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Posts posted by Badger110

  1. I finished off the frame around the opening last night


    It will partly form the base for the bed, however i chose to do this, which i haven't fully commited to a design just yet. 

    I have decided to not go with the bunks as i'm a fussy sleeper and as i get older and wiser grumpier i want to enjoy comforts and a little space when sleeping.

    The frame legs will be bolted through the original roof onto the aluminium spacer so it'll be pretty strong.  

    If i'm honest it's untested as to how well it'll perform in a crash, but with cutting a hole in the roof, at least i've kept some integrity of the mass removed.

    Dormobile put a few extra braces on the curve and be done with it!


     This is another turning point as this was the last thing stopping the roof being bolted on for the final time. 

    I have a few touches to the paint work to sort out and to spray the GRP and then it's onto the final stretch of swapping the roof's over!


    Oh and i have my surprise to show you :D

  2. 1 hour ago, Gazzar said:

    What's the name of the stuff you are getting to replace the felt?

    Well i was coming to that :D


    It's identical to the garrison door stuff but half the price, i have a friend who had to buy it on a large roll and has a fair amount left over.


    I was going to do a fitting session so you can see and then if you want some, we can sort out some kits for people 👍


  3. Got an afternoon to have a tinker in the workshop, wrist is painful but working through it cause I’m an impatient sod and want to do more welding :P


    I got some argoshield and a regulator and it’s like night n day compared to my pub gas effort...it still pales in comparison to most , if not all of you on here but it’s giving me confidence to continue 

    this was my first go;




    I started to weld these 2 pieces without clamping them, so they began to drift apart. I had to cut the weld and then I tacked a weld at one end, then carried on



  4. My wife just looked over my shoulder whilst reading this, patted me on the head and said ' i know how that feels '  and wandered off....😂


    As Dave said, parts will gain you more money but take longer t shift and i guarentee you'll be left with a pile of ' not so exclusive ' bits that will end up probably being scrapped.


    I have a project on the go otherwise i'd have a serious chat with you about what you have as i love the older 109's & 88's but being sensible is kicking in :P



  5. In the time between my first question and this one, i found a pair of one piece, sliding window variety for half the price, so quite happy.

    They are naked doors, so all the glazing, locks and such will need to be bought, but i've saved myself a few quid over buying a pair from paddocks or SP4x4.

    I will need to fashion a fake capping on these though as it's going to look abit odd otherwise ( i have 2 piece front doors )

  6. Does the glass sliders at the top of your doors slot into the door frame? It looks like it does in the picture

    On those i listed, the window frame area is flat with no visible signs of the glass slider sitting in anything


    Then again i can't see how the window winding mechanism fix's to anything on the lower door frame...

  7. Just as using it for powering 240v, i could run 2 batteries as 24v if the right system came along. 


    Not sure how i'd charge it unless it was through solar set up for 24v, which isn't a bad thing.


    Would i need to then split the pair of batteries running 24v for normal 12v operation...


  8. Having a nosy around i saw that some folk have been using the innards of UPS ( uninterupted power supplies ) for pc's and servers as a 12v to 240v inverter in their vehicles.

    The UPS's apparently use PSW inverters inside them

    Can anyone who has a notion or idea of whether this is a good practice as PSW inverters are bloody expensive and UPS's aren't ( 2nd hand market )


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