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Air compressor converter for Air Bed ?

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Hi guys

Has anybody figured out how to pump up an air bed with a mini compressor?

I have a twin cylinder T-Max which can fill a landy tyre in a matter of minutes but I have to stand and watch a farting little battery pump struggle for ages to blow up an air bed.

Trouble is, the t-max has no converter for an air bed. So I wondered if anyone had sorted something out for this.



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I'm really surprised nobody has got this sorted, though I do take on board the comment about volume rather than pressure - thanks for that Jon.

I'll certainly look up the 12v blowers Red90 but I was also thinking of being able to use the garage compressor and air line to fill the beds when we use them for guests at home - kids mainly.

Robertspark - The kits of various valves are nowhere near big enough for the big air beds which have a filler about 15-20mm across

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What about getting a car type valve stem to connect to the compressor and carve the other end to fit the air-bed?

Something like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Car-Vehicle-Black-Plastic-Cap-Rubber-Tire-Tyre-Valve-Stem-Set-/191630541369?hash=item2c9e120239

Go in to any tyre place and they will probably let you have one for free (ish).

If you take the schrader valve out the middle the air will flow much better.


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