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Posts posted by Divster

  1. Hi,

    Gon2Far are about to launch a new basic spec suspension system (compared to the 3Link) and we require a nice & tidy 90 for testing & publicity purpose.

    So, if you want to get a setup at cost price that'll give you a significant increase over standard, work with standard length springs & bump stops then all we ask is that you live local'ish to Derby, attend magazine photo shoots and allow the use of the vehicle for some shows next year. These will include Gaydon and Billing, and for those you'll get free entry as exibitors.

    If your interested then drop me a PM ASAP.



    Interrested - YES

    nice & tidy 90 - Yes - ish

    standard length springs - NO

    standard length bump stops - NO

    live local'ish to Derby - Yes

  2. You gotta find me one...

    I've just looked at a few websites and apparently Shottle has been used for comp safari as well as trial so it may be big enough for challenge (would one of you AWDC colleagues be able to enlighten you further, if not I will go and have a look for you)

    How about Stainby quarry, Northants? I believe Ed may be able to give you some details on suitability etc for this venue.

    Dave (Desperate to have an event under an hour away from home)

  3. You gotta find me one...

    Have you still got that site near Leeds/ Bradford to look at.

    The national park near us causes a massive problem for land. I know the AWDC use a site at Shottle for trials. I've not been myself so I don't know if it's suitable for challenge.

    I will keep my eyes open for other possibilities.


  4. Every time I switch the headlights on (or the interior light, wipers, change dip to full beam etc) I'm never sure the requisite piece of equipment is going to work without giving the fuse a wiggle. Dip beam is a particular problem, the fuse just gets hot instead of lighting the headlight. One brief and finger-searing wiggle later, it works again.

    It's obvious to me that the fusebox is going quietly rusty but how do I clean up all those little fuse holder clips? Or is this a good time to rip it out and go for something that'll take sensible-sized blade fuses instead of the LR glass ones which are 90% of the size of the ones I can buy in Halfords?

    Get rid of the glass fuses and go for a blade type box. I did this with my old 110. It sorted out a few electrical problems. I got the fuse holders from Vehicle Wiring Products.


  5. Neil,

    I will add Trev and my thanks also for a fantastic series. You will definately see us next year, (I personally can't wait).

    We spent all of Sunday laughing and joking and went home with a smile from ear to ear on both our faces (a complete opposite to Slindon). We also learnt that we can perform well despite having large hangovers and that I drive better when relaxed and without as much right foot.

    Damage report: new windscreen required, new door mirror, winch needs rebuild (brake slipping), brakes require attention. All in all, not too bad.


  6. Got mine from North Off Road. Built as per my own spec. The price was very competative, but I had to drive from Derbyshire to Middlesborough and back. Been very impressed with the quality and the owner is quite knowledgable.

  7. Probably my own temporary bodges:

    When I was the proud owner of a mark 111 escort , one set of wheel bearings collapsed suddenly. I wasn't in the AA/ RAC at the time so walked to the local garage and purchased some string and some grease. Rebuilt the hub with said items and crawled home 25 miles at 20 mph stopping every three miles to pour water on the hub.

    Again before I joined the AA/ RAC, the accelorator cable snapped on my first 90. Replaced the cable with a peice of string coming from under the bonnet and in through the drivers window. Drove 40 miles home at minus 2 with the window down using a bodged together hand throttle. I was bloody cold at the end.

    Now I am quite happy to hand over a sum of money to the recovery firms each year


  8. Nigel has been super flat out for the last two weeks, I spoke to him yesterday and he's now playing catch-up with two weeks' worth of e-mails and phone calls. He should be more contactble now B)


    Did gon2far get back to you in the end?

    I placed an order a couple of days ago via t'internet. I've e-mailed and telephoned to confirm but with no response. Starting to get a bit worried now.


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