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Posts posted by Boothy

  1. On my petrol truckcab that was built for any type of use but had to pass ALRC comp safari regs, I ended up with a central mounted cut off (the type with the metal key/bar to operate it,about £15 eblag) that anyone inside can reach plus a cable to each side of the truckcab that can be pulled from the outside if needed, (about a tenner each from Rally suppliers), plus a seperate one for the winches (again another 250A metal key type).

    That way it should pass any scrutineering, on that subject anyway, plus its safe to which is another bonus.

  2. A vehicle with standard 90 gearing on 35" tires travels 410ft/min in low 1st at 2000rpm

    Does that work out the same for an automatic, and if your using under inflated tyres then surely your rolling radius is contantly changing as is your gearbox torque convertor pressure affecting drive speed,

    and if you had perfect traction and perfect gear ratio because everything was fixed and not totally variable, then why would you be using a winch anyway?

    Just a thought.

  3. I was told by my supplier (Booles at Stockport) that if you want to bend blue band only consider using Chorus British steel pipe because the foreign imported cheaper stuff stands a high chance of kinking, deorming, and therefore loads of wastage so ending upcosting more.

    We've made several full cages with a Clarke bender and Chorus steel and so far the only wastage was self inficted i.e. carp measuring.

    Tray backing mine next week and watch all me pipe kink and deform following this post.

  4. Being up Norf, where us men are tougher (so they say, and ficker) we soon found out that when we really needed heat the wood burner is a ball ache, to much time spend pratting around with it,

    so we adapted, indeed we evolved, and used something we call GAS,

    its a bit like a Jap import, turn it on it starts, does the job, and can be left alone!, bit like us up North :P:rolleyes:

  5. Size wise i don't think LCs would be small for anyone- i'm 6ft1 and 23 stone so there aren't many around larger- i still have a good 3-4 inces headroom above me. You'd have to be giant to feel squashed- unlike in a Classic RaRo where i was squashed in every dimension!

    Jim your'e a light weight, shortass, move over let the big boys in,

    I'm taller and fatter and cannot get under the roof of a LC without the headthump, then I have to sit like a vulture to see where I'm going :)

  6. I've a LWB 4.2 turbo diesel 97 Patrol and its the dog's danglies, and if your tall as well as fat its bigger inside than the LC, absolutely bomproof, totally reliable, turn key it starts, turn key it stops, and there's a bonnet pull somewhere inside it!

    Use it for towing my Challenge motor around the country, has enough room in the back to carry all the camping gear, shed load of parts for winches and me V8 90, spare clothes, petrol power washer, 250 litres of water for washer, gazeebo, oh and the back seats still up at this point in case anybody else wants to come, and pulls like a train ALL DAY.

    I cannot praise it enough, and never thought i would, untill I bought it a couple of years ago. and the Aussies idolise the things.

    Love the Landies for playing and modding, but then there's getting them there without hassle.

  7. Its roughly the same size as a 8274 and I think it will fit where a 8274 will fit,

    Look at the size of the drum its huge and should hold a good length of some seriously thick rope, and like big green says no worries about bunching, which on its own is a massive advantage,

    it had about 70 foot of 12mm on yesterday and it looked lost on there.....(bit like me in Tesco's)

  8. Lads,

    All I can say I was totally impressed by the speed power and I worked a treat 1st time out.

    Flew through a lot of varied tests and I like it, I will upload a video of it through some deep sand and mud as soon as I find how to and the lead for the phone

    You will without question be impressed.


  9. Adrian

    The boat in question was roughly the size of one of my a**e cheeks and it was minus 5 degrees and was no comparison to a 75 000 tonne ocean going cruiser, it looked like a suicide mission and a chance for an early grave, and I was not the only coward, you know us V8 men and water and that was no exception.

    As you are no doubt aware I have no problem with Colin and co and was happy to send a Xmas card to wish them all well, I have bought and will continue to buy of them with no resevations whatsoever, and wish them good luck in their series of competitions, more the merrier.

    Looks like there's more than just the frost biting.

  10. Looking flippin good pal, you've proved to the South were not all dim up North, just most of us!

    What does he mean "keep Boothy away from it" does he realise I'm on the payroll?

    Well done John and Carl, just put a V8 in it now and it will be the dogs danglies. :P:rolleyes:

  11. I used to be a senior installer on British Rail and when we did battery rooms, (yes, rooms full of big batteries) if no proper crimps were available we would solder crimps on.

    Using a blow lamp (not a flame thrower) we would tin the wire and then fill the hot crimp with molten solder, just a quick reheat on the wire the fuse the two together making sure the solder remains a nice bright silver, then a bit of insulation tape or a heatshrink and hey presto, you have phsyically and electrically sound union.

    Remember when wiring winches and big supplies 9 times out of 10 theres no fuse involved and a large battery, usually mounted under a seat (which can sometimes take a couple of minutes to remove) and if a crapply crimped end falls off, the perfect potential to start a cracking fire with a bare end and a potential of 600+ amps, and I bet your insurance company would be all to happy to sort you out.

    Take up deisel jims offer, and buy him a beer, you know it makes sense.

  12. Word of caution for HW entrants

    Don't get to close to Saley, following his repaint in Grey antislip floorpaint,!!!

    The antislip texture its rough to tough, sort of a cross between a matchbox and a cows tongue,

    being in battleship grey, dangerous in the woods, it could get shot by the local farmer for resembleing a woodpigeon,

    You have been warned !!!

  13. Whilst holidaying on a cruise ship in the middle of the Med just of Morrocco,I ws treated to a tour of the bridge, where a periscope is fitted to the compass.

    The ships magnetic compass is situated at the highest possible point of the vessel up this bloody big high mast thing, where it has less magnetic influences on it and can only be normally viewed by the periscope.

    Load of carp because they don't use it, but it's there I suppose if every things else fails.

    So Hattymender, fit a periscope on a pole, end of problems but watch for low bridges and things.

    Your welcome :D

  14. Teebags,

    A good V8 will usually when reving run at about 40psi, mine hits 60psi when its cold and I overev it a bit, but bearing in mind they are not a high pressure unit and usually high pressure on a V8 will result in leaks all over the place.

    I would not hesitate but to fit a good quality mechanical gauge, it will only ever tell the truth and will also do it underwater if need be, and the modern plastic pipes rarely fail and if they do tie a bleedin knot in it.


  15. Lads, Thank you for the time you spent replying.

    Following that I will be using Megasquirt as I was in an I'm not sure yet stage.

    Hybrid from Hell, I stand corrected, I now know its lumbadido sensor but got it wrong I'm sorry I'm from up North yer know. :rolleyes:

    I was talking at the Eurochallenge this summer to Roger (I struggle2gate) who almost convinced me then, saying how sweet his MS runs, but after loads of problems with my own after a serious rebuild I've left alone a while.

    I've got a Malllory electronic dizzy and a Mark Adams bespoke chip which works really well in a 14CUX with all the toys added and am hesistant to move on again, but always feel thats there is a bit more to gained.

    Look forward to meeting and seeing some MSquirters in action I believe a few of you may be doing some rounds of the HW 2008 Challenges this year, I always feel like the last of the V8's with all them clattering oil burners things going twang all around me.

    Thanks again, and I was just after opinions thats all.

    Boothy (from up North) :D

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