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Everything posted by DC_

  1. Kevm after I cleaned the shaft with 240 sand paper (finest I had) little copperslip on it, the damper slid on a treat. Just marked where the key was on the dust seal and lined it up. Good luck with doing yours ! Thanks peaklander, I'm the one in the family with the patients apparently
  2. Hard to say as we can't see the whole thing, C'mon Tom get those pictures up.
  3. Not sure if it's the same as this one of mine Tom? As you can see the bottom left bolt secures to the block, there's a spacer in that bolt though, it's not on the wrong side of the bolt is it? That would cause your alt to be at an angle. The top bolt in the pick as you probably know is the tension adjuster. There's a third bolt bottom right. It goes right through the alt to a threaded "sleeve" which doesn't me to be anything more than 30Nm I would say. Hope this helps.
  4. Yes it's celebrations but sad the saga is over !! I'm sure there will be plenty more in the up and coming hours, eh I mean years...... Can't thank you guys enough for keeping our spirits high and ideas coming. If this helps someone in the future it's well worth all the effort..... I'd like to thank my friends and family for standing by me....... Hahaha... Sorry couldn't resist !! I actually really like this engine and my New addition (end of June) as it really is solely for enjoyment. No rush to go anywhere just take our time and hopefully have great memories. We are heading out on Monday to Glencoe in Scotland and hopefully further north during the week. First expedition....... Wish us luck !!
  5. Well here is the latest update to the "crank pulley saga"....
  6. Was Gona say MAF but you said you checked that. Have you got a replacement MAF to try or borrow? Sounds like it's hunting, (rev counter dancing to it's fav tune) Once every now again sounds to me like there's a sensor on its way out? Wonder if it could be the MAF or a leak (air).... faulty penometer? Or idler at the back of the plenum chamber? If you can borrow them from someone to see if it makes a difference.
  7. Got a box of jubilee clips ready to be put to good use. Pipe ordered. Pump ordered. Need to relax today as my legs and knees are about shot ! Thanks western, I found this too which was useful https://www.landroverworkshop.com/diagrams/engine/2.5-na-naturally-aspirated/water-pump_53087
  8. Got it ! ERC5654 for the small connector hose. Other pipes look ok and will get a good clean.
  9. Stephen do you know the part number for these pipes? I wanted to change too but with everything going on keep forgetting. If not too expensive I can put them in with my pump order and make it look even better.
  10. BINGO !! Get that man a packet of roast beef and mustard ! Yep the water pump sent was non viscous and luckily (taking a positive from it) we noticed before we put everything back together. It was going to be a bit of drilling here, a bigger belt there. Then we paused and thought, "where does the fan connect to?" New correct water pump ordered but won't be here til Tuesday which is a bummer!!
  11. I'll give it to 12pm and let you know if no one gets a BINGO!! (Need some sort of cliff hanger,it's been a while)
  12. With tierd and weary limbs, it's still not finished..... What a soul destroying moment (but only because we were so close to finishing) Who can tell me what's wrong with this picture?
  13. All ready for tomorrow nice and shiny....
  14. This is how it's looking currently.... I'm planning on going back to Hreen. Haven't decided NATO green or bronze green. I've irdered a hazard warning switch so I'll look into what connectors I have dangling down. The dash was removed to weld the floor but hasn't been put back on. So I may find I'm a couple of switches short of a full set !
  15. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222170066471 Is the kit I got with a dayco belt in it. The tensioner is in there too along with a dust seal for the front cover. I'd make sure your pulley is the right one though, get pics up. The mates is different from mine, we're having to adjust the holes for the bolts as they don't line up 100%..... The water pump has a square type fitment on the new water pump and mines has a round fitment. Always get what you can afford, but try your very best to get Genuine quality
  16. Thanks Stephen, I'll have a read later when I get in.... Kev, this is my fan, viscous coupling in the centre
  17. The timing pin looks like it goes in at the back of the engine, right swine to get into unless there's another? I'm sticking to belt and braces, RTV and gasket, don't mind taking my time scraping it off with a cold beer to keep me company one sunny weekend hopefully well into the future ! How easy/hard is it to knock the sprockets out of place once the belt is off if you don't have a pin in? weighing up the job to get that timing sprocket off for the oil seal, I'm swaying towards leaving it. Then it's hopefully off on our first adventure in them......
  18. Mines is the usual plastic multi fin fan with viscous centre, I'm not too fussed about getting every bit of power from it as it'll be used for leisurely drives and camping trips etc. just to be enjoyed when I'm out in it. :-) we're a tad apprehensive about doing the crank seal, when cleaned up it actually looks in pretty good nick. And I need to bare in mind it's sitting on Trev's driveway, this weekend will be the third weekend it's sat there....... It's still undecided at the mo. We're going belt and braces on it Vulcan, gaskets on, slight smear of RTV round the casing and bolt up tight. (Proper Nm on it obvs)
  19. Les you've read our minds, RTV ready to go on, cleaned off the gunk from the gaskets (being very careful of the water pump so as not to scratch it) everything is getting a really good clean and greased before going back on. Your "boy" looks a beauty. Right, I'm Defo away this time. Saturday should be the finish of it. (Hopefully)
  20. After Trev undoing the water pump bolts a little at a time, then a skoosh of with plus gas, over a week of slowly undoing them and skoosh img them. The three main pain blots on the nose of the pump finally gave way. We had no choice but to be patient. All the rest can undone no probs with care. All the case bolts came off no problem..... Tensioner looks a bit worn?? Right need to go look after my wee boy as he's had an Operation today....
  21. Kevm I don't know what would be worse, the wrong bolt or no bolt, mind you if it's not as corroded as mine was I'd take the wrong bolt any day !! When you say viscous coupled fan, do you mean using the metal part as part of the puller? The puller is strong as is if you're using a damper like we did. Assuming yours isn't as corroded as mine you should be ok...... Hehe should be. Good luck!
  22. Hmmmm only got larger wire brushes unless the mate has a drimmel or similar, yep we've been slowly undoing the bolts and putting plus gas on them all when working on the pulleys, hopefully it's worked its magic.
  23. Kevm take a look here, as usual this forum has all you need to know and as you can see, tons of help when you need it ! http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=7880 Steve b, we'll decide when we go in tomorrow about the crank seal....... Yip I'll make sure I can see my face in that crank nose, might not be a great thing to see that ! 3 in 1 oil and WD at the ready along with wet and dry paper. Might need something a little rougher to get the crud off?
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