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Posts posted by Big.Mike

  1. Do you mean pictures of my manly physique the planned surgery on the Landy?

    Where do they sell middle-rotten bulkheads? All the ones I have seen are gone on the same places, in the footwell and under the windscreen drain gutter. Am I missing something?

    Another wild thought, anyone ever welded a door frame over an existing door frame and transplanted the window winder and door catches onto the outer door? That would give another three or four inches of shoulder room.

    Just bought myself a new 3hp compressor and a pressurised sandblaster so I can start stripping my panels and chassis as I remove them. Never done sandblasting so looking forward to making a real mess!


    Good grief no, just some pictures of the Landy will suffice...

    Actually you're right, then you could get two knackered down one half and then weld them together, if you cut off centre you'd only need to make one weld...

    Be careful with the grit blaster, a good pair of gauntlets are worth their weight in gold!

  2. Gives you itchy fever though... Thinking of those little bolts coming undone... Ralph is correct (as always).

    The nice thing about torque settings is that, unless there is some oddness, they are generally fit and forget. Think of the scenario once repaired, we don't have to take the car back to the garage to have the bolts checked.

    I think they only suggest you do this on wheel nuts because you can...



  3. I feel a "finish this sentence" competition coming on:

    Warning! Do not follow me - You won't make it...

    1. ...Because I'm off into the LEZ
    2. ...I'm going into a car park with a 1.8m height limit
    3. ...'cos you'll be too sore laughing when I get stuck.
    4. ...Those speed bumps are getting serious.

  4. What sort of mileage do you have on it Mike ?

    Depending on the damage..You could fit a new crank.

    It's surprising how strong a 300Tdi is.

    133,000 miles.

    I'm going to swap it out for a very low mileage replacement to get Daisy back on the road (my most pressing concern and the path of least resistance at the moment).

    I'll then replace the seal on the knackered one and paint the casing orange, stick it on Ebay as a low mileage reconditioned engine (Joke).

    You can't but laugh... The most annoying bit (until I have to pay for the fix) is that the bonnet pull broke when I was broken down on the A27, I had to open the bonnet using the old fashioned method and grated the back of my hand off. The copper that stopped baulked at my bloody hand, I was more concerned about not being hit by the artic behind him..!

    The second most annoying bit is that I only replaced the water pump last week and P-gasket last week :(it was ticking before then, before anyone says anything...

    When I've dissected the old lump I'll post some pictures for perusal and diagnosis!

    I'll be interested to hear what the actual failure was caused by:

    Could the "ticking" have been the crank-pulley coming loose on the nose of the crank and mashing-up the keyway? You wouldn't be the first to have had this happen.

    One thing I can say is that it was definitely the ticking that turned into the banging. tick tick tick tick tick tick bang bang bang bang!

    Oh, should I get the timing belt changed on the new engine before it goes in, it's only done 10k miles since the last one? It will mean I have to cancel Christmas and sell one of the kids.



  5. I have to mention, not sparing Si's blushes and for anyone that doesn't know; Si produces some fantastic security products for Defenders. Just click the link in his signature and go to Security!

    I've got one of the trackers thanks to Si for the recommendation ages ago. I use a T-mobile PAYG sim card as it seems to have great coverage. It works via text message and can do all sorts.

    Works a treat.

  6. RIght had a good look & listen today, nothing obvious. I'm suspicious of the valve caps so I'm going to order the bits I need and replace them at the weekend.

    However, I was trying to listen to the air pump, when the air filter supports came off in my hands, so I've to cable tie it in place, I might have found my ticking... the rubber mounts are knackered...

    Longer term fix, a bit of Sugru to replace the rubber mounts (my favorite fix stuff at the moment)...

  7. If you've got to move it often... shipping container! Can always clad the outside to look nicer.

    I don't have room to get a container down the side of the house; unfortunately. (Unless anyone knows a good crane hire company?)

    I like this one...

    As for the moving part, I'm going to be very strict about how much rubbish I accumulate, with an emphasis on movable storage.

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