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Posts posted by cookie64

  1. at the show they had an old car tyre on its side filled with logs end on, this meant that you could just go crazy and split away without pieces flying off or falling over, it also means you can keep splitting smaller and smaller everytime

  2. also on the technicalitly front of fitting aftermarket HID kits, defenders win for the first time ever woooo,

    defenders are not a type approved vehicle so dont have to comply with type approval restictions like self adjusting lights, headlight washers etc. this is also the reason that we can get away with home made bumpers and suspension components etc :)

  3. i agree it probably is "technically" safer than a 115mm grinder due to its operating speed.

    Be wary about using old tired or cheap chinese wire wheels they can be lethal.

    I remember getting a safety post through in work the other year that a contractor at another company had died from using one. He was using a crappy old wheel and didnt have his overalls done up so the wires were hitting and getting stuck on the front of his t-shirt. He went home fine from work once he had removed all the spikes from his clothing and died during the night. apparently a wire had hit him straight on penetrated the skin and worked its way to his heart where it reaked havoc!!!!

  4. hi all

    I've decided to do some actual maintenance on my truck next weekend instead of bolting on new goodies :)

    both my front p/s bulkhead outrigger and the rear body tubular outrigger need replacing.

    i think the rear one will be a piece of cake but the front one looks a little more daunting.

    any advice on hw hard it is, the easiest way to do it etc without splitting the chassis and body??



  5. Hi all,

    I Have decided to start planning my next project and was thinking i would quite like a reciever hitch on my truck instead of the dixon bate i currently have (for ground clearance reasons)

    i was just wondering if any body had a reciever hitch and would they recommend them?

    my biggest concern is that currently if i want to tow a normal trailer (car or box) then i have to lower my ball all the way down and that is fitted to the end of a 6" extension too because of the height of the truck.

    will a reciever hitch be able to go this low?

    and will it be strong enough for heavy items this low?

    i regularly tow very heavy trailers and loaded car trailers so i cant risk not being able to have a low down ball

  6. i dont think he deserves any points

    every time i see his truck i point out things that are about to break and he ignores me, they then break haha

    the morning before we went out i said your axle is F-in knackerd start looking for a replacement, his response was "errr it'll be ok"

    what happened?? it snapped just next to the panhard rod mounting

    internals dont matter as long as the case fits im hopeing to reuse his internals

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