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Posts posted by CwazyWabbit

  1. Best just go check i switched it off before i go to sleep. its only got to go to 97000.

    Lol, when I watched that video I thought 'that's going 10 times faster than I managed it, how's he done that?' I started timing the speed of increase, was just about to do the calculations when I noticed that of course your mileage is below 100,000 so still has the decimal point! Doh! :rolleyes:

    Looks like you have about 4 hours 6 hours left to reach your target, looking good :) and great idea to post the video, gives a much greater sense of speed than words do.

  2. My code for the Pic now looks like this

    Program Speedo


    ANSEL = 0 ' configure AN pins as digital I/O

    ANSELH = 0

    TRISB0_bit = 1 ' set PORTB to be input

    TRISC = 0 ' set PORTC to be output

    PORTC = 0xAA

    portC = 0

    while true

    PortC.0 = 1


    portC.0 = 0




    I have changed the delay to 195 microseconds. The speedo now counts at the speed of **** flying from a shovel. 175 micro seconds and the speedo does not count... like you said, its too fast for it.

    Remember if these pulses seem much smaller then what is expected, my pic is running with its internal oscillator so timing will not be as accurate as using a proper crystal.

    Anyway its now roughly moving at 1110mph.

    Nice :)

    This is a good way of increasing the mileage without opening the case, at that speed even quite substantial increases should only take a few days :)

    A nice mod if you can do it to the code would be to only run for a certain number of pulses, but I'm not sure if the PIC can deal with counters of the required size easily. It would save having to remember to stop it and prevent you overshooting your target

  3. which ones did you use cwazy, or with this info be included in final write up?


    I used one of these http://www.asix.net/tools/prg_presto.htm

    However I should be getting hold of a Bus Pirate next week which I'm told are cheaper, so we'll try using that and put the cheapest method in the final write up.

    TBH any programmer that can program a chip using the microwire protocol (forerunner to SPI) and supports the 93S46 chip will work.

  4. I think pressure release is the wrong phrase, drain hole would be better. But whatever you call it, as you've noticed it lets the water out when it gets to where it shouldn't be :)

    As I understood it the idea is to preserve the bearing when the seal wears and starts to weep giving you a little time to notice and replace it rather than get stuck in the middle of nowhere. Seems your seal didn't understand the weeping stage existed and went straight for total failure.

    Good luck with the repairs

  5. So I guess we all just said after your stirling effort of replacing everything apart from the water pump... you now have to replace the water pump :( 12 months is a carp length of time for it to last.... maybe the part is under warranty still? I'm sure I read the blue box brigade had increased their warranty to 2 years....

  6. There are plenty of self contained buzzers like this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/290572639282 for not a lot of cash but these would sound continuously driving you to self harm very quickly.

    However you could drive this from a 555 timer configured in the monostable mode, you'd need a few logic chips as well to 'notice' you left the lights on and a small voltage regulator I guess.... Hmmm someone must do a kit... and it would still be a buzz, not a nice soothing melodic caress suggesting you turn the lights off

  7. this is a great thread, and has got me digging out my PIC micro controller. I wish i had something to contribute but i am going from a TD5 speedo to an after market one so it will be interesting to see if the mileage can be set in a similar way. But well done all its been very interesting, look forward to the Tech archive post.

    Out of curiosity why are you changing a TD5 out to replace with an aftermarket one?

    It's quite likely they do something very similar inside the aftermarket speedo, if they do you should spot the mileage storage by dumping the memory contents then adding a few miles and dumping it again. :)

  8. Have been doing some playing to see what other values may mean... progress is slow :(

    All the FFFF words seem to have no effect so it seems it is just blank memory at these locations.

    The two 0000 words if both changed to the same value change the start position of the needle 00FF is approx 7MPH and 0FFF is about 119MPH Maybe this is for different faces with different 0 positions.

    All other changes so far seem to stop the needle from functioning and little else.

    One strange one is the 8000 value, apart from stopping the needle working it seems to subtract an amount from the recorded mileage.

    Anyway that was the fruits of my lunch break :)

  9. Just taken my speedo out and photgraphed it a couple of times, however only one photo has come out in focus and i didn't check before i put it back in.

    I have attached two of the photos, one with the sticker on it, which is out of focus, but from memory, it has the LR p/n on it and a VDO Nr on it as well. If it is of any help i can take another photo and get it in focus.

    Both photos show how the black ring was prised up and put back down.

    Apologies for the size..at work at the moment


    Cheers for that Chris, it's really appreciated.

    I can see how they turn stuff around so quickly if they leave the crimping like that, I had expected a few marks but assumed it would be pressed down fully.

    That sticker has a Rover part number, a VDO part numnber, manufacturing date, operating voltage, and in the bottom left hand corner what I would assume to be the unit serial number.

    It would be nice to know the 'unit serial number' (assuming that is what it is).

    Thanks again :)

  10. There's no VIN info in a Defender 99-06 speedo AFAIK. (I refuse to call it a Td5 speedo as my 300Tdi had one from the factory and was built in 2006 :P )

    There is a VIN held in most of the newer stuff though - including the Puma instrument I think.

    Great thread, hadn't been following it but just read through :)

    Thanks :)

    The thread is starting to get a bit long now, so well done for reading through it!

    James has volunteered to help with sorting out a howto for the reprogramming once we work out exactly what is going on (although I think we have the milage part cracked we want more!!!!), we're also going to have a stab at using the Bus Pirate for reprogramming as that will reduce the cost for anyone wanting to have a stab at this themselves.

    This thread is a great reference to see what has been going through everyones minds as the group start to understand this 'VDO Electronic Speedometer' ;) It's great the way so many people are contributing with information which would have taken ages to find out otherwise :)

  11. there happens to be a td5 kph speedo on ebay item number 170658501435 2 bids £10.51 5 days or so left.

    a bloody good photo too


    Im going to up the clock speed on mine to what you said and get this speedo run up finished today : )

    Well spotted! I Shall keep an eye on the auction and if the price doesn't get silly I'll place a bid on it for the project.

    Unless of course anyone else has one kicking around? If anyone is willing to loan one to us I'll change whatever we know how to (or leave it as is, your choice) before I return it.

    BTW when you up the clock speed if the needle doesn't move you are clocking it too fast, so just drop back a little.

  12. ...

    "I'm thinking a few more examples of flash contents might be helpful now..... any volunteers?"

    Even this gets me :blink: - If it means you want another speedo to try, I have one waiting in my garage with unknown mileage on.


    Got a speedo you can have a look at !


    I had a chat with James last night, before we open up any more speedos we're going to put his back together and allow him to use it for a while to be absolutely certain it is all working properly, I can see no reason for problems but just want to be safe. Then I shall take you guys up on your generous offers :)

    I have James' speedo for a few more days yet so the playing investigations will carry on for a while then after a week of testing we'll open a few more up and see what this reveals :)

    Does that seem a sensible way forward to all?

  13. Just a thought, on the MPH gauge the 100km/h mark is past vertical, but on the KPH gauge the 100km/h is at vertical. Also, the MPH gauge goes to 120MPH, but the KPH gauge goes to 200km/h (125MPH). Possibly then, the gauges are programmed to move the needle different amounts based on the number of pulses?


    Good observation :)

    I guess the ideal would be if we could find someone with a KPH speedo that would be kind enough to let us take it apart, anyone got an imported vehicle they have swapped the digital KPH speedo out for a UK one? Bit of a long shot that one I guess. But if we do work out the calibration we no longer have to rely on different coloured cogs to try and match up the speedo to the tyres which would be brilliant as in some cases there is no correct cog.

  14. Adding, from about 28k to 148k. I always wondered if it could be done with electronics but seeing as I know naff all about them if this thread had come about two months ago I would have had a bash!

    Even with accelerated clocking it would take at least 3 days to add that much so it had to have been done using some electronic manipulation, whether that was directly reprogramming the flash chip or using a debug port. I'm leaning towards it being reprogramming the flash chip as the mobile bloke said he opened the case. Also as he said the case had been opened before it kind of hints at that being the 'normal' method.

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