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Everything posted by Top90

  1. Mine doesn't. May be as it's a hardtop (not SW) and does not have the HD suspension upgrade or alloys, I wanted more articulation for off-roading.
  2. I think they were fitted with alloys as a new option. My 05 110 CSW didn't have them, but I put that down to not buying four alloys for £800 on the options list.
  3. Or if you claim the VAT back as a commercial vehicle and then do the conversion... they won't like that either. You have to pay the tax man back.
  4. I think it looks nice on a defender the same colour as the grille really, and much better than the SVX silver thing.
  5. That is the idea, I'm sure. In years to come you won't have older, bigger polluting vehicles because no-one will want to fork out a pile of cash for VED. If you have that sort of money you'll buy a newer one and the third or fourth hand market will almost vanish for big old cars that are within the new road tax rules. It'll be bad enough will all the old electronics they have if something goes wrong but the VED cost will just put people off. It comes back to the fact that emissions data is used without any thought of production pollution or the actual milage a vehicle does.
  6. You didn't want to fit steering column controls and put it through as a disabled vehicle then?
  7. Mine is going in next month. LR charge about £440! so get a discount.
  8. I live 15 miles away, I go there because they are good even after you have handed over the money and I know them now. So I don't know pubs, local roads etc..
  9. Glad my dealership is not like these. Never had any problems and they have always been very helpful even though I don't go in wearing a suit. Lookers in Hadleigh, Essex.
  10. Josh, what sort of budget do you have to cover everything? If you can afford to modify, chip etc.. a later Td5 may be better with the 02 upgrades long term, or if insurance is going to be crippling get a Tdi and have some fun with it. I used my red 300Tdi truck cab as a commuter to London every day for a year and trialled it every month. No problem. Richard
  11. P+P did this: It was a good job with nice even gaps all over to the bodywork. They made up and fitted the rock sliders and rear bumpers at the same time. I would definately use them again.
  12. Having driven with the mud rails (and top of the bulkhead off) tonight for 90 minutes I have come across 3 things that I need to alter to make it perfect. 1. Can't reach the handbrake easily. (did a search on this: need a disco handbrake mounted on the top of the seatbox) 2. Because leg is not at 90 degrees to the floor now I need a foot rest to the side of the clutch pedal. Yes there is room ! 3. Shoulder rubs the seatbelt between the spool and pivot. Over a period of time this will cause a sore shoulder. Any ideas for 2 or 3 ? For three I was thinking a shorted mounting bolt for the seatbelt pivot or changing the passenger and drivers brackets around. I don't want to change back, it's a much better position and my knees don't hurt anymore after commuting through the London traffic. Richard
  13. I've just fitted the MUD rails and bulkhead top removal bar today... This thread reminded me, I've had them for a month or two. All I can say is WOW, what a difference. My knee is no longer touching the light switch. (which I bent up a bit when I bought the 90 as it was digging into my knee.)
  14. Box section is one way, or you can get a set of MUD rails which raises the seat and gives you more travel so it will go back further. The extra height means the seat can clear the bolt-together lips on the bodywork that stop defender seats from going back any further. If you have a hard top you will need to remove the top (or all) of the bulkhead to get the most from the extra travel.
  15. Yes it was ACE, and even with a loaded roofrack the disco will still corner better (with less body roll) than any other disco/defender. If you are talking about spare sensors for trips you'll want a throttle position sensor too. If that goes the engine will only idle on a Td5.
  16. I've not had to top any of mine up since the 300Tdi. They never seemed to use any. The puma might in time... offroading up a steep hill and giving it plenty of throttle causes some blue smoke for a few seconds. Then it clears and is fine, so I'm guessing the engine does not like very steep gradients and is sucking some oil in. Anyone had the same?
  17. Done 10k in mine now. Just a defective seal on the power steering has caused a return visit to the dealer. I have been trialling it too, so it's not just been on the road. Richard
  18. Yes, it's so you know someone is already interested, so you don't get the hump when they are sold to someone else. When I've sold I always do a strict queue so there can be no favoritism. Does this mean you'll be clearing posts that are replies, but show no relevence to the question? ie. Q. How economical is your disco Td5? A. My 300 defender does 30mpg.
  19. I always wave at defender drivers round here. Must have been a new thing for them as after a few goes they have started waving back. At first only the modified off-roaders returned the gesture. Sometimes you have to train people.
  20. On the puma I've noticed the ETC comes on earlier than the Td5. Trialling in 1st low with the engine on tickover it will still stop a wheel spinning if it starts to slip or loses contact with the ground. So the new system seems to need hardly any spin before it kicks in to keep you going. So where as the Td5 needed a bit of throttle the puma will climb things on tickover with the ETC working away, and from my experience so far it is very effective at very low speeds over very rough ground. ARBs are better if you know when to use them, but no point in both as with the diffs locked the drivetrain can't let one wheel turn faster than the others anyway, so you'll never have the ETC working.
  21. When my bits came over I needed to pay the delivery company some VAT or import duties or they would not leave them. I'm sure someone will know how to work it out but a price helps.
  22. It took me a few thousand miles to get into it. At first the gears were all out as I was used to a 5 speed and it was a bit too civillised. Now I've done nine thousand miles I'd not go back. It is slightly slower than my chipped Td5, but the improvements outweight the speed. Besides, how fast do you need to go in a defender? This one accelerates briskly up to the legal limit and sits there at 2,500rpm. At first I think the puma just lacked a bit of the old fashioned utility vehicle charm compared to a Tdi/Td5 due the refinement and quality, but it still has bags of character.
  23. You've only had it five minutes ! May be worth listing the kit added incase someone here is looking. Best not to be in a rush, unless it does not matter if you lose on it. My ex had to sell her 90 CSW three years ago when it was 4 months old and ended up losing £3k.
  24. I imagine the potential for disaster should you have an accident would put most people off.
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