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Everything posted by DC_

  1. Would oil burning not give off smoke through the exhaust? Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll keep it in mind, if you seen the state of the old gaskets so far, the old O rings in your hand, the old oil. The diff oil, the transfer box oil and the gearbox ATF, you'd see how poorly maintained it's been. That’s not to mention the "crank pulley saga" from last year were there was no crankshaft bolt to secure the pulleys on ??? Poor old "Doug" is in need of plenty of TLC ....... one by one I'm getting there. I'm enjoying the challenge.
  2. Cleaned the breather when the engine was out Snagger,no loss of water at all so would imagine head gasket is doing ok. I think it's a case of just very poor maintenance over the years. It's no way near as bad as it was for sure. I'll get the lift pump done when I've got time. After a good clean of the engine, I can see it seems to be diesel seaping down the right hand side. I couldn't get into clean right at the very back so I reckon it's mixing with that old gunk back there and trickling down.
  3. Well I'm just back a test drive to the coast, looks under and...... drip drip drip !! Not coming from the bellhousing though so the new Dowty rear crankshaft seal seems to be doing its job. Not coming from the oil filter housing with new o ring, not coming from the new Rocker cover gasket.... seems to be from the back of the lift pump? Haha and I thought I wouldn't have anymore leaks !! Landy's ..... gotta luv em
  4. this is the part, the diamond plate has an O ring behind it..... Here's the old and new, suppose it's done well for 30 odd years.....
  5. ?? Mo it's killing me !! Just when I think I've got them all, boom ! ? I took a leap leap of faith and when in, I'll try get a picture up but Photobucket is playing up ? Viton O rings are coming in very handy indeed . I also did the rocker cover gasket as it was leaking too !! Now I've done the transfer box oil, the gearbox ATF, new seals on those too. Sure to god that's it?? ??
  6. Ok guys, just looking for a bit of reassurance before I attempt to replace an O ring on the oil filter housing. After all the work recently and the engine all nice and clean, I noticed I'm getting a drip of oil onto my prop shaft and it's runnng down the oil filter too. so I ran the engine to heat up and noticed a leak at the diamond shaped plate on the housing. ETC5347 tried to tighten the bolts a tad with a little joy but after a good run, the leak is back. So...... is it just a simple case of plate off and new O ring inserted? I'm assuming not much oil should come out due to it been resting a while now? Thanks !! DC
  7. I'm only just seeing your reply SWB sorry.... it's got a 4 pin connector at the top, not the same as my current one.... any thoughts? Thanks
  8. Haha for sure Bushy, the pic above shows the new seal seated and the old seal (pushing against it) ??
  9. Trying to ease it in using the old seal and the flywheel bolts washer ring
  10. Do you mean flush with flywheel or back as far as it will go?
  11. seal out, new seal in, question is, how far in? Does it just need to be flush or seated right in?
  12. ok any tips on how to get the dowty rear seal in without damaging it? It's a fiddly job
  13. Smashing Ralph ta !! The valeo defo isn't marked
  14. Afternoon guys, ok having managed to get the engine out and discovered what I thought, the dowty seal is failing hence the oil in the bellhiusing. So, putting a new clutch on as the engine is out, we can't find info apart from the books saying the clutch plate should be marked "face" to let us know what way to put it on. But there ain't no marking on this valeo clutch plate. So is it prutruding side facing the gearbox, or facing the engine? Thanks DC
  15. Two good runs done and all is well. It's actually strange not seeing a wet patch under it when I'm stopped now. There's still the leaking rear crankshaft seal to keep me happy though ??
  16. Sorry to hear that Reb78, my mate has just done his front swivel and oh boy what a job that was ???
  17. Thanks again boys for all the advice, it's truly appreciated
  18. Success !! Off for a test drive now. I looked over white90's post about replacing the fuel filter. Opened up the air bleed nipple and pumped with the lift pump until fuel came out and did it back up. One turn and Doug fired up. Been running for 10 mins now with no drip. I'll go for a spin and see how it is. :-)
  19. Ok guys, new o ring in, plate back on. Now how to re fill the pump? Is there a bleed nipple ? Sorry never done any of this kinda work before ?
  20. Ahh ha ! Managed to get it out. looks slightly perished..... now to find a new one. So after it all goes back together, what do I need to do regarding all the diesel missing from the pump ?
  21. I'm not sure I can actually get to the O ring without damaging it? It's in there good and proper. Would a smidge of RTV do?
  22. Ok managed to get a bit further but I'm a bit stumped as there doesn't appear to be really anything (apart from all the diesel in the pump spilling out) to seal it...... yes there's an o ring but it's flush as you can see.... do you think it's just a case of tightening the screws a tad more? Locktight ?
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