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Posts posted by Divster

  1. I'll be there...

    just found out my nearside....(Mr Pigster) QT Front hocky sticks is bent like a bannana in both axis.. :o

    My split charge diode's in the bin, as my winch battery had 11 volts only...thats why the rear winch wer'nt working to good at Slindon then !

    My front stearings buckled...AGAIN

    The CV still want stripping down...its bucketing it down and dos'nt looks like it will be stripped down before Slab

    I've got to work again this weekend, the Wife's still in Hospital since she went in last friday, and it looks like she will be in for a least another week !

    I've flooded the utility room with bubbles by using handwash powder in the machine for my workstuff....Well it was the only stuff there !

    I've got to make my own sandwiches.. :unsure:, sort the kids out etc

    Blimey I'll be glad the get to Slab for a rest..... :lol:


    I've also got a pair of standard LR hockey sticks if your struggling


  2. Does anybody know of a good mechanic/garage in or around sheffield?

    Being a student up north its hard to know where to take the beloved series 3.

    Its great fun driving (terrorising) in a city. shame the grand plan of attracting students of the female variety hasn't paid off yet.

    I cant see the problem with climbing into the passenger seat in a short skirt!

    Anyway. Much appreciate any suggestions (on both mechanics or female students, or both. now that would be a result).



    Depends what your after, tell us your probs


    (Oh and I've sent you a PM)

  3. Come on then, who's going.

    I will be. (posted the cheque today Neil), sold my lovely three year old Kwak 750 crotch rocket to finance it.

    Still to sort:

    New front diff (picking one up and fitting it this weekend)

    Drivers window not winding up or down

    Passenger door jammed shut

    One wheel rim to belt back into shape and put the simex back on

    Dislocation cones to repair/ replace

    Brakes to bleed

    New winch rope to source and fit

    Anyone got any recommendations for cheap B&B accom. I don't think that there's camping this time


  4. Fix it - - get an ARB... stick it in the rear and put the rear in the front...

    JOB done... and then... get hardened shafts for the rear. 24 spline would be good, because they are cheaper to start with.

    you've got your orders so get on with it... or I'll send the Mr Jackson/Freddy Mercury fat boy over with the nice shoes.. :D

    ARB in the rear will put my in the modifieds with you big boys (and also sleeping in the dog kennel once SWMBO saw the bank statement). I don't think we're ready for that yet.

    I'm just about to put a classifieds thread up for a replacement diff (and shafts) if anyone can help out, it's going to have to be second hand, the piggy bank isn't full enough for new.

    I'm crossing my fingers that I will be able to get hold of a bargain so I can still get to Slab. You may have to send the fat boy over yet. :angry:

  5. :D Is Will that reliable then? I'm always up for ideas and advice, GREAT!

    mind you I love the colour of your 90 Divster! What colour is that???? Is it bonatti grey? :wub:

    Spent ages matching the colour for the new panels I fitted. Actually turned out to be mid pennine grey.

  6. What an event..... Enjoyed nearly every minute of it.

    Started off with a very pleasant meal on Saturday night. Nice to put some names to faces at last. Good company and good conversation.

    Damage report:

    Both new wing panels now dented

    One wheel rim bent due to contact with a tree stump at speed

    One winch rope snapped. (anyone recommend a budget replacement)

    Spare wheel carrier slightly bent

    CV Joint smashed (which completely knackered my event)

    Rear dislocation cone bent and I suspect the rear spring mount as well

    (Predict the hoover will be knackered by the time I've finished cleaning out)

    Event report:

    Everything was going oh so well. The truck was performing well. Trev and I were working well as a team (although I really didn't want to get out of the cab on the mud run) We were notching up punch after punch.

    With half an hour left to go we went in search of easy punches to bunk up our score. Got into a muddy bomb hole and a CV went. Called for marshall recovery but decided to try and get out ourselves. Nearly killed the car winching back and driving with some really bad noises coming from the swivel. Got back 10 minutes late. Looking at the results the CV cost us a place in the top 3. (Neil can you PM me with how many points we lost for being back late)

    With all of the rain I couldn't be arsed to change the CV on site. Drove away from the site to the nearest jetwash and called the RAC. Just wanted to sleep on the way back but the recovery driver wouldn't shut up. Finally got home about 0130 this morning.

    Spent the last two hours swilling truck and equipment down but I dont seem to have made an impact. Just rang work to book tomorrow of as well so that I can get the CV done.

    Looking forward to slab. (Neil - I will post cheque soon) Trying to find someone locally who I can borrow a trailer off

  7. I didn't know you can get them as a kit! Sounds good!

    I was going to use an angle grider, hack a bit off and then use some sleeves to join it back together. [Exit out of rear quarter panel behing rear wheel, though, not quite as drastic as yours!]

    At the moment I think Gwyn only supplies a kit for the exhaust to exit in front of the near side rear arch.

    Like so:::


  8. Im thinking of getting the side exiting exhaust that he has for sale.

    Is it any good?

    Does it make the exhaust note to loud to drive the 90 every day?

    You will notice a higher level of noise. However, I wouldn't say that you couldn't live with it.

    The exhaust is good. If you buy as a kit, spend time and effort checking and double checking your measurements, especially the exit hole. Also, well worth the time finding someone with a tig welder to weld the joints up.

  9. Les - just remembered your motor is on those daft 750 things... are you wanting to upgrade for slindon??

    Most of slindon has been cut up by large 35" tyres so it would be a good idea I reckon. But its down to you.

    I have a set of simex 35's that we could use for the day if you are interested? and no you can not keep them unless large amounts of cash is thrown in my direction. :)

    Pigster, dont suppose you've got a spare winch :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

  10. Put the new albrights on...............

    fecking fault still present, will winch in but not out, even with the polarities reversed :wacko: Took the motor off, a slight bit of moisture, but nothing to cause a fault. :(:(:(:(

    Winch is now off the vehicle. No chance of getting any more time off work this week. That gives me three evenings to find the fault, rebuild and do all of the other little jobs before the weekend.

    I always thought sleep was over rated :blink:

  11. 7:30's fine with me. Will plan my travelling time around that.

    Right then my 110 will be leaving the site at 7:25 with 4 spare seats (due to my bed taking up the back section). Rob I guess you'll want one of those? Other 3 on a first come basis.

    Mark, can I bag two of those seats please??? (My arse isn't that big,one of those is for my winch monkey)


  12. Hi all,

    The Pub's not cheap! but only 2min from site.

    The curry house has a pub next door :rolleyes:

    But the curry house is a 25 min drive from the site? <_<

    You'll have to let me know!!

    So far number's,

    mark 90 X2 ? or are you X1?

    Robhibrid X2 ? as above X1?

    Divster X2

    Pigster X2

    Myself X2

    Les X1

    Pete X1 my biatch for the day

    Can you let me or Pigster no if there any more

    so that i can book the table.

    Regards Adrian,

    Prefer the next tosite pub but will go with the majority

  13. Mine and a TD5 to service on Sat morning. Getting some climbing in on Saturday afternoon. :) Out for a few beers Sat night. More training for my trainee search dog on Sunday morning, DIY Sunday afternoon, off Monday to fit new albrights and loads of other prep for next weekends challenge

  14. Hi to everyone,

    Will need to know number's

    for the curry house so that we can book a table,

    Or we can all go to the Spur Pub at the top of the road

    along from the site?

    Just let me know as soon as poss!!

    Regards Adrian

    Me plus the winch monkey (Trev). Would go for either curry or pub grub but would prefer whichever is cheaper (tight budget)

  15. Suddenly the BBQ has pailed into insignificance. Hoorah for the curry idea. We were planning on camping on the site so could do with cadging a lift to/ from the site.

    We plan on getting to site about 6. Hope this isn't too late for any of you but it's a bit of a trek from up north.


  16. Scorpion Racing Challenge Trophy 5:

    Date: 16 October 2005

    Eventually.........got round to sending off my application today

    anyone else giving it a go from the Forum ? except the usual ones

    Adrian/Pigster........ although it looks like you've been pimped to me Richard !

    RobHybrid/Mark 90 ?


    Wailofthe snail?

    anyone else ?

    Najw.....its in the post, Carole should get it Thursday.....with Richard Weatherly Biatching...


    Yep, we'll be there. Will be camping on the Saturday night. Plan to have a bit of a BBQ if anyone's interested in hooking up.

    Just booked next Monday off work so that I can fit my shiny new albrights and finish preping the beast.


  17. Kev,

    Will soon be sending you a PM. I'm in the planning stage for going to Iceland next year. Costs are starting to shoot through the roof for taking my LR up from blighty. At the moment we are considering flying there and hooking up with my brother who lives in Shetland and will travel over with his 110. Despite this I'm interested in hearing about what your planning.


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