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Jon White

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Posts posted by Jon White

  1. All I'll say is look at the quality of the bends on their rollcages.........all deformed and wrinkled on the insides of the tubes - horrible.

    I bought a hoop off of them and sent it back again.......

    I've also got one of their dif guards - again required bending to get it to fit!

    Not very impressed with their stuff really........


  2. ok - my go!

    1. £150 is WAY too much. By the time you've added fuel, costs for breakages etc. Especially for what is billed as a "Clubman" challenge.

    2. They're all too bleedin far away! Whats the point in having a 3 round series when 2 of them are held at the same venue - too far up north!

    3. I'm not a fan of team challenges - I never like having to find someone to team up with, and I especially dont like the idea of being teamed up with someone I dont know.

    As to the scorpion / X -eng business, all I can say is that I've not had any dealings with either company, and frankly am unlikely to ever deal with either (due to their current product ranges nothing else!) so from that point of view I neither support, nor am anti either company.

    Unfortunately there seem to be a huge number of Anti-scorpion people on this forum, but I do honestly wonder how many of them have actually had dealings with both companies! In my opinion if you've not had dealings with BOTH companies then you are not qualified to comment on the subject. I'm afraid ripping off products, or making very close copies is what business is all about these days.......


  3. As I understand it the tell tale hole is there for the reason that coolant leaks out of it telling you the pump seals have failed. If you block it off with a grease nipple surely all its going to do is allow leakage into the bearings that you may not know about and eventually casue the pump to sieze totally?


  4. Theres a 2foot deep one a couple of miles from me - driving through it 3 or 4 times gets the majority of the mud off! Have to admit to sometimes going backawards and forwards through it, but technically I'm still driving through it.......


  5. One of the main reasons why in my opinion you should never use a hi-lift in the workshop. In fact in my experience I try to avoid using them at all costs period casue they're dangerous for this very reason.

    I always use a decent trolley jack.


  6. Hmmmmmm well I just clenched my buttocks and ordered some bits from paddocks.

    Ordered via their website on monday. Within 12 hours I'd got an email saying that my order had been dispatched and with the tracking number for the parcel, and a link to anc's website. I typed the numbers in, the tracking works, and hey presto the parcels just turned up all present and correct!

    This was their free service to boot!

    Thumbs up from me for once! I might even be tempted to try them again at some point......


  7. Yep - series master cyl bolts to early 110 servo, but you need to use the entire 110 pedal assembly. You need to get the early one, as its smaller diameter than the later ones. Later one will fit, but you cant close the bonnet (guess how I know!). So unless you want to put a defender bonnet on it.........

    Think i paid about £5 at sodbury for one.


  8. Just to inform, that my truck, once being the pride of all the local biker friends of mine, for the transportation of my classic racer to racing events, is now a dented, torn, muddy mess :(

    Er Rob.........I hate to say this, but from the piccies I saw of it when you'd finished it, it had dents in anyway from the army!!!

    How many more dents have you actually added??

    Dont tell me you're getting soft now about it getting muddy........

    As to the brakes........welcome to the joys of non-self adjusting drum brakes.......clean them out and re-adjust is all you can do - that or fit disks!


  9. Mine are both identical, bought at the same time from the local factors.

    Alternator is 90 amp jobbie from a Mondeo. Wiring is all 35mm2 welding earth cable. Same as Tony - never had any trouble, except with a knackered XP motor that was drawing so much current it melted all the insulators and isolator switches! Turns out it was faulty DOA!


  10. I run two type 072's wired permanently in parallel that run everything and I've had no problems. Think i paid £72 for the pair. Shop around the local motor factors for the best price.

    There are a few others (Tony Cordell springs instantly to mind) running the same setup.



  11. Yep - ORCA in whitehill - about 400 yards from my house to boot!! Very good service and I've had no further clutch troubles since fitting mine!

    They'll custom make whatever you want, and they do alot of stuff for tractors, HGV's etc, but as soon as you wander in and mention the word Land Rover the guys eyes light up! Turns out they've done quite a few for the racing boys over the years!


  12. I've used them in the past. However their choice of carriers is appauling and I've had no end of problems with deliverys going astray, taking 2 weeks to arrive etc etc. I've also had poorly packed stuff turn up damaged. Their customer service has always been excellant however, i just wish they'd use a better carrier.

    Some of their stuff is cr@p quality however, and their new website is trully appauling. As I tend to order parts on-line I no longer use them, but I've been using Craddocks lately and have found them alot better!


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