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Everything posted by Top90

  1. Just to ask... If you rebuilt an old 90 using a galvanised chassis and parts from a later 300Tdi (for example) would this be a ringer? Asking due to a future project which would mean redoing an an '84 90 with a new chassis and running gear from a newer model. I was under the impression you could use like-for-like more modern parts, such as buying a write off (for the parts only) and using all the running gear as it's still 90 stuff... which would mean practically nothing of the old car is left so it's a complete rebuild/update. Richard
  2. Have you thought of finding a very crusty 90 and rebuilding that with your 90 chassis... You are allowed to use like for like parts, it does not have to be the original engine etc so maybe you could put the 90 ID on your creation that is apparently a 90.
  3. ^^^^ What he said. Make sure it's not a fault with the linkage before looking at the box.
  4. If you want to stop it from being scratched off roading put clear signwriters vinal down both sides. When you peel it off in a few years the paint will be like new still. Mine was.
  5. Russianfrog, if you think traction is an issue lock the centre diff and give it enough power to get the wheels spinning. The spinning wheels will activate the Traction Control. If the revs are up, the TC light is on (and you should hear it working) and you are still not going anywhere it's time to try something else... I took my 90 with TC trialling and even without the diff lock on it was going through slippery sections easier than standard LRs without TC and difflock on. Having used it I am very impressed with it. Richard
  6. As far as I know the front springs should be like that due to older 90s having not only the driver, but also the fuel tank on the same side. If you put the fronts on the wrong way round it will look OK, then when you fill up with fuel it will lean over. (that's how I know fronts are left and right handed) Richard
  7. Well, I'm glad I've never used Faddocks the imaginary company.
  8. Seeing the reasons for some of the call outs makes you realise just how stupid some people are !!
  9. I'd agree with Les. My offroader is bright orange. Very easy to describe if it went missing.
  10. Brilliant !! Any chance of an updated version? X-Alarm?
  11. Maybe you could put something in the forum rules (which people are supposed to read first) along the lines of: Don't post adverts or glowing reports for companies in your first posts as they will be deleted. We'll think you are working for the company you post about. Not that I have a problem with the company mentioned, as most of you know. Anyway, just a thought... This is the open and tolerant forum after all. (as long as you can spell reasonably well - I've seem many people flamed for that)
  12. IF they are passenger carrying varients they should come under the 'M1' class as a car and be exempt anyway. All commercials are 'N1' class which get caught. Problem is earlier vehicles did not have this idenifier on the log book. I have however had some of my converted disabled minibuses (listed at N1 Vans) changed to paassenger (M1) class by sending them to the DVLA and requesting the change. If you can do the same and ask them to change yours by adding the M1 to the log book they would be exempt automatically. My vehicles were built as vans, but then converted. As yours were passenger vehicles to start it must be worth a try. Richard
  13. So we should have no pollution standards/fines at all as it's a load of balls to raise money and go back to the days of smog then? After all, if pollution standards are only for tax and not to reduce pollution we would still have smog so bad you can't see your hand 2m in front of you some days. Oh, hang on... we don't have that anymore because standards came in that worked. While I agree that a lot of what the government does is carp it does not mean it all is. There is a difference between local pollution (like in cites) and global pollution too. I get the feeling I'm in the minority here that thinks sometimes the bigger picture is worth it... BTW, I'll still have my 300TDi pick up when the rules come in. But it will have an exhaust trap to catch the excess particulates if needed so that it passes. The fine is so high to make people convert vehicles. If it was £5 per day people would fork out (and moan) each day instead and in the long run the government would probably earn more. Right, I'm off now. Tomorrow I'll just say it's a load of balls. Saves time looking in to it or having a balanced discussion because the government are only interested in one thing... Money. Richard
  14. You are correct, but my point was it's not Euro III in full, it's only the Particulate parts of the regulations.
  15. 29mpg. Mixture of fast A road / Motorway (70%) and traffic / Slow country lanes (30%) Only modified by taking off the original tyres (personal choice - I hate those grabbers) and fitting alloys with 265/75/16 BFG A/T. That's over the last 2,000 miles. Did not pay attention at first as the last one (TD5) was worse until it had loosened up a bit. Richard
  16. Well my one has been great. Done 5,000 miles in the 90 now in about 10 weeks and still no faults.... Even put some small simex on and went trialling today. Man, that traction control is handy. (and allowed which axle diff locks are not) So they are not all the same. Richard
  17. I don't think so, it was developed yonks ago, which the 2.8 wasn't. Euro II was upcoming in the future when the 300TDi was develpoed so it would probably have been built to pass those requirements. Due to the long life of land rovers this can been seen as unfair and we have been caught up in the legislation, but when the rules come in it will apply to vehicles 12 years old or more. I am saying there is a bigger picture and it's unfortunate that we have been included because our vehicles last far longer than most others. I don't know any companies that run commercial vehicles older than 12 years. (And some of those over 12 will pass!) Don't forget that there are already a few options to convert earlier vehicles and as the date approaches more options will become available. Also many non-euro III vehicles will pass because it's only the Particulate Matter part of the euro III legislation that applies. They have not applied the full standards as (allegedly) many of thier own vehicles failed the other parts and it would have cost them too much to upgrade the bus fleet. I've dealt with this quite a bit... fleet of 90 minibuses and a few coaches. Richard
  18. I would strongly recommend going on a basic off roading course too. Gives you a much better understanding of how the vehicle works and what it can do. Also there should be a qualified instructor there who can answer any questions as you think of them. I did one when I got my first defender and it was money well spent. Richard
  19. You seem to have been rather unlucky with this one. Can't you back it and get another ? I thought they had to be fit for purpose or something.... Richard
  20. Edited as I posting something daft... and have now found the answer.
  21. It needs to be euro III by 2010. I can't see how TD5s are not euro III, as if they were not Land Rover would not have been allowed to sell them after 1st Jan 2001 when all vehicles had to be euro III by law. Did they do a mod or were they all euro III ? (which I would have thought they were) So your Tomb Raider should be fine. My opinion was this was going to hit older diesel vehicles such as 300TDi and earlier. By the time it comes in you are talking about vehicles around 12 years and older. Classic registered vehicles are exempt. Unfortunately now we have a London mayor (who costs us a fortune) it will not change even if a new candidate gets the job. Having visited the centre of London in the summer I would agree that diesel fumes are a problem. Unfortunately while sorting out all the old vans, buses and taxis some land rovers are going to get caught. It's easy to jump on the bandwagon and slag off the mayor/city/country but most of the people who have to work and live in central London will appreciate the difference. Richard
  22. I'm looking for the instructions to fit the disc conversion to Volvo C303 axles. Had a good look on the new flying spanners site and can't see it anywhere. Can anyone help? Got the car stripped down at work. Got a pile of bits and would like to get it back together. Richard
  23. I had a spare one for my car in the shed and never used it. 90 with ARBs now sold. So if you can wait for a few days theres the possibility of a cheaper one... Richard
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