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Graham Thomson

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Everything posted by Graham Thomson

  1. Mark, I've had exactly the same problem, albeit on a 1989 110, but with exactly the same engine set up as yours. To resolve it I have had the fuel pump replaced, it came back today and runs like a swiss watch now. Before it had the new pump it would sputter in 2nd/3rd/4th at around 3000 revs, definitely not getting enough fuel. It ran perfectly well on LPG the whole time. the new pump cost £131.........plus fitting. Hope that helps.
  2. Their stuff is quality and they are fair and professional.
  3. Ok chaps, here are some 'final' dash pictures.....got to spend money over the next 3 months or so on a 2-storey house extension...spare spends will be in short supply!!
  4. As earlier, I was testing it to try to determine if the problem was one of petrol or lpg or both. Indeed it turned out to be petrol only, and I await a new fuel filter. Now running like swiss watch..... Normally i keep to 5000 revs!
  5. Update........my man tells me that the fuel filter was "quite badly blocked", for now it has been removed and is running like a very speedy swiss watch....... Split charge system all installed, all electrics finally tidied up, all works complete.....for now...... Picture of new dash later this evening - bet you cant wait!
  6. Well, I opened up the dashpots last night and they were very dry. So duly topped them up and headed from Sheffield over the hills to Manchester running on petrol. Still sputtering at 400 revs in both 3rd and 4th gears....really does feel like petrol starvation....also used a bucket load of petrol yesterday for the distance covered....half a tank for 85 miles. Not happy. She is in my very-trusted garage today for final electrical split-charge work and one or two bits, so my man will have a look at it today. thoughts please....fuel pump?? filters anywhere?? mucky carbs??? I really dont know, any advice gratefully received.....ta.
  7. It did. V8's just llluuuuurrrrvvvv the high revs!! To be fair I was trying to diagnose a problem......... Will check the dashpots first.......any particular oil (if they need some)?
  8. A little trouble with the truck this morning. Being a little low on LPG, I decided to give the girl the run to Sheffield from Manchester on unleaded. Going on to the M67 from the M60 there is a sharp rising slope, and I thought I detected a problem in third gear. Then I had to wait until the snake pass to test further. Sure enough, in third, while climbing hills, just as she reached 4000 engine rpm, she stutters slightly, drops to about 3800 engine rpm before going back to 4000, then stuttering again etc. Some sort of fuel starvation perhaps….? Now given I’ve been driving it on LPG for weeks, and over the same route every working day, I stopped in one of the lay-bys, and switched to LPG. A couple of miles further along the road, and there I am heading uphill in third, with the old girl fairly screaming (but managing without any problem) at 7000 engine rpm. Any ideas folks? All help gratefully repaid in beer if I ever meet you…
  9. Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please for my Christmas will you bring me a big box of assorted commas and full stops, so I can make some parentheses and sentences. Thank you very much. Love _Luke_
  10. Call me names if you like, but I've just bought one - hehe. It's £9.96 down the stank (Scottish word for drain!) if it doesnt work , which pales into insignificance with the money I've trashed on this lump since last november. Hey ho. I drive manchester-sheffield and return every day - I run on LPG and have to fill up at the end of each day to have enough fuel to make the round trip the following day, best ever fuel economy on LPG is 12.8 accross the ups and downs of the snake pass, so once fitted, I can very quickly give you the results on a MPG basis. If I was a gambling man.....i've probably flushed another 10-spot.......
  11. I had a duff alternator that was knocking out about 18.5 volts............I could actually smell the battery cooking! Most unpleasant!
  12. So I went out to tidy the car out post-all-the-electrical work. Cleaned up all the rubbish, bits of wire, connectors etc and went to fit the fusebox cover............only two find that electrician-number-1 had fitted the mounting for the radio too far left for the fuse box cover to be replaced............ and............. electrician-number-2 had fitted the CB radio too far to the right for the fuse box cover to be replaced. So both units will have to be moved....and.....the radio mounting has been rivetted to the dash. Holes everywhere......... baskets! :angry: :angry: grumpy of manchester.....
  13. Does this sort of thing look like it does the job? http://www.vehicle-wiring-products.eu/VWP-.../photo/5026.jpg
  14. Bought a pair of work lamps for the back of the truck, they are being fitted today - and they have been sent out without bulbs! Great! What sort of mad WIPAC idea was that?!?
  15. There are some pictures here..... http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopi...p;hl=insa+turbo if you want a close-up let me know.
  16. I've been running on 265/75 Insa Turbo Dakars for about 800 miles now............and largely it's been pouring with rain....they seem to hold the road reasonably well.... Not had them off-road yet tho! Bumping on a kerb doesnt count. The depth of tread is magnificent!!
  17. just noticed? - You're only in Cape Town - I would have thought you could here me revving the engine from there.....
  18. Ok, the PSI bit looks good, it is reading 40psi at approx those revs......... On the motorway this morning, oil temp[ was reading a steady 110 degrees (how appropriate!), on the hard climbs up out of glossop on the a57 it went to about 114 degrees........
  19. Ok, when warm my water temp reads 80 degrees........ anyone know what the oil press and temp should read?
  20. Rang Exmoor this morning, spoke to a lady calle Julie. She was very nice, is sending me a new seat base and arranging for the old one to be picked up. So far so good .
  21. now that the nice new gauges are all in and working, what readings would be normal.... Water Temp? Oil Pressure (cold and hot)? Oil Temp?
  22. All the new gauges now in and working.... Exhaust manifold repaired.......engine no longer clicks..........it positively grrrrrrrrrowls!!!!! Sounds great. Starter motor has been out and refurbished - now sounds like a new car starting............ And the new middle row seats have been fitted and look great! Hurrah!
  23. Seats are now fitted. They look the dogs danglies.....but............... The three seats bases......two of them have captive nuts to allow them to be bolted to the seat, the third has the holes drilled, but no captive nuts!!! Which by any manufacturing standard is a little on the shoddy side. Let's see how we fare with customer services on Monday.................
  24. One of my colleagues where I work is considering this..... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LANDROVER-90-3-5-LPG...1QQcmdZViewItem Can some of you chaps/chappesses please provide some assistance on what a fair price for this vehicle might be please? Thanks in advance.....
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