. Straight line or turning doesn't affect it, it doesn't do it every time (maybe 50% of pull always) and doesn't tend do it again unless I stop and have to get rolling again.

I've been underneath multiple times and can't find anything wrong. Any ideas what this could be? It's like a piece of metal hitting another piece of metal on concrete noise.

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Spent a couple of hours under the 110 this evening. All bushes seem fine, I checked the torque on all the bush nuts, shocks appear ok (& their bushes).

The only possible culprit I found was play in the rear prop rear UJ. In a certain plane, it made a metallic knocking noise that could be what I am hearing. I guess it could be that when the power is taken up when the prop,is in a certain spot it could cause it to clunk? I'll change it tomorrow, have a spare UJ in the garage.

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