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Posts posted by Boothy

  1. I didn't read properly first time to realise yer on a weekend away Dan,

    I had a mail of Neil earlier who says it might not be on yet as the list closes tommorow and he aint quite got enough to run it yet.

    Dunc, ave a looksee at the Scorpion website under news and events, Clubman challenge for info.

    All 8 running sweet as nut and twice as quick but it still don't like water Dan, but I've nearly taught it to swim.

  2. Pigster,

    Boothy here,

    Belive you me I am slightly heavier than 15 stone and my Coleman double inflatable airbed is the dogs doodaa's and cost about a tenner from Go Outdoors,

    Saley will tell you quality of sleep I get on it because all he did all day at Ashbourne was moan like an old fishwife, about me snoring all night whilst blissfully asleep in my tent, SOBER. :closedeyes::closedeyes::closedeyes:

  3. Adrian,

    Not so sure about Slindon it's a hell of a way to go but I should be going to next Clubman at Little Whitley and we'll see from then on what the agenda is, if all goes well and to plan hopefully, I will do all the extreme events next year. Yesterday was the first extreme I've seen and was interesting to view but I'm more than prepared to have a go now and found it very frustrating to watch, if I get more than two punches it's a result, and believe you me I've had more than a couple of punches over the years, and most of em were justified.

    Hard luck for yesterday, what i was doing is noting how differently diffent drivers go at things and especially the old ex-trials drivers weigh things up, but again dead hard watching.

    Watching that water yesterday and thinking of my V8 and how she'll cope as well gives me a lot of new thinking material, plus the lasting thought of Donk stood there in only his boxer shorts washing off worries me to!

  4. Glaggs,

    What a belting photo of Glynn and Barry (the Donk),

    I did a days marshalling and enjoyed it watching the different styles and approaches to punches, it was very educating, although I had planned to watch carefully (the legend) Adrian Turner (payback time Turner) but was dissapointed after hearing he hardly got of the carpark, and it was great to see my son Tom bitching for Saley, the finished product after sixteen years of careful grooming coming good, but not coming clean and stinking the Nisssan out for an hour on the way home after Saleys instant swimming lessons, in size 11 steel toe cap boots, the wife sents her thanks for the washing.

    Great comp, well done everbody, and well done Alans team.


  5. Its not twiggy its Dopey if you don't mind Adrian.

    He who laughs last, laughs longest my friends.

    He who got laughed at is MARSHALLING at Cowm Quarry and doesn't forget a bloody thing.

    He will have eyes like the proverbial s***house rat.

    Be a good day hopefully and I look forward to seeing some of you again, and its a pleasure spending a couple of days in the workshop with Saley, I didn't realise just how much I knew compared to some other folk. :hysterical::hysterical:

    Boothy out

  6. This week I had the use of Saleys ramp to replace the rear crank seal which I thought had failed on my beloved V8.

    Saley and myself removed the autbox Wednesday only to find out it was the rear camshaft coreplug that had "fellout" (that another tecnical thread) anyway no coreplug on site so abandon for the day to resume Thurs morning.

    Thursday morning,

    Saley has to go out untill about 10.00 he says, so Boothy thinks do the impossible and get it single handed before he returns.

    Boothy does it with seconds to spare, bellhousing bolted up, gearbox mounts bolted up, cooler pipes fitted, speedo cable done, gearshift cable fitted, just the torque converter left to bolt up.

    Saley totally impresse by Boothys efforts came to help by turning the front pulley while Boothy fits four pins to plex plate.

    "It's very stiff Chris this is" states Saley, following a nose around,Boothy goes sick when we realise I've fitted the flywheel the wrong way around, ring gear bolts facing the box instead of the engine, if you've ever done one to will realise what I mean.

    Start again from square one,to finish.

    Reason for post.

    1 To thank Saley for use of ramp and assistance.

    2 To thank Mrs sales for food and use of Husband

    3 To warn others about rushing, and being a smart***e

    4 To tell the truth before Slacklips Sales does, and you know he will

    Keep checking you know it make sense. :huh::blink::angry::)

  7. Hello BBc is Boothy again,

    just to let you know when I fitted the rear crank oil seal it was already on the crank before fitting to avoid any damage.

    I had the good fortune this week of the use of Saleys (thanks again John) four poster ramp to remove the box to have a look at this rear seal which I presumed had failed, I decided it would be easier to go in from the rear 50/50 really, anyway thats the way I went.

    In the process of removing the bell housing cover plate, CLUNK!!!! on the floor fell this piece of alluminium all chewed up the size of a little egg, couple of hours later when the box was out it was revealed what it was, it was the rear camshaft alluminium core plug, work that one out. have replaced it checked again for end float of the Piper RP4 cam and the competition cam shaft gear and chain, which does not require shimming. So lost me that one.

    Anyway refitted a new one with a coating of blue hylomar and hopefully it won't re-occur.

    I was torn with Hylomar or gloss paint was another suggestion from an engine builder but i was concerned if any got into the oilway or the rear cam bearing.

    The original problem was a steady dripping of oil out of the wading plug apperture but no loss of pressure of anything to cause concern with the exception of the drip.

    Good luck and I hope it works well for you.


  8. Fantastic thread BBC but I hope your have more luck than my big V8 after I finally got the engine run in nicely, chuffed to bits with output etc, then with its usual 60psi oil pressure blew back seal so it drips continuosly through the wading plug hole when its running now, so its all undone and ready to come again, b*****d.

    My local car accessory/parts supplier gets me the original green Duckhams Q classic 20/50, so there is still good 20/50 around and its not old stock its still made, pukka stuff.

    Good luck and keep away from these boosted chip fat burners and keep a heart in your motor, be British be proud of a misfire. :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

    Booto 101 out. :i-m_so_happy:

  9. Hello Divister,

    Dried out yet?

    Been the toilet lately?, I dare'nt in case I get pushed around and bullied while i'm in there, me Mum used to tell me watch out for strange men when I'm in the toilet but she never mentioned "driving Landrovers".

  10. Hello there,

    I've just had enermous problems getting a 4.6efi running right with fuel problems etc and did a lot of asking around and research into it, so hopefully this might be of a little help.

    If using a gravity fed pump regardless of wether or not it's fed from a swirl pot or direct of the tank the fuel filter should be on the pressurised side of the pump, that defies all logic of protecting he pump I know, the return to the tank may have to be of a larger bore pipe certainly not less and certainly not restrictive. I had massive problems getting a steady tickover when warm due to poor return, caused me loads of problems but when the engine is cold more fuel is used and when revving it obviously is, but when its warm and at tickover thats the time when most fuel is returned to tank and to stop to much pressure building in the fuel rail a good return is needed.

    I bought a pump of RPI for about £90 its a Bosch blue pump which say they they use on motors with big outputs no problem at all, and since then whilst browsing through a auction website found exactly the same pump from another supplier for £22.50, did I feel gutted, yes I did. It was listed as Vectra, SDI Vitese, Rover etc, and fuels mine no problem, and at that price its worth trying and is an affordable spare.

    On the question of swirl pots, its normally a race car that needs them for thrusting around corners to protect massive surges when the tank is near empty is the answer I got of the race boys, especilly on circuits with long constant turns, its the way I was heading but after some good advice on adjustable fuel pressure regulators and returns, I didn't go there and now run a big efi no problems at all.

    Hope it helps, sorry if it doesn't and good luck.

    Boothy out :)

  11. Hi Alan,

    I'll be glad to see you in something more stable and yes I will definitly be doing some challenges from now on, I did the clubman and got 3rd overall at Mawzley Furze last month and thorougly enjoyed it especially beating Saley by 14 places, perhaps it was a freak of nature but it was a good feeling especially after all the taunting I got beforehand, and I won the speed trial by a mile in my missfiring 4.6efi whilst still running it in.

    So definitly hooked now ready for the big ones, Warn 6hp 8274's front and rear, Simex and 2" lifted now and made it even shorter although its just tipping in at 2000kg even without me in. Just dreading the deep water in a V8 but who knows.

    See you soon and good luck with the brakes, oh and I use a line locker on my system to lock fluid in the brakes whilst pulling etc, and depending where you plumb it you can actually lock all four wheels on which is dead handy whilst you are recovering someone with your winch and saves you sitting with your foot on the brakes and takes a bit of load of your transfer case if using a x eng disc conversion, all i do is push brakes on, lock line locker and use handbrake it's then solid.

    Just a thought while your plumbing.

    Boothy out.

  12. Alan how fast you expecting to go to need racing brakes on the challenger, just in case you'd better put a bungee rope on the back in case you overcook it, and a faster bitch to keep up with it!!!!!!!!! :D:D

    Cannot wait to see it mate,

    Good luck ;)

  13. I was a confirmed ALRC trailer in series 2 V8 Landy,

    and I am a confirmed trialer and challange competitor with the AWDC and various other smaller clubs,

    so I do know how the AWDC North West area run their trials and the amount of vehicles usually present, either G Wagon Japanese or indeed the good old Land Rover, of which I am an owner.

    The point I was trying to make is, an introduction into CCV etc is usually through RTV, and yes I agree it should be non damaging, but if no one bothers or can find a standard vehicle to turn up in then they will go elsewhere, which is what they are doing, and the other clubs will benefit and find them a class, and a level to compete in.

    Tyro is hardly ever entered with Northern ALRC clubs, as indeed is the RTV, with as stated before one or possibly two regular entrants.

    Yes I have trailed against Disco 3's and zucki's of all shapes and descriptions and yes, they are very good, and yes there are long waits at starts of sections because of high numbers of vehicles entered, but thats good, thats what will keep the clubs going, and pay for the cost of sites etc.

    Who will replace people, who either though ill health, old age, or just got fed up with it, ex ALRC members if they are not coming through the ranks? After all a good standard series is not an easily affordable item in good nick any more for a newcomer to bounce around a quarry and a good coilsprung is likely to have goodies bolted to it, and most people do not have a coil sprung 80incher they saw in the local paper.

    Roverdrive, I was not being personal or having a go at anybody imparticular just a general dig. Get em in to the 21 century.

  14. Thanks John,

    I had a great day, the other competitors all seem sound and a good bunch, and it seemed well organised.

    Bit of damage to the rear tub and the usual mirrors but I did say before "keep me outa the trees"

    Reart tub/crossmember needs some improving anyway.

    Found it mega hard finding punches because its the first one and it took a bit of getting into the swing of things, but the lad came good in the end.

    Had to change a steering rod as well with no hammer (forgot it) but thats life.

    Anyway thanks to everbody and look forward to the next on :):)

  15. Totally agree with David Llama, the ARC will go out of existance, unless they move with times a little,

    The shops are full of bolt on goodies, bumpers, wheels, diff lockers etc, and most people do not want to drive a bog standard 90 or series etc, the mags are full of goodies but the ARC will not let be used, bumper must be standard width height depth etc and parallel to bodywork, no more than 100" offset at wheel etc etc etc.

    The 1970's style regulations are killing the clubs.

    Roverdrive in his standard range Rover with Grizzly Claws (which they thought long and hard about banning) cannot help but agree, when "Lancashire and Cheshire ARC" rarely have more than 3 RTV's at an event it confirms my words sorry but true, it will not pay for sites landowners are constantly after more money and after all most people do not want to compete against a standard 1986 Range Rover with an owner who does not to scatch it.

    The other big headache for the ARC is traction control and factory fitted lockers etc, whats good enough for one must be good enough for all, so before you fade into history have a real good think because not everybody turns up first time in a comp safari or a 80" triailer you must do something to attract and keep attracted newcomers and RTVs with a bit a bling and bolt on.

    AWDC regulary attract in the North West 20+ vehicles in RTV alone without Modified and Open classes, its easy to scorn but its a fact.

    Wake up or you will be gone the traders obviously know that from the Nationals

  16. I hoping to meet Saley, Glynn, Ned, Barry and co at the A5 truckstop at Cannock, which is get off M6 sth at Cannock A5 (just before Hilton park) turn left towards Cannock/Browhills etc about a mile on left just past chasewater, hopefully at 06.00hrs (24 hour clock on the railway, she goes mad, tea at 17.30 hrs darlin), then there's about 75 miles to go.

    Good snappin at the truckstop, rough'n'ready, fill the bitches full of bacon and it'll slow the opposition down

    Thats the plan owt can appen now :rolleyes::D

    Boothy out, now pick the airflow meter from the six on the floor and see which one misses the least, and fit! :unsure:

  17. Thanks General, the ground anchor arrived yesterday, and its heavy, no, really heavy, i've put the lad on steroids.

    Good plenty of trees, I without shadow of a doubt I bend fronts every time there's trees around, hey hey Saley!!

    Dan I'm going to trailor mine down early Sunday morning, I don't really go much over 60 cause its heavy, so if your blasting off I see you somewhere near, I hope to set off at about 05.00 from Congleton, wait till the neighbours hear the 4.2 Nissan diesel spring into life. Can't afford 250 mile round trip in a V8 have to sell to sell something.

    I'm going to stop to get some snappin on the way somewhere probably at cannock chase, a good full breakfast or two will definatly slow things down a little, bit like a cannibal, hey saley.

  18. Heyup Saley,

    Looks like you nearly forgot to enter, looks najw found a way of shutting you up with a one liner.

    Can't blame Ned poor blokes only just come out of hospital, after all, what else is a bitch for?

    Ordered a anchor from Devon just hope its here in time, and have you any more steel points that we could mod it with left, pal? :):):)

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