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Everything posted by Boothy

  1. Hello hello hello And what competition are you entering Natham, best haircut or shiniest paintwork???? Boothy
  2. No, the deepest water was not 3 feet, the punch at the far end of the site on an island was far deeper than that, approached from any angle and my co-driver waded it at chest height from all different routes and he's over 6ft tall, see Simon's photo's. There were post's from various people all week boasting of how deep the water was, and the weather was no suprise either it had been forecasted all week, that's the reason why I went cheap hotel instead of tent (soft ar*e). If 30% of the 40 punches were in water that is possibly deep and were ignored by competitors, which is their option, and as Neil clearly states at the drivers brief "don't attempt anything that you or your vehicle are not capable of", then the remaining punches with the possible entry of up to 40 vehicles are going to be rather crowded, and some tempers will not doubt be frayed, especially with some of the more shall we say, enthusiatic teams. I personally enjoy the water, even though it's costly in oil changes and damage to components etc, any LR axle will inevitably take in water no matter how good seals and breathers are, but thats known beforehand, wet through seats dry in summer but stink in winter, electrical problems can be overcome, but starters and alternators don't like it. Water can be a very expensive place to play, let alone the obvious dangers as Paul clearly states. I always take off my harness when entering water or mush of any depth and do always tell any Marshalls around the reasons why and put in straight back on afterwards. Little bit of water is great fun, great for spectators and photo's but Kirton was a bit excessive on all counts i'm afraid Gents. Accept a bit of light friendly critisism and keep up the normally fantanstic work that you do, I'm pleased to compete with you, and think the standard of punches is normally spot on, and thank you for what you do to enable these comps to take place, but do try to keep seats dry please if only for the wife's sake. See you next one, if I'm allowed out again. Boothy
  3. Its a bit like a trial Mr T, do you really want to set some mega hard section out, then put a steel post in there to spear a competitor when they roll or similar on it, it's not Gladiators you know. Boothy, short arm.
  4. Bet Saleys boots an pants were nice and dry, I had 2 washing bowls full of mix from front diff, two and a half full from engine sump, few mods to dipstick tube required, about 2 gallons of water plus 3 gallons of petrol out of tank, its cured the missfire/popping, the breather from the tank was to low, so can only presume it's drawn it in as it emptied, thought Sunday it's doing good on juice, didn't realise it's turned into a steam engine, not yet done transfer box or rear axle, but auto box was good, both Recaro's hum, no, really hum, can smell em in the house, but she's not figured it out yet!!! Cannot wait for next round, luv it.
  5. Der, tyre marks, ropes, deep water, GPS sat nav, V8 in water, drive like Chris Abel, Am I missing the point somewhere???
  6. I sat for a long time stuck in water up to the doortops whilst we rigged the ground anchor and eventually got it to dig enough to pull up on and presumed it filled the sump via the dipstick tube, which was taped but not properly sealed (thats another job now) Noticed it really when we got out and the tickover pressure was down to 5 psi instead of normally around 25ish on tickover hot (4.2 V8 with Megasquirt) soon as saw the gauge (mechanical) stuck it straight on the trailer. I'm more worried about my wet ar*e then the sump at the moment, a good flush and new oil should sort the engine out but I'm not so sure it's that easy for me. Great event, very hard punches, or was it me? It's not and excuse, it's a reason.
  7. I bet I've spent more time in water today than the average duck, problem is I'm not so well equipped, Filled me sump full of water via the dipstick tube ( I think) so lost oil pressure and called it a day, Had a brilliant day and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and had a great laugh, Thanks to all concerned again, congratulations to Chris and Simon again Is it me or were they hard punches? Boothy, ready for the next round
  8. Glynn and I didn't do SS1 because we were booked on it a 10.35hrs which is about 15 minutes after Glynn broke his bl**dy truck, so we missed our alocated time slot, We beat Saley and Kempy on SS2 by over 4 minutes which was good going considering we had to drag Glynn's truck though, he couldn't ever get over the bridge/pipe at the start or the section with a CV gone, and we got less penalities on SS2 than Hinge and Bracket did. But even though GSR341 well done you beat, fair and square, all the old men on time alone on the special stages. Make sure you remind them at regular intervals, if you can get a word in. See you next weekend
  9. Defender door catch, for catching belt or new jeans, or creating cat flap in back of new coat, and looking stooopid on the car park as you set off only to find you've hooked yourself!!!
  10. "And all respective co drivers who worked hard and seem to have been forgotten, Carl," Well I've never seen a co driver work hard, I've seen more moaning co drivers than I have moaning gearboxes, Wonder where the name bitch comes from? Fishing Carl ???
  11. Congratulations to Buxton & District for planning and running a very successfull event with obviously a lot of thought 'n' effort and risking trying that format which was proved to be a great idea. Never would of thought it would be possible to put 40 punches there and to make them good punches, I know an awfull lot of work went on there so well done to all concerned, highly enjoyable. Well done to John & Alan and teamates on your 1st place Look forward to the 2 dayer
  12. Since the fitment of Megasquirt my challenge truck has encountered loads of new problems that were never there before, due to the side effects that were unforeseen!!! This ability to spend ages perusing around submereged in water at bonnet depth has cost me a fortune in time and money (and shopping trips to keep her indoors happy) due to faults and failures cropping up everywhere. 1, ARB air pump mounted behind passenger seat, full of water and silt, replace 2, Rear winch solonoid failed, full of water and silt, (allbright), replace 3, Front winch solonoid failed, full of ware and silt, (allbright), replace 4, L/Hand alternator failed, full of water, weed and silt, replace 4, R/Hand alternator failed, full or water, weed and silt, replace 5, Both winch isolator switched siezed and high resisitance, full of water and silt, replace both 6, Drivers side Recaro seat heater (or pile pacifier) now stained following a bang and short circuit when sat on it , councilling and Doctors Are these common post water problems??? never really suffered before with having a V8 !! or is it a case of move everthing as high as possible??? or do I stop playing in water? ??? Boothy
  13. Is the entrants list out yet, we need to see the competition, so we know who to nobble, fill em full of Boddingtons, it's pleasant nobble but effective, Hey Carl?, never again Hurst
  14. I thought about expandable foam, when I first did my chassis but decided against it for 2 reasons 1, the moisture trap 2, how would it react to any future welding of the chassis, it would be interesting to see how much a chassis weighs when nice dry/empty and uncompeted or dunked regulary in mud and water, and say in a couple of years time, when like my chassis no matter which hole in the rails I poke a srewdriver or similar they all feel full of wet mud. Another point worth noting is that I'm in the process of breaking a 200Tdi Disco but before I do we are going to do a good muddy playday before weighing in the body, if its wet through and full of mud underneath it could fetch more than it did when it was new with scrap at the price it is, leave the window open, get the seats wet. I seriously think Alan leave it alone, or perhaps put more holes in where a lance could be inserted to wash out the muck, if its full of mud and weighs a ton it will help it land on its wheels if you roll it. See you soon mucker
  15. Given the choice of fitting a Staun or 2 hours around Tesco's followed by a Matalans "I'm just looking" expedition, I'm afraid it's "which one do you want go to first dearest" I did five single handed in an afternoon onto Mach5's you've got my best wishes.
  16. I realise that persons accused of cheating deliberatly are not the competitors who are are winning or indeed in the top few finishers, and could be found anywhere in the field, I hope thats clear, I was trying to make light of the situation. Marshalling is in my opinion a difficult, sometimes boring and totally thankless, unpaid task, especially in the weather conditions that sometimes occur, which was proven again at the weekend, I'm sure we all realise no marshalls= no competion, its a real no brainer, they do it as we do purely for enjoyment, so we have to accept a little inconsistancy every now and then I suppose. We are not playing for a trip to Florida, a new Defender or the morgage payed for life, its a sport and hobby, a scource of enjoyment, lets get on with it respectfully and not cheat on one another or call the odd poor decisions by a marshall. Personally I am more than happy to finish last or whatever, knowing I have not cheated but tried my best and enjoyed myself.
  17. What an absolute freezer, friggin cold and windy, but great day, a big thank you to all concerned. I think I take the trophy for the last vehicle to finish running without any breakages, I'll tell you before slack lips Sales does. As a dare I did the one in the water hole near the start by SS1 in a forward direction in the V8 and got myself soaked to just under the nipples and got even colder, but it never missed a beat thanks to Megasquirt. So hopefully things can only get better, and not wetter. Dirty diesel, is that you who had the oil of me? if so i didn't realise until later and it was a pleasure to meet you. Boothy, now doing extensive practacing
  18. "That would be risky if he rolls over in his sleep" Mr Sales, I don't sleep with men, unlike yourself in the YMCA "camp" ervan and I'm sure if I rolled over and felt a little prick I could soon work out who it was, not for me, thank you. I will be sleeping in my feather bed and travelling early Sunday morning to site because were off out to a 40th birthday party Saturday night, that is what I've been told and threatened with by SWMBO (plus I might get more points there), just got to keep the lad away from alchohol, which is probably going to be more difficult than winning the special stage. Weather looks good for a cracking event over the weekend, can't wait.
  19. Here we go Adrian, Manchester Wednesday, heavy rain, cold and wind blowing nicely, bit like last year really, be prepared!!! Cowm quarry guidelines, look at weather forecast for Manchester then subtract 10 degrees from the temprature and 3 months of the expected weather for time of year, i.e. June = cold and wet, with possible snow flurries. See you all there, good luck
  20. "Check this out : http://www.mudrhino.com.au/Movies/EngelTeaser2.wmv Imagine doing that without a helmet ? " Jezus Jim, I've got a 4.2 Turbo Patrol but it wont shift like that (I think) But after watching that it could be time for a re-think
  21. I've got a great big heavy Snap On one (second hand) which I mount in the vice and a Machine mart portable cheapo unit, and to be honest if you cut the pipe (copper or kunifer) square de-burr the end and use it properly it does a cracking job, especially if you're under the motor doing something.
  22. A book could easily be written on roll cages and I think enough information is in the technical archive to do so, but a good roll cage does not need to be expensive and a good well made, well planned cage can and will easily out perform many expensive ones. The ARC handbook is excellent as is the AWDC one on methods of securing and constructing cages and well worth aread before installing one, its like anything only as good as its foundations.
  23. Yep exactly the point I'm trying to make Neil, My motor has a current MSA logbook and a Tag on the cage and what a pain in the rear it can be and was to get it.
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