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Posts posted by Daan

  1. Like the ones from QT....



    Or they do another type which bolts to the same bolts as the steering box (part of the 3 link kit - the ones above are from the Weekender kit)


    Boys... that design looks set to collaps just by looking at it. For once someone applied the drilled for lightness idea, but on your shock mounts? Bear in mind that in dynamic situations the shock generates much bigger forces than the spring, that design cant cut it for me.

    My 2p, but feel free to ignore me.


  2. This isn't the first time that I have experienced poor tyre quality from Bronco. I bought 4 x 235/85/16 Dirt Devils for catflap, they wore out quite quickly, but were an excellent off-road tyre. I assumed the rapid wear was due to the soft compound of the tyre. Anyway - I replaced the rears with same type, and by the time these two had half worn, the side walls had cracked alarmingly. The cracks seen in this picture are down to the carcass.


    Les. :)

    My opinion is not to use remoulds full stop, looking at this picture and reading the story explains my reasons. Its ok for a trailer queen, but on the road you can never be sure what you get.


  3. Would you include the TD5 engine as the way forward when comparing overall running costs? I ask this because I did a gearbox rebuild and synchro reface on a TD5 Defender with 105000kms on the clock last week. While I had the box out I checked the clutch and sprung flywheel which was knackered and probably caused the gearbox carnage. the cost of clutch/flywheel components alone AUS$1800 would buy an awful lot of petrol to offset the larger thirst of a V8.


    see your point about td5, I personally wouldn't go near them due to their complexity and driveability. Also conflicting storys about fuel consumption. Comments anyone?


  4. I think if one was to gather statistics and compared the ''whole of life'' running costs of a Rover V8 vs a Rover TDI, there would be very little difference, and may actually favor the V8.

    I have to disagree here. In your part of the world the landrover diesel engine might be expensive, but here its the way forward. a conversion set for a japanese diesel is usually more expensive than the engine. So most people go for the landrover option. It cuts fuel bills in halve compared to a v8 and with fuelprices for diesel and petrol about £1 a litre, that is a big difference.

  5. I does not make a difference if you leave the outside diameter the same, in fact it makes it worse. However, if you start with a bigger diameter and drill a hole through the centre, the strength to weight ratio is much better. Any race car or rally car Which is allowed to spend money on has gundrilled shafts.

    Problem with landrovers is that you cant up the outside dia of the shafts without changing a lot of other parts, so probably not worth the effort.


  6. I very much enjoyed the event. A shame about my truck breaking down a few times (I sheared a key of my pto winch, and I ripped a valve out of my wheels on 3 occasions). But as an event, I liked it very much.

    Thanks to richard and his team, Hope to see you back next year.


  7. Thats old news; this is the latest:

    LONDON (Reuters) - A diesel-powered car has broken its own land speed record, reaching 350.092 miles per hour a day after it shattered a three-decades old record, a team spokesman said.

    Driver Andy Green hit 328.767 mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats in the United States in the JCB Dieselmax on Tuesday, before setting the new record on Wednesday.


  8. godswinch: imagine a video of a car winching out of a bog and then fast forward it. Thats all really. No brake usually, so officially illegal. From what I have seen, it is ridiculous in terms of safety. The winch bitch has to find two trees: one to attach the winch to, the other to hide behind. I think someone is going to die one day. I have seen a few close calls while these winches were being used.

    On the other hand, being a bit of PTO winch addict, it does excite me somehow - how boring this might sound to any of you...


  9. Did you get some tube sorted Dann????

    not yet, I am mainly involved in landrovers going out of line while also in the middle of an international house move. Someone entered me for argyl at the same time and who am I to say no? 3 links are last on my agenda at the mo, but I do reserve the right to vent my opinion....


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