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Posts posted by missingsid

  1. Interesting the way this thread is splitting into two camps.

    Normaly I sit in the "Tough it's off rroad" camp and any damage to my motor I repair".

    However the two points I raised I feel make a difference.

    First again, it was not a pay day where when you get stuck anyone pullls you out, if this is a halfwit then xpect a big bill. This was an organised event with official only marshals and the organisers would have had (for Heallth and Safety / insurance reasons) to have completed a risk assesment. David did not choose his marshal from a list of people with credentials, he had what the company would have stated were safe expert marshals. This one clearly was not, therefore they have failed to deliver the service they charged for, period.

    Second, if evereybody was screaming at the guy to stop, why the f*&k didn't he, a death could have beenn close to happening and that really should make the organisers VERY concerned but does not seem to?

    If I had witnesses then this is how I would personally start, leagaly I have no idea.

    Good luck but personally I would persue it, especially if they sugested insurance up front, they have admitted liability. First rule in an accident "Don't admit anything" there's a reason insurance companies request this. Maybe this is why they backtracked?

  2. Hmmm,

    Sorry to hear about your friends problem (oo er).

    My first thought was "Its an off road course, stuff gets damaged" but then again you paid an entrance fee to use the course and they provided Offical Marshals which were the only choice you had, so surely they must take responsibilty?

    If the Marshal was driving irresponcibly then he could be guilty of a driving offence since the law now covers private property.

    You would think that the company would have concerns over the safe opperation of the course, if spectators were shouting and you were sounding your horn it could have been because of a life or death situation had a kid/adult been between you and the post!!

    This is a tuff call, no one wants insurance or leagal worries to stop off road sites but how far do you go?

    Good Luck

  3. back off the wire a wee bit, keep the torch angle more acute and the torch stand off a bit further away (less dross filling it up then), clean the shroud all the time (its gonna fill with dross quickly), tip dip is a good move, get a leather smock and plan ahead - soft organic bits dont like molten metal!

    its a lot of fun <_<:lol:

    A bit confused here, as I am trying to learn two of the sources I have say the opposite?

    "Wire speed will need to be increased slightly when welding on a vertical surface vertically or to the underneath of a horizontal surface."

    This from:


    My upside down was attrocious so I am open to suggetions :D

  4. So are Land Rover people more honest, or just targeted by the DVLA?

    A L-R is far more easily modified due to the construction that a normal car without detriment to safety (infact for any Series L-R any change will be an improvement on the original).

    Yet you will not find a single Mark 1 or 11 Ford Escort Rally car with coil spring suspension and the relevant chassis mods with a Q plate.

    Even Colin McRae's new car has full independant supension (Sierra) new Gearbox, Engine, Axles plus chassis mods but no Q plate.

    :D Rant over now back to work.

  5. My local Dive shop makes a kit for a Ferrari race team to use for air tools etc for pit changes.

    Though they seem a bit more costly than the prices that you have quoted - tested s/h tank @ £100

    Must be the red paint and silly horse logo :D

    What are the options if you don't go for full preasure just enough for tyres?

    How and where to fill etc. or is this no go?

  6. "If the vehicle is not on a trailer, then it has to be taxed, MOT'd, and insured. The reg should be visible, but not necessarily the tax disc as a PNC check would tell the Police/Traffic gestapo warden if it was taxed or not."

    What about "Failure to display a current Tax disc" I believe that this is still a law?

    This has nothing to do with actually having one rather the inability of an official to see it.

  7. Sorry to dissapoint but I'm with the New Age Traveller/Hippy as you see quite a lot of Seven drivers with crash helmets and as it is not a leagal requirement like it is on bikes, they are able to use Simpsons etc.

  8. Still using a set here.


    And on the Series 1 V8 as per Jules great for drifting around roundabouts :D

    Once entered a Farnborough petrol station completely sideways and drifted up to the pump. As I stopped I saw the attendants face, mouth agape in shock :unsure:

    Trouble is if I follow a Simex off road I will get stuck :(

    guess they have had thier day

  9. Lets see what they add?

    this was my response:

    Where does this evidence come from?

    "Designed by Professor Frank McKenna, a leading expert in driver behaviour, the programme is all about getting drivers to reassess their own habits and understand that speed is to blame for 28% of the 3,172 deaths on British roads last year."

    The Traffic Research Laboratory (which provides the Goverment with figures)can only estemate as the Police information does contain speeding as a cause only excesive speed which is not the same at all.

    The best guess that the TRL came up with was around 2% yes TWO% of RTA deaths were caused by speeding.

    this was in the national press so it must be true :D

  10. Very interesting, I didn't realize County 4x4 conversions would be so prolific. In the late 1930's to 1940's there was a company named County Commercial Cars that converted Fordson Sussex trucks to tandem rear axle drive by making up the forward rear axle with 2 crownwheels and 2 pinions, the second set drove the rearmost axle via a second propshaft. I wonder if it is the same company as County Tractors?

    The name Salisbury has been used as a generic term to describe a differential with a rigid cast centre section with pressed in and welded axle tubes that was manufactured by the Salisbury Axle Company, the British arm of Dana Corp, but they have also made differentials with pressed steel banjo housings and removable centres. I believe the Volvo Laplander 4x4 conventional axles were just a Dana44 built by Salisbury in UK, and the portal axles on the C303'/306's were also built in the UK by Salisbury. A friend has a newish duall wheel Transit truck that he says came fitted with a Dana 60 diff so perhaps the Salisbury name is being phased out as well. I also believe that Dana took over the famous British heavy axle maker Kirkstall some time ago? Talk about selling the farm! If the Americans now own most of the established British firms, and the Americans are so heavily in debt to the Chinese,Britain will probably end up being owned by China once the Americans are forced to liquidate their assets. It's a scary scenario.


    Thanks for that info.

    I knew about China owning the US but strangely did not think about the knock on effect of the US owning us :rolleyes:

  11. firm still exists although under a different name- my uncle (who has a couple of trees in his backyard) has an old county which just soldiers on forever- nothing seems to kill it! (along with the old david browns which are older than me, but still running)

    anyway have a look Here (MJ Allen) under automotive for a look see.

    therea are a couple of websites that show the transit conversion (which i beleive they are still working on), haev a look Here for more info. with an exploded diagram here, is it just me or does that look suspicously like a salisbury?

    IIRC there really is only two types of diffs in the car/van market removable diff (weak) fixed diff (strong).

    interestingly what we call

    Rover & Salisbury

    the Ford cars people from the 70's 60's call

    Salisbury/English & Atlas

    why interesting? because the Ford Salisbury has a removable diff the same as the Rover diff and the Rover Salisbury has a fixed diff like an Atlas!

    This has puzzled me but it may just be a mistake by Classic Ford Magazine?

  12. Mate of mine bought a new racer, first time out at Slab miles from the start, it ran out of fuel but we knew it had fuel in the tank.

    We spent the next ten minutes looking for stones to put in the tank to bring the fuel level up to thee picckup :lol:

  13. Even though I do not a current problem, this is great information.

    The different ideas are really great.

    Being really stuborn I don't like to be told that I can't do something, so to see ideas that go sideways around problems is really interesting :D

  14. Look after customers in an IT Outsourcing company.

    Bizarely they are working with the Gov to install Road Charging that when it comes in will make it too expensive for me to go to work for them :ph34r:

    Prior to that R&D Lab Tech putting secret stuff into green motors much more fun :D

  15. Yep, its a simple problem, commonlly known as V8/series syndrome.

    This is when a V8 is fitted in to a series vehicle and the rad is not moved forward to fit a 90 style front end. Add to that the fact that its a trialler and things start to get very heated!

    Its got a 4core rad, electric fan and holes in the bonnet, Im just trying to help the fan out by not making it work so hard.

    Oh maybe I've been lucky but I have V8 Series 1, Series 1 Diesel radiator 1 x Kenlowe 1 peice front end from std body work, no additional holes and have never seen a heat problem?

  16. Hello,

    I am new to this forum so I hope I am posting in the right place. I am thinking of using Megajolt on an EDIS set up. The dizzy is the weak link when it comes to water!

    I have a 3.5efi and the flapper AFM. Has anyone done the same? Looking at it, I will need a signal to drive pin one of the ECU (RPM). Will the tacho out on Megajolt do the job? Anything else I should know on the set up?



    Hi Paul

    If you wait patiently Nige will be along and he has a bit of experience :)

    In the mean time have a look here


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