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Posts posted by oddballrovers

  1. I've recently noticed a slight misfire, literally like one cylinder just misses a single beat when pulling away/changing gear and when, for example, driving along steadily around the 1500-2000rpm range on light throttle, where it will cough once every few seconds-ish. Under hard acceleration, cruising, or deceleration it's either not there or not noticeable. Pulling away it's almost like a clutch judder, I thought it was until it did it going along as well.

    I'm suspecting the ignition but not knowing a lot about the FL lumps does anyone have a pointer as to what's likely to be the culprit? It's the early engine with a distributor and single coil.

    Oh and before anyone says it, no it's not using coolant etc. etc. - the lump itself was brand new less than 10k ago, with the pukka head gasket and stat relocation kit fitted.

    Hi John

    If I understand it right, it is only under light/medium load so it is when the lamda sensor does it influense rigth!

    It does sound like running lean, check for that.



    Ps why is it not MS'ed yet :P

  2. Hi Allan

    How about seal it totally, in front and rear weld in some off them the big screw things from oil drums I think they are 2" diameter, just cut them out off scraped drums, then you can remove them for inspection and you can give it a good spray off waxoil inside.

    Just my thoughts.



  3. Hi Al

    Here is my ideas and it is not just ideas it also works, as we have done quite a few builds like it and also done some consultant jobs and helped others out.

    We do sell motorcycle dynos from Dynojet, that the reason why I know about this stuff, and believe me Bike engines do make a lot off noise, our construction makes it possible to use our Dynoroom 24hours and it is placed in the middle off a small village

    There is two things; you have to dampen the sound inside the room and stop any sound from escaping the room.

    We do it by making two rooms inside the exsisting room.

    We are making use off the Rock wool stuff that is normally used under your concrete floor, it is put up in a frame system made off 1"x2" wood it is made as a room inside the room not touching the outer wall, when it is finished it is sprayed with some stuff so that the Rockwool doesn't fluff.

    The outer wall is made as a wooden construction off 2"x4" ( I just love that the Fraze " and this is a 2x4, but I cant remember where it is from) that construction is then covered with 1/2" plasterboard and every seem is sealed with acrylic something I don not know the English word for.

    In the wood construction is also 4" thick soft Rock wool.And again this room does not touch the outer wall.

    The important thing to think about the sound as if it was water you wanted to keep in :blink: have you ever noticed how Much noise that escapes a keyhole :unsure:

    This translated to a cheap DIY system would be; seal the outer wall completely every little crack needs attention.

    Then a wooden construction made off 1,5"x2,25" if you that size in your shop's and then 2" Rock wool in between and plaster board everything sealed-.

    Then you track dawn all the old carpet you can and you hang it dawn from the sealing about 2" from the walls but there is a risk off fire with the carpet it could be sprayed with the same stuff as is being used in theater's for the decorations.

    It sound like a lot off work but a thing that is also gained is the fact that it will be lot easier to heat the workshop.



  4. Hi Pete

    I am in the same situation with my build, I have them catches here on the desk and also wondered how to do, my thoughts so far was to drill a "pilot" hole 5mm, as close to the middle off where the catch is going to end, as possible, and then mark through that and then measure from that mark, do not know if I have explained myself clear enough but thats the my idea so far.

    I have chosen the ones that fits from the outside, not the ones that fits from the inside just to make life a bit easier.



  5. Hi All H.O.F.S. members

    Congratulation with the result, well done, ;) taken in account how tight the time schedule was and the end off the build it is rather fantastic that you made it at all.

    And for the coverage it has been top notch with info almost streaming in from various sources, thanks to all who contributed, so that the armchair vapour building squad also could fell the excitement.

    Big thumbs up here from DK

    Best regard


  6. HI

    You have one life, live it!! :P do not waste it with cheapish or wrongish fabrication :(

    Not very encouraging but safety is not to be taken lightly...

    There is actually quite a lot off good treads on rollcages here if you use the search function, I used them my self when I started my build The Kitten"

    Kind regards


  7. Hi Folks

    I have now read through the rules and regs for TFC and in them it is stated that you are not allowed to do drive assist winching in and out off the start and finish gate, how does that work in real world terms, are there no drive assist at all or am I not getting the point.

    Can someone please enlighten me on this

    Kind regards


  8. Got the Sparco Pro Jet (open face helmet), pretty light and easy to combine with intercom.


    Instead of the expensive Peltor communication systems, have you had a look at eartec? Full Duplex, not that expensive and tested them in a challenge and worked great!




    Hi Hendrik

    I know these com radios, they are as far as I know not legal in Europe I have investigated in them, I found them almost two years back, it appears that they use the same frequency as mobile phones do in the 900MHZ band.

    As far as I do remember I at that time found out that in the US these frequencies are located for this kind off equipment like we have here in Europe 430 something MHz for the same use nut a lot less power is allowed as far as I know.

    I know they are very good and cheap, but would not use them, I could be the guy who could not use my mobile phone to call the ambulance because off "jamming" from them..if you get me..

    You are right thu they are good I think I found out that the US rock-crawler guys use them alot.

    Kind regards


  9. Hi Alan and others in for Helmet purchase.

    We have used helmets for some years now, and before we bought them I had some thoughts.

    It must be possible somehow to clean them inside in an easy way, we all know that things can get pretty dirty not just mud but also sweaty and so.

    ( we have found that washing up liquid and a nailbrush do a good job and then on the heater for 24 hours after each event)

    The way the helmet straps are tighten must be oki with mud and must be easy to do and undo with dirty and sometimes frosty fingers or gloves on.

    It is a good thing if the helmet is easy to build in some kind off intercom, we use some very good but also rather expensive Peltor gear where you can speak both ways at the same time, which has proved to be very good.

    As we have not done speed events yet but are to do in the future, we chose a rather cheap bike helmet that was oki with the rules and regs.

    And paid a company to build in the Peltor stuff.

    For next years speed events we are going to buy the open Peltor helmets.

    That was just my 2'pennies

    Good luck with the purchase.

    Kind regards


  10. Hi All

    Can you knowledgable chaps tell me if the stud pattern and port positioning on a 200 tdi head is the same as on a 2.5 N/A D.

    Reason:- I'm looking into putting a 200 into a series but run it without the turbo, to save messing with intercoolers oil coolers and the problems of the disco turbo etc fouling the chassis. If the ports and studs are the same I'll just use th series manifolds and down pipe.


    Hi Scumduggler

    Welcome onboard this forum, there are lots off treads about what you are about to do, so try using the serch function and a whole lot off info is turning up ;)

    Good luck


  11. HI folks

    We are going down to Dresden to watch the registration friday 27/6 and prolog saturday 28/6 and hopefully also the first stage on sunday 29/6.

    We are doing it as a recon trip since we are planning to do it next year in The Kitten.

    We are flying in to Berlin on thursday afternoon, where we pickup a small hired car and then we drive down to Dresden to watch all the fun.

    The program is as below.

    28.06.2008 - Prolog

    29.06.2008 - Erste Etappe in Deutschland

    30.06.2008 - Zweite Etappe Grenzübertritt Gubin-Zagan

    01.07.2008 - Dritte Etappe Rundkurs Zagan

    02.07.2008 - Vierte Etappe Hannibal-Marathon-Etappe

    03.07.2008 - Fünfte Etappe kleiner Rundkurs Recz

    04.07.2008 - Sechste Etappe grosser Rundkurs Drawsko

    05.07.2008 - Siegestetappe - Party

    It would be nice to know if anybody went there, perhaps we could meet and have a few beers and a chat....



  12. Hi Paul.

    I have broken a few anchors, sometimes on purpose (trying to design one) other times by accident and it newer happened fast, always very slow not at all like when a wire breaks.

    So from my point off view there is no danger when a ground anchors breaks.............

    Erhm.... now I not totally honest last year on a night stage we had to winch up a non drivable incline, it was so step that you could not even stay on it on the brakes on you did just slide down wards, we lost grip twice, meaning the anchor came out off the ground and the truck slided 5-6 meters dawn wards :ph34r::blink::unsure: without control except from steering, so yes it can be dangerous and one has to take the precautions that can be taken in order not to harm one self or annybody else.



  13. Anyone looking for a relaxing holiday? one of our friends in Proto Class has a broken navigator and needs a new one, enjoy stunning scenery while it tries to eat you, realise sleep is a luxury none of us can afford, provide pinpoint direction to a psychotic driver at speeds that make you feel sick while operating a laptop and reading alien country, add in the spice of knowing if you get it wrong then bad things are going to happen - free tent supplied.

    must add its Roope. in which case you must either be clinically insane or tr3/proto experienced. ability to get to Russia with a visa in the next few days is essential

    HI Jez

    I am so tempted.....having just checked... flight is 300£ return visa is 100£ can get it in 8hours but I am 20 years tooooo old for that kind off stuff :(

    When and if you get to use some off the silicaband remember to put on two layers and secure well with the stainless wire also supplied, I do not know if you have taken it with you but I guess it was one off the things with les importence when it was at it most hectic times before departure.

    Hope for the best

    Kind regards


  14. Hi Fridge & Co.

    Lovely to hear from you, splendid that you soon will be back on the continent :P

    Hope thats the end off Mouse that the competitors will see most off, (not on a trailer though)........

    Looking forward to see what kind off powerfull diagnostics eqquipment one can get on ferry :lol::unsure:

    God speed to all off you on the move....



  15. ...Well Harwich just after dawn is most pleasant...however it was a bit quiet :lol::lol: , I was hoping to be listening to Mouse's Dawn chorus, but the final bits of finishing off meant the team missed the 0900 ship. Jez texted me later to say they had got to Harwich and were waiting for the next one at 2330.

    So we popped back down with extra Hob-nobs and coffee for a chat :) . It was great to see Zuz, John and Jez again and crawl all over Mouse :P . Here are a few pic's at the port, now the centre silencer has gone -wieght and space saving only of course, the sound is even lovelier ;)

    Have a great time everyone

    Just to wanted to add the laying down of the ectoplasm all looked very trick, and the new improved tunnel in Fridges 109 is great..good stuff Mike.


    Oh Mouse just looks so fine, I really love the detail with the Spanner :P

    Even the missus who dont give a damm about cars commented positively about Mouse so it must be right :rolleyes:



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