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Getting Comfortable
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  1. Maybe also list them in the order in which you last needed to get them out, much of this kit seems to be very rarely used!
  2. I think that mapping the site in detail, while useful to a small number of punters who can read a map (and then actually do so) does little more than demonstrate that we've tried. Marking / taping areas similarly: even where we have taped stuff off I often go round at the end of the event and pick up torn tape off the deck. Fundamental issue, which FF has already called out is that are a set of punters who are responsible (who can be let loose unsupervised) and a bunch who aren't (for whom only a free-range no rules site or highly marked and marshalled track is suitable). The huge challenge is working out which group each punter falls into: you can't tell from their truck or tires and its a brave club official who simply tells certain people they're not welcome at an event based on subjective criteria / gut feel... Members of this forum, by virtue of being folk who can read, write and take advice are going to almost all fall into the former category!
  3. As a participant, the joy for me of Walters was the freedom to go almost anywhere, test my vehicle (stock Series and Defender) and have to rely on my driving skills rather than brute force or giant tyres. I'd turn back from anything impossible (I'm driving it home so I am going to be careful of my truck) and you learn to be respectful of the site. I'm going round with a group of Club Members and we self-police. When I started to see it through the eyes of an organiser it's very different: Apart from the responsibility for over 100 people doing things that could easily lead to serious injury (or worse) you're acutely aware that the site is way too big to actively police their behaviour. You're entirely relying on the punters a) reading & listening to the briefings and b) actually following said instructions when the adrenaline is up. Once we knew that the owners had concerns about the impact of free-range driving it was only a matter of time before it was all over. I can't see it reopening like it was before. We'll have to go down the route of guided groups and/or marked routes. For maybe 50-60% of the punters that'll be fine but it's going to be a whole load more work to organise for sure.
  4. Dragging two broken-down Discos off the road and into a layby (one of which had gone to collect the other, which had earlier broken down itself)
  5. Offering to leave and go somewhere else usually reduces the quote!
  6. I've had an Alpicool for a couple of years. Earlier in the summer it packed up (maybe due to being accidentally left outdoors in a rainstorm). Fortunately, the nice people at AliExpress located me a new controller panel for £30 and its back to new again.
  7. You don't necessarily have to push down on an axle to level the vehicle, you could pull the opposite end tighter. A wire strop and pulley around the axle/chassis would take less space and have the same effect...
  8. I drive my S3 for everyday journeys whenever I get the opportunity. Its not fast but fun and you get to see more being higher up and not in a rush. And there's no doubt that they keep better for being driven, unlike a "proper classic" you don't have to worry about driving them in the rain as the aluminium body panels won't rust (the rest will, but it's all easy to repair when it does). I used to drive a '72 MGB but got paranoid about rust, road tar marks etc and didn't drive it enough.
  9. It looks really good, inspires me to try make one for mine. Especially now I've got my CNC plasma table working and I can cut out the bits myself.
  10. So what did the weight of it all come out to in the end?
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