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Everything posted by DC_

  1. Just thought I'd share my LONG day with you all and feeling quite chuffed..... i think i got in here just in time....
  2. Hope you have many happy drives and make more and more memories !! Happy retirement ??
  3. I'm not familiar with the red seal? I could only find the ones mentioned on this thread. Comparing the "turners" seal to one off ebag, there did appear to be a quality difference. So far so good, I'm just back from a 1000km trip and no oil is leaking from the bellhousing so it's did a good job.
  4. Thanks Paddy I did see that thread a while ago and commented on it. Suppose it wasn't as bad as some have it. ?
  5. All cleaned out with fresh diesel in it, running nicely..... ?
  6. Wow !!! Just wow, the crud that's in this!! No element just a cone type metal plate that sits on top, I'll get a picture up asap ???
  7. So there's no element in the sedimentor then? My book is showing no too. Just wanted to check
  8. Ok I'm getting round to doing the sedimentor today, the new one has no filter inside (like the fuel filter) is this correct? It's basically just an empty shell?
  9. Ain't it the truth !! My plan today was to get my solar panel controller hooked up, that didn't take too long. Then I'll move onto my new shiny lift pump which arrived today already !! Then I spotted the wet patch..... by the end of all the effort put in trying to solve the problem, the day was gone. So jobs before my next adventure, brake cylinder replacement, like pump replacement, and sedimentor replacement..... 3 hours tops....... right?? ??
  10. Very true Snagger, I'm glad I got this 110 (better not say defender) when I did !! I think I'm saving a truck that over time, will be serving me well for many years to come....... everything is crossed right now you understand ??
  11. I'm smiling away as I'm typing this and thought I'd cheer you all up seeing this pop into the forum ?? Went out to the Landy today as I had a few appointments cancel on me..... so I pulled forward down the drive, to discover...........a wet patch, where? You may wonder..... rear offside wheel. ? So after further investigation, it's the bleed nipple drip dripping.... so, ah ha ! I thought, I have bleed nipples already ordered and in the shed. So I proceed to find them, get ready for the swap over of old for new...... took the old one out, (a bit wobbly) watched as the dot4 seaping out. Put the new one in, and low and behold, it wouldn't go in and the fookin thing is threaded in the cylinder. ?? (it was threaded before I tried to put the new one in) who ever did the nipple before, must have cross threaded it and hoped for the best. So I ordered a new cylinder Delphi style. ?? Landy's........
  12. John Richards surplus supplies phoned, confirms its the one I'm after with fuel lines going into the sides. It's on it way at £22.35
  13. I'll ring them tomorrow to see if it's actually that one I'll be getting.
  14. That's the one alright.... same here https://www.johnrichardssurplus.co.uk/diesel-fuel-lift-pump-563146.html
  15. What year does your parts book start Ralph? My mates starts at 1987..... we discovered mines should be for an 86, johnrichards surplus have one on their site and it's the one I'm after but....... who knows what they'll send out !! Yes that pump looks similar, but the arm is too steep.
  16. Nope that's not it, that's the one paddocks sent out with spacer etc..... i need the pump where the fuel lines go in and out the sides......
  17. Right guys, only just getting round to the lift pump today..... OMG !! What a palava !! so the lift pump that paddocks sent is the one for the 200tdi (although it says it's for different models) took off the old pump, checked the arms, putting the spacer on made the arm wayyyyy shorter. Tried to put it on without the spacer, there's a bolt on the plate that spoils it from going on. So, that means the spacer has to be fitted to get round the bolt problem. But then the arm would be short.... (that's not to mention the studs holding the pump on never came out easily so had to do the two nut trick ?) so decided after inspecting and cleaning up the original pump to refit that and see if tightening the top 6 screws would help. If not, either a proper lift pump (if I can actually source one) or a new gasket on it. Got the fuel filter changed ok though ??
  18. There is no plans to replace the current engine to a 200tdi, however, interestingly enough, a friend has recently put a 200 TDI in his series. He has left out the T..... and put the DI in. I've never heard of that before. He's happy with the results so far (been 7 months) ...... if my attempts to stop the leaks fail after doing the gaskets etc, options are to rebuild or send it away for rebuild. I do like this 12J very much.
  19. Thanks for the info Snagger, truly appreciate it. If you had said that last July to me I would have "pat my shants" , but getting to know more and more, it's not as scary IF this needs to be the way forward. ?
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