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Posts posted by Anderzander

  1. There is a plan afoot! Just a question of finding the time for development really. If said plan comes together - I think the end result could be rather cool!


    Any further on since June? :D

    x-arms front and rear is an appealing prospect...

  2. Here is the thread I quoted from....

    I seem to remember being told by a guy who made wiring looms for tornado's that each solder joint made a very small drop in the voltage ... I'm not sure how sensitive the ECU is?

    Anyone able to confirm the hole sizes in the seat box?

  3. I remember Porny, the td5 ecu guru from here, saying they can cause some problems due to changing the resistance on some sensitive circuits....

    His suggestion, for a Defender, was to move it onto the bulkhead behind the centre seat / cubby box.

    If you open the hatch you will see that the cables route from under the centre over to the seat box - so they are plenty long enough.

    You'll need to drill two 60 mm holes and a 32 mm one (I think!) and you can then re-use the grommets. The 60mm is for the ECU block connector and the 32mm is for the fuse box.

    I'm going to be doing this soon.

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