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Posts posted by Landrovernuts

  1. This will make you laugh. I had my 90 insured with Esure and always seemed OK with no issues even with the winch declared. The 90 is now sold and the winch is now on my 110. Just been told they will not insure it because of the winch! Tried a few others (Aviva, Sainsburys, Direct Line, More Than) and all have said no as it implies the Land Rover goes off road!!!! No problem, so I thought I would try NFU. Absolutely not a chance as it implies it is driven off road!!! I have to say I thought better of NFU but have now completely changed my mind. Is there a separate department at NFU, as imagine all the farmers Land Rovers that they insure that do have winches on - or are they all suddenly not insured now? Just tried Adrian Flux and they what £400 for an otherwise standard 110 double cab, but modifications don't seem to be a problem. I have never had any convictions or points, I have had a license for 26 years, including class 1 and 2 HGV and we live in the country on the edge of Dartmoor, so not sure how the risk could be any better!!!

  2. I have a similar problem with rain here! Just been out and it looks like I have about 5mm clearance between the compressor housing and the filter lid edge! I could post a picture, but still have not mastered the art of posting one!!

  3. Nothing to do with the bolts - both unscrewed easy. The problem was lifting the top cover past the turbo compressor casing. The cover lifts about 20mm then that is it. I cannot twist it or rotate it to get past without excessive force. It is in a 2002 (15p) defender and looks no different from any other!

    I did think that may be I had damaged the filter and it was not turning, but lifted the cover a few times on the weekend and each time it was in a different position. I cannot hear it winding down like others I have heard when turn the engine off.


  4. Is there a knack to getting the lid off the rotor filter? I did it and changed the filter but it was a major challenge and cannot believe it should be like this. I will probably break it next time with the force required. I did turn the lid into what I thought was every feasible position but it did not help. It did occur to me that if the exhaust manifold has been machined (which I think it has)it will bring the turbo even closer to the filter which may be the issue?


  5. The swivels need replacing on my 2002 TD5. Is there any kits to avoid? I normally have a complete dislike of anything in a blue box, but have heard good things about their swivel kits from others so far. Obviously I would prefer genuine but when you add up the cost of all the parts it makes your eyes water. I was in Brookwells earlier and the chap was being quite helpful and said they now did three levels of quality and that the top level was still a good price (£138 per side)and were significantly different and better to the lower end kit. Still not sure if I need to avoid them like the plague and go with Bearmach, my brain still says as it is safety related to avoid at all costs, but interested in others opinions.


  6. If I was to change the front axle on a TD5 110 to an earlier axle casing (1989 thicker drive flanges), is there any issue with Panhard Rod sizes (bush/bolt sizes)? This may seem a backward step - but believe me it is not in this case! I think everything else changes over with no issues, but feel free to correct me if wrong. I would rather know now, than as I am swapping them. I know alloys will not fit over the earlier drive flanges, but is not an issue here.


  7. Thanks Ralph - it is one of the last Salisbury axle 110's from 2002, which surprised me as I thought they changed to the Rover axle before that, and so is disc brakes. Would have preferred a rover axle to simplify diff locks, but beggars cannot be choosers at the moment. Every 110 I have phoned about in the last two weeks was sold before I could see it - seems to a run on TD5 110's at the moment.

    I could not really think of a reason why not as has been said they are built as strong as a brick outhouse, but thought I would just check. The other reason for changing them, other than the looks of the current wheels, is the brand new tyres that are on my rims.

  8. The saga continues, but think we are getting closer now!! We have both invested in a Nanocom as I am also about to own a TD5 and between the two of us it seemed a sound investment.

    No fault codes registering and all looking good (apart from low MAF still) when warm. However just after starting, while smoking as if it is on a 100 a day, the injector balance is all good apart from #2. The balance readings for 1, 3, 4 and 5 are -2 to +2 slightly fluctuating but looking good however #2 is reading +20!! So #2 is the problem, but why - sticking, bad connection? From the smoke, I am gathering that it is just chucking fuel in and then as it warms up it gradually comes back inline with the others. I am half inclined to get a single injector off ebay and try changing it. Any more thoughts?


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