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Everything posted by Boothy

  1. I've got a funny feeling that Buxton & District LRC are just about to make round one of the Northern series a whole lot more interesting by changing it slightly or almightly, which should make it a whole lot easier to enter, and if they do as they say they will definitely have an entry from myself, Saley, Glynn Yates & Dan Thomas. Watch this space. Grand National tips out early next week, but they won't be cheap. Boothy
  2. No I lasted until about 2.30ish but I was soaked to the skin early doors and bloody frozen all day, I saw the oil pressure dropping when I had been in the deep stuff for about 20 minutes waiting for the lad to get to grips with the ground anchor and I presume I filled the sump via the dipstick with muddy water, so turned it off and called it a day. I've spent the last week water proofiing it again, for nowt now were only puddle splashing. Hotel Saturday night, I'm still a soft ar*e.
  3. I was chuffed to bits to be able to remember the route through the deep water in the big lake Rob, after spending ages in the morning and eventually giving up on it after several deep dunkings, and then watching you go to it at half tyre depth after I retired when I filled the dipstick, and now we are not using it See you all Sun, minus paint job Chris
  4. I've been working flat out on mine and I think it may be nearly ready, but untested WOOOOOOP WOOOOOOOOOOOO
  5. Stick a diff on it and I think you're really on to something, Make a fantastic granny trolley, or a Turner carrier.
  6. Glynn Yates and John Sales have the auto shifter built into the dash, high up to avoid it getting full of sludge etc, I've mounted mine on a frame affair above the high/low shifter for the same reasons, working on the principle its very rare it moves out of low/difflock so doesn't cause a big problem moving it. Andb is bob on when he says it's mechanical link, the lever on the outside of the box acts directly onto the valve block and the park position is a mechanical linkage inside the box to the rachet pawl on the back of the box, if you've seen the pawl and it's strength you would certainly take it out of park when using it as an anchor in a comp etc and rely on chocks or the handbrake, it's not the strongest bit of kit in the world, but then again I don't supose it was meant to be. Don't put the manual back in it will be a massive step in the wrong direction. Good luck
  7. Try cable manfactures, who will if you take a old cable make a new one to your length from the ends of your old cables for a fraction of the cost of a new LR one. Have a ring around and you'll find one.
  8. Blonde moment over, out this morning grounded spare red/black wire after belling it out and hey presto the gauge on megatune shot up to 14*C and it's back to normal, sorry boys but like we said "you've answered your own question". What I did on the transplant was to minimise the loom and improve as best as I could to tidy things right up, it's a good job I kept a couple back I was a bit suspicious of. What is an average Kpa reading for a newish (re bored about 50 hours ago) high comp biggish V8 ticking over at about 1100prm, yes I know thats a bit high but there is no power steering pump connected, I've just converted to electric water pump so no pulley anymore, and only one alternator at the moment, plus it's an auto in neutral. Thanks again lads
  9. "Us lot" only need one with the hydbullock winches, and especially when some of "us lot" won't get our wheel nuts wet, will they hey Pampers You could run digga, digga, digga, of a duracell and a light switch, couldn't you
  10. "Us lot" put them where they fit best. Away from the water the water for me because they suffer after they been wet . Some of "us lot" use the 250Amp metal keyed type.
  11. Just a quick daft question that's probably lost in the wealth of info under the Megasquirt threads, If the water temp sender fails and goes open circuit, then I presume the program thinks it's excessively cold and richens up to some ridiculous amount of fuelling, but why wont the air inlet temp adjust it back, or am I on the wrong train of thought ? Problem is I've just transplanted and rewired the megasquirt and it's running almightly rich so either temp senders gone u/s which could be a coincidence or wrong wire, wire bells out ok, but it will be monday now before I can get another on to prove either way, Last daft question does the temp sensor earth itself or does the second pin need earthing somewhere ?, its a standard Rover EFi one, I think I've just solved own problem here. Also at the moment when it runs it will not re start afterwards, but does start loverly first time when cold . Thanks lads.
  12. Bloody hell Nobby, they are £171 + vat
  13. I used a air temp of a Laguna, it was about £12 and fitted into a M12 fine nut (I think) which was just a straight weld into my snorkel pipe, and took a standard 2 pin connection. Fridge, for the life of me I couldn't talk him into Megasquirt, it isn't good enough, don't tell me I know what I'm glad I'm using.
  14. Can I just chip in to make a statement, My good mate has a Mk1 Escort straight line 1/4 mile racer to which he has just fitted a brand new Duratec engine, he has spent an absolute fortune on this car (45K +) and choose the Emerald system for the ECU, after 18 months of building, the ECU was finally powered up and doesn't work, after a few phone calls to Emerald it's basically hard luck mate your ECU's f****d and needs a look at, which we we will charge you for, because it's 18 months old and out of warranty,even though it's never been powered up. He's jealous to death when he reads this forum and see's what a wealth of good, solid, free information is available for the "inferior" Megasquirt system. Makes me kinda proud to be inferior. Just a massive pat on the back lads
  15. I'm ducking out because me rebuild is not yet ready despite some very hard work, by myself and some great mates, Saley recons it's because I don't like camping, I agree I totally hate bl**dy camping, it's for rough arses, but thats not the real reason, The motor is so very close, but not yet ready and it would be a shame to rush it just for one round, Thanks to all who helped on the build especially one man who I cannot thank enough, I know we said a 10 day build Adrian but we changed the spec a fair bit, you'll see. Hope you all have a great weekend, see you in round 2, might even spray it this year if there's time.
  16. I'm still waiting a part for the hydro-steer, I've just finished welding the roof on, well front and one side, The rad might have to back in the front for one event only, no brakes, no steering, no engine, no paint (but that doesn't matter), still got loads of jobs yet, oh and no panhard rod yet, still being made, who knows, I think I'm looking doubtful but will keep trying yer never know.
  17. If I recall correctly the flow is high up on the nearside (UK) and the return just flows back to the sump pan offside. I honestly believe your better off not knowing about gearbox temp if your competing it's just something else to worry about but hey ho.
  18. Have a look at John Sales hydraulic competition winch, which is lightening fast, supremely reliable, will pull America closer (if you've a rope long enough), cheap enough, has a proper freespool, and is completly built in Britain, yes Britain, chain driven pump gives loads of fluid.
  19. If it's the round black plastic screw on lid type of bottle remove the bottle and thoroughly clean the bootom checking for small passageways or partial blockages, apparantly it's quite common. No Howlin Wolf,come on man whats goin in ????
  20. I shall be putting in a guest appearance even though I'm doing a night shift Saturday night outside on the railway until 08.30hrs, The Tunnah truck could steal the show again. had a preview it's nice, very nice, very very nice.
  21. Matt and co, I will definitly not be doing the first event this year, at the moment I have no steering (parts for hydrosteer arrive in 10 days) and many other things not ready yet following a total re-build/re-chassis although I could get a partner but its difficult to say until parts arrive and work!! Probably see later in the year,good luck.
  22. Not deep water, now there's something new, hey Big Blue ??
  23. I fully agree with gsr341, Agree a formatt, agree a time, agree a structure, agree a scoring system, publish it prior to the event, and stick to it !!!!, don't make it up as you go alomg and forget to tell everyone. Why do 2 day events ??? Why do events have to be 2 vehicles ???, it puts more pressure on the drivers and also puts a lot of people of enterering, if one fails they both fail or if one cannot turn upon the day for various reasons etc, it isn't always easy finding a partner for everyone, I know the club can partner people up if needed, it's not an option I would like to take with a stranger or a hopelessly miss-matched couple. Also the road legal bit may have an effect Just observations
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