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Posts posted by rob90

  1. Hi

    Well just ordered two blend motors for the Range Rover and Im going to do this on thursday im off work till sunday 22.00 so hopefully got time on my side I have some usefull tips from an early post, But any advice or hints gratefully accepted please!!!!!!!

  2. Ally thanks for youre quick responce,

    He does use both oscilliscope and diagnostic to set the system up and to be fair he said he pulled the fault code before he started the install,

    the reason I used this guy is he came recomened from a very trusted garage i know quiet well who has about 2-3 systems fitted a month, the gas man says he gets this reading on nearly all the P38s he does and steered me along the lines of just leaving it as is but id prefer it to be right its a fault code for a reason??

    I will get the code cleared and run and petrol and see what the state of play is

    thanks for youre help I will let you konw

  3. Hi

    Ok just picked the P38 up from having LPG installed and the installer advised me that it was recording fault code p1158 it also showed that it it was taking 0.05g of air and 1.20 g at full throtel so im sumising that the air flow meter is the problem.

    what do you think?

    But the car is running fine and if I do change it it will require the gas re-programming although this is no bother as I can have it done foc during my 1000 mile service.

    is it worth bothering with?

  4. I had loads of fun getting my MM to work on my ipaq it took a good couple of weeks to get it running properly,

    One thing you need to be aware of is if you have had a trial version loaded on youre computer or pda for some reason it tries to load that lisence onto the pda instead of youre legit one there is a programe availible onsupport here but all the help should be here if not just ask they are real good

  5. I have driven a number of vehicles with factory fitted cruise, some easy and some frightening to drive.

    I have been impressed by these guys so much that I am 'landroverising' their window kits, central locking and reversing sensors. My 'demonstrator' Td5 is gradually being fitted with these modifications, and then I write a defender suppliment for the kit.

    If your interested in popping over to the side of England nearest to you, Id be happy to help you fit the best kit.


    I can offer same prices as their web and also you get nicer tea/coffee than you get on the web.


    I have been looking at central locking for my 90, Do you know of a way to make the central locking kit work with my 300 tdi alarm system or will i have to have two key fobs?

    Also can you use an extra motor on the back door?



  6. Hi this is abit of a rubish job to do and have had to do it myself a few times Ive put 2 x wires for extra speakers and a small loom for my IBS split charge unit,

    All i did was take off the panel which houses the rear wash wipe and ciggie lighter then after taking a wire coat hanger to bits I carefully fed the hanger down till it poked out by the fuse box then tapped the wire to it and a boot lace, then next time I need to feed a wire there just tape it to the lace and hay presto its very tight but seems to work

    hope it helps

  7. Hi,

    I could do with some advise really, the wife's 1996 range rover did a very weird thing today as she turned into our road it started to make a loud buzzing noise, I started to have a look about and the small hose of the wiper jet to the right headlight had come loose and was spraying water out none of the buttons are stuck down on the dash the lights were off and the only way to turn them off was to pull the fuse if I pulled the relay it still sprayed out

    any ideas


  8. I fitted the same unit as yourself and the way i went about it (maybe not correctly) was to just wire it to the battery under the seat as it comes with a 2 amp fuse in line any way and automatically goes into stand by after 60 seconds when not connected I took a easy route

    but I'm lazy


  9. Hi everyone,

    Im after a little help realy I have to do my mates rear brakes on his 2000 1.8 freelander and realy after a bit of step by step advice realy im sure that they arnt that difficult but would like to have some idea before getting started if there is any tricks etc? I was looking through the tech arcive but cant find anything,

    anybody ever record how they have done it or no of a link to another forum

    many thanks in advance


  10. Hi,

    We have a 1996 defender 90 csw and the head lining is starting to droop buy the alpine lights, I have considered using a glue to try and stick it place but im not over confident this will work anybody any ideas how i can fix it back into place

    thanks in advance

  11. I met dew110csw once, I invited him on days green laining, He caught up with our group on the M6 as planned we all then pulled of the Mway and parked in a lay-by while we sorted a final route he got out of his 110 walked over to us all, bearing in mind he is 18 and never been off road before we are all in our 30's , his opening line was, I was a bit worried about getting stuck till I saw that shed!!! then started to tell us all what was wrong with our vehicles, A bemused group then said ok time time to start lets get cracking he told us we had to go to a petrol station first as he was empty, who turns up for a day laning with out any fuel? dont bother mate was the reply

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