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Posts posted by Daan

  1. I went the blasting route and then had it zinc plated. It looked good to begin with, but the after one winter, the zinc plating had gone very crappy and rusty. From everything I have done on my landy, the only thing which worked long time was galvanize. So I think that would be the way to go. Anyone here has experience with galvanizing axle cases?


  2. Ps: Anyone else thought of going???

    I think mr lloyd is going.

    What about going to the jungle? I can see the extreme being interesting but not dissimilar from what we are doing. No plans myself to go to oz at the minute.

    Martin Lewis did love every minute of it, so there must be something there.


  3. Nice UPVC door you've bought there.

    Picture of it is a bit spoilt by that old bit of scrap iron in the foreground though........ :ph34r:

    The UPVC door (and house) are hired.

    But the scrapiron bit belongs to me: £35 for the iron + £40 for the lock. True dutch fashion of transportation.


  4. Is that not what most of the people who have them above, have?


    I am saying that I can see problems when using it offroad. I do like the idea, have considered it myself.

    I think more people have done similar things, especially in the truck world. So lets see what the possibilitys are and what is available for how much.


  5. Usefull, however, I hate to say this but I dont think its any good in the mud. what about bonnet deep water?What about putting the rear one behind the glass? I saw the winch camara once on the bertelsen truck (danish team). I was mounted above the winch, behind the grill, pointing downwards. This was for reasons of it getting clogged in mud.

    The idea is certainly worth persuing. My biggest nightmare is always reversing int a child who is to small to be seen behind a landy. So i suggest post some more ideas from people which actually made the system work


  6. thats a b*****d! I mean, the dutch government had exactly this going on some 20 years ago, I thought I managed to run away from it by emigrating to the uk and now.....here we go again!

    So which country shall I emigrate to now?

  7. I dont do anything about castor correction, put up with the fact that it doesnt self centre as much. With 1.5" lift I can live with it. What you have to remember is that with rotating the axle, the steering rod will get lower, and is more prone to bending.

  8. Patent: I dont think a Disk handbrake is something you could patent: It is an application of an existing item. Therefore you cant stop people use a disk brake on a handbrake. More importantly, you werent the first: I was running this since 2001 and I have seen more home grown devices.

    The other thing that has to be remembered is that whenever we go shopping for say, a steering joint, we ask the dealer for the price of a Genuine joint, we hear the price, get a landy mag out for a local landyparts place and are pleased to see the item going for £7.50 rather than the previously qouted £35. About 90% of us (i think) is going for the cheaper version. The pattern parts are straight copys of the genuine item and therefore cheaper. This is exactly what is happening with the handbrake.

    Still, I do think that SR could have tried harder to keep relationships going. He isnt doing himself any favours at the moment.

  9. Currently, the grey licensed (van type with no rear seats and windows) versions are reasonably affordable, due to the roadtax being now even with personal cars. The road tax in holland for a diesel landy can get as high as £1000 per year, so be warned about this. Germany is similar in this respect. You Uk guys are spoiled with cheap road tax believe it or not. So keep this in mind as well when buying one over there. I have seen some left hookers in the uk for sale, I would go for that if you really wanted one. You wont have the big tax problem that way.

    By the way, being dutch, my landy is a left hooker and it makes vey little difference to me driving in the uk. Also, driving my UK Peugeot on the continent is no bother at all. To be fair I wouldnt go to the trouble of changing cars just to have the steering wheel on the other side.


  10. A shame it happens that way. You cant do a lot legally I dont think, but I would make sure your adverts highlight the fact that you are the original seller of these devices. On the forums, we now know the story, but the buying public of SR doesn't. Try to get the word round and let the public decide for themselves if they buy from SR or from yourself.

    This might not help the AWDC club for its moral either.

  11. So if you use that argument 3-piece split rims are illegal too. I'm sure I've seen loads of them on factory fast cars.

    Still haven't seen any proof......

    Split rims are not illegal. I do know that beadlocks are forbidden for that reason but a splitrim with an insert (like a hummer wheel for example) is not illegal.

    Bad beadlocks, with a boltring which doesnt bottom out on the rim do indeed come undone.

    I agree that the argument doesnt hold on a good bead lock wheel, but these are the rules.

  12. beadlocks are illegal, because the bolts that hold on the rings have a habbit to gradually get undone. You have to spanner check the bolts occasionally to be sure. The possible scenario is that jo blok drives the car with beadlocks untill something goes wrong, in this case the tyre coming of the wheel.

    The staun beadlock or secondair is indeed street legal.

    I am back in the UK by the way!


  13. How much is a TGV? £3.5k?

    How much is an Isuzu 2.8TD? £300?

    Guess which I'd go for if it had to be a diesel...

    TGV myself. So the used Isuzu is cheaper, but is it really? We are comparing a brand new engine with all ancilaries (Starter, alternator, pump, injectors all running gear) brand new, with a 100.000(?) miles heap from a local scrapyard.

    If I had to rely on it for a long time than that is false economy, big style.

    I bought a brand new TDI for mine and have not touched it since 2002 apart from changing oil and filter. I have never regretted spending that cash.


  14. looks bad, makes me remind of my own, similar roll. I vagely remember looking into the sky for about a minute, thinking: she will come back in a second. But she didnt.... :blink:

    Seems your cage is stronger than the chassis, which makes me think again as to how strong a cage really needs to be. Would be good to show us a picture of the chassis damage for everyone to learn.

    All the best,


  15. Well just spent the evening making up 10 or so assorted pinion shims on a lathe and surface grinder. So that 'should' sort that issue. Also got the pinion nuts and crown wheel nuts from KAM - assuming that they are the right threads for my ARB then that should be that issue sorted. He knows how to charge for them though........ Will let you know how it goes at the weekend.


    You also need a crownwheel spacer, which means longer bolts I vagely remember. When it comes to HT BSF bolts, you cant use Capheads which I had first, because they faul the diff housing. Also if you want to do the pegging, your diff flanges need turning down. Good luck!


  16. Crownwheel bolts are either BSF or UNF depending on the year. Standard Landrover stuff I'm afraid.

    M22 is again standard for what LR use. If you have the wrong stuff then again other parts wont fit.


    Which ones? I had diffs from a def 300 TDI, old range rover and S3.

    None of them matched up with the Kam parts.


  17. LR 90,

    Strange I got my 4.75 R&P the other day too. Were you on their massive waiting list as well!

    Just wondered if you have managed to source some of the shims for setting the pinion bearing preload yet and what you ended up paying? LR appear not to sell them and my local LR specialist has them, but at £4 each!! and you don't know what you need until you start building up the diff - end result a big bill or multiple trips to swop shims.....


    I made my own using shim material, and some holepunches. I realy hope for you guys that KAM has come up with some more christian fastener dimensions: BSF bolts for the crownwheel anyone? Not the same as a series 3 as they told me. Or what about M22x1.0 Nuts for the pinion flange :blink: . I found these in the end, but not in a crowned version, so drill a hole for the split pin. Then grind some flats on the nuts to make the Propshaft fit. Also, buy 3 r&Ps to make sure you dont get caught in the supply problem in case you break one.

    The idea was to do a proper job, but as usual it turned into a bodge. I have heard more stories like this and hope that KAM actualy reads this forum.

    Positive point: They work well once fitted.


  18. we are left with a country that has gone to rat sh*t when I grew up I had respect for the police and my elders.

    Well, I can symphatize with the respect thing, my parents never took any **** of me or get involved into fights with teachers but let them get on with their job.

    These days, children are the boss over parents. Unfortunately, this is not limited to your country, but everywhere the same where I have been. Even here in Czech, which is not the most wealthy, the kids are spoilt to death, like the parents have to make up for something they didnt get. Dont even get me started about my home country (I am dutch), what happens there is even more ridiculous. It is the modern thinking that makes things like having 2 mothers or fathers seemingly normal, or 2 sets of parents. Its a mess over there!


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