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Posts posted by Divster

  1. It'll take us 6 hours plus to get there :(

    But at least we're not running on simex's :lol:

    We're hoping to be there sat 6 pm ish :)

    get the kettle on Les mate :lol: i'll need a bru by then :lol:

    Only a couple of hours for us. Looking to get there around the same time. Make mine white no sugar if you're brewing les :ph34r:

  2. This theft is not only a downright dispicable act, it is also one that could potentially put lives at danger. It was not just only the land rover that was stolen, but also some of the rescue equipment. If this weren't bad enough, the team's base was also ransacked during the raid.

    Being a member of a mountain rescue team myself I am aware of how much time and effort is put in by the volunteers, not only to train and respond to call outs but also to spend the time fundraising enough money to kit out and operate a rescue team (there is no government funding for Cave Rescue or Mountain Rescue teams in England or Wales.)

    My heartfealt condolonces go out to the team. I hope you get all of your gear & vehicle back soon and that the persons responsible are caught.


  3. Cheers for the positive comments above!

    Didn't know LRW were doing something - At least the write-up will be genuine as they've not been asking for freebies! Just have to hope it's not poo!

    Do any of you know what Colon actually looks like? There seem to be no photos of him on the web and certainly none on his own site? Having never met the bloke - just wondered who I'm talking to!



  4. hello to everyone who is going to round 3 :D has anyone been before and is it a good site,as good as coney farm :)

    also has anyone any advice on crown wheels as i was trialing last weekend and ripped the teeth of the rear one :angry: not a good repair on a trailer at 6am sunday morn in horizontal rain <_< someone told me you could get some kit that goes in the diff that stops the crown wheel from moving sideways anyone know were to buy from. cheers john

    As everyone says, it gets fun when it gets wet. This site finally convinced me that a full external cage was a good idea after a few brown trouser moments last year.

    Crown Differentials Crown Diffs are also pegging diffs now. I've not had this pegging done personally, but I can recommend the quality of the rebuild they did for me.

    I was there last year doing the scorpy challenge, this year I can not do this site, but I will be at the others.
    I'll be there with new winch biatch :lol:

    As Pigster has forgotten to mention why he's not going to be there with me :angry:

    I'll now tell all :D

    He's getting married on the 6th and going on his honeymoon :lol::lol::lol:

    I think it's a poor excuse myself :lol::lol:

    See you all there on sunday.

    Pigster, fancy booking your honeymoon on a challenge weekend.... no commitment :lol::lol::lol:

    We won't be there either, just a bit too far to travel.

  5. OK Divster i respect your reply and thoughts, Quote me if i'm wrong but i thought Scorpion Racing is the main sponsor for the AWDC, so without Colins help and prizes there might not be the comp your involved in at all.

    Awaiting your reply

    Scorpion is the main sponsor for the AWDC in the challenge series. As Adrian says a sponsor is good for the club and good for the series. I compete for the fun of it. Prizes help with the cost of competing in an event and are a bonus. I'm sure that even without the backing of Scorpion, the AWDC would push hard to keep such a succesful competition going and I find it unlikely that there would now be a shortage of series sponsors. The AWDC has no problems with filling challenge events to maximum capacity, whereas Scorpion are having difficulty getting an event going. Why is that???

    Having said all that, this thread was not supposed to be one bashing SR again.


  6. Nick,

    To be honest, at the end of last year I was seiously thinking about entering this series. Despite this I have decided not to compete because of the following reasons:

    1. I thought the entry fee of £150 per event was too high. Even though this is a two day event, it's still more than if I competed in two AWDC events in a weekend.

    2. The whole issue wih X-eng has really put me off Scorpion. I know you asked us not to raise the issue again, but this is a real reason why I won't compete in this series. Also, my decision to compete in the AWDC challenge series had nothing to do with scorpion, it's the AWDC's series and not scorpions which is completely different to the clubman challenges.

    3. The AWDC challenges are already taking alot out my vehicle (especially when you consider it's also my daily driver). Front axle strip required after last weekend antics.


  7. I thing Gwyn Lewis might have at least one in stock ( 01938 810 298 )

    Typical, I was up at Gwyn's yesterday and never thought to ask. :angry:

    Problem now solved, PG winches have them in stock. Thanks all for the generous offers.


  8. About 15 years ago I droped my two way Motorola radio (walkie-talkie) down a long drop field latrine. Had a couple of M8s lower me head first down into the smelly depths from where I was able to rescue the thing. After a good clean with disinfectant it continued to give reliable service for years to come.

    If that doesn't make you feel that you got off lightly then I don't know what will. The memory still causes me to shudder with disgust.


    Did a similar thing with my first mobile phone (one of those massive nokia bricks). I had it clipped to my belt. When pulling my jeans up (apres dump) the phone fell from my belt and into the post curry house toilet bowl. It still worked after a good was, but I didn't hold it quite as close to my face afterwards

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