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Posts posted by Anderzander

  1. No - the bought stoves I have had have a baffle plate that partially covers the flu hole on the inside of the boiler.

    Its angled and fitted around the bottom half of the flu hole in the 'fire chamber' so to speak. Its so that the flames and smoke hit it and it absorbs the heat before the draught pulls the smoke round it and up through the flu.

  2. Thanks for the feedback :)

    The holes need to be 60, 50, 38, 32, 22 and 19 mm - the bigger sizes in the Q-max are very expensive...

    All the holes need to be in flat panels - but all would need to be done in situ, so that rules out the adjustable cutter.

    Perhaps I can get grommets that mean I could use the larger hole sizes to replace some of the smaller ones.

  3. I want to cut 4 or 5 holes in the Landy panels for various things - mostly different sizes.

    Ideally I'd like to use the Q-Max Punch tools - Link - but it will cost me an absolute fortune and I can't foresee when I'll be using them again...

    The other alternative seems to be tank cutters - like this Link - though I'm not sure what kind of finish I'll get?

    Or lastly - and cheapest - are the adjustable cutters - Link

    Any suggestions on what to use? I had hoped to be able to find a place to rent the Q-Max ones from, but haven't been able to.

  4. People who know this backwards will be along shortly I'm sure - but in the mean time...

    Is there anyway he can find the chassis numbers and run them to find out what the 90 was ? - then check what its listed as.

    He might fall lucky and be able to send for the V5 and swap its identity back. If the majority of the truck is from one 90 and its just been a plate swap then the original registration is probably just languishing ?

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