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Posts posted by Divster

  1. HI, new to forum.

    Going to compete this year, just wondering if the regs will be the same as last year.




    I think so, from the quick look I had at them last night, I didn't see any changes. If you PM me your e-mail address, I'll send a copy across to you.

    What are you going to be running?


  2. Ive also got a Southdown after trying the paddocks version (mushroom top and a nightmare to seal confidently) and the safari (sticks out the side to far, not really compatable with a cage and always worried about snapping it on trees.) I love the southdown one. Easy to seal, easily adaptable to attach to a roll cage and looks really bling too. (Not cheap though)

  3. Got a pair holding my shovel in the rear tub. I would recommend them. Looking at the fitting instructions, it mentions a plastic washer (supplied). Well they weren't (supplied) when I got mine from a certain North London supplier. (Walks off mumbling) :angry:

  4. Simex have gave me the scare of my life in the wet. They were also far too noisey when travelling to comps over an hour away from home. I now only put them on for comps and tend to fit them to the truck when I get to site. I use BFG MT's for my every day tyre

  5. I live in the Peak District and this thread was the first I had heard about such a charge.

    I have to admit that the traffic is very bad during the summer, but you have to put with it if you live in such a beautiful tourist destination as the Peaks. It's not just a problem for us, but also for those in the Lakes and other national parks.

    Having said that, I would not support the introduction of such a charge, as a resident the congestion has not be caused by me but by those visiting where I live :angry::angry::angry:

  6. :)

    I would not recomend the Difflock drainplug as they are made out of too softer metal and it would only take one rock to hit the plug and hey presto all your engine oil out of your engine IMHO

    I've had a difflock drain plug on my challenge wagon for a year and a half now. I've not come close to belting it yet. I would suspect that you'd have a nasty surprise from hitting a normal sump plug in the same way. :o

  7. Les you better get it now as you have said because I doubt you will remember what it looked like once upon a time...

    looks better now though - with those extras character dents it has on it.

    Pigster, I dont think you got on the vid. Either your not good looking enough or you were already on your way home with Adrian. I seem to recall it wasn't the longest of days for you. :P

  8. New Landy Vid out

    New Vid

    Jules the bit about sweet lamb is that the rally you did a couple of weeks ago

    It's quite good. I star (well my landy bonnet and winch monkey, you don't see me :ph34r::ph34r: ). Les Brock's in it too and even get's his motor pictured on the back sleeve B) . In fact there's quite a few forumers in it

  9. I had a similar problem with my laptop at work (running 2002 Outlock on windows XP). It turned out that despite me telling the machine not to auto-archive, it did it anyway. Because I didn't have the archives pointed to any readable file I couldn't get back to them. Unfortunately I lost quite alot of work related stuff. :angry:

    The problem has now been resolved, but i had to get the techies to do it. It was way above my head

  10. Mine droped through the door thismorning the wife has already red it cover to cover and phone me to glote that she gets a mention and I don't. :unsure:

    Yep, dropped through the letterbox yesterday. Another good issue, well worth reading. (and I get a mention) :ph34r:

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