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Everything posted by Dunc

  1. I'd heard nothing but good reports, so some time ago arranged to go and view a 90 they had on my only day off in my wife's car (a Mini) 60 miles in the ice and fog. Got there, bit empty. But after some knocking and about 20 mins of freezing in the cold the door was answered by a little old lady who wasn't keen on letting strangers in her home, understandably. The lady (Mark's Mum i think she is, who lives in the farmhouse) managed to get hold of them he said we could have a look round what was outside and not locked away and come back another time because he had something else on... I didn't.
  2. The feds can't bust you because it's an excise offence. They can give you a producer but that's about it. If you do get stopped and they do decide to be arsey and put your details in the new computer thingy they've got it links straight to the DVLA database, then you've got a BIG fine coming your way. You could tow it on an A-frame with the props disconnected from the axles, although technically the vehicle has to be taxed, but we've done it loads and the feds normally have better things to do when you're doing your best to comply. Incidentally, technically a Recovery truck can't do it if it's not taxed because it's goods, not a vehicle. Similarly, lots of folks ignore that rule too! Good luck.
  3. Mikey, Buy the cheap standard replacement shocks from M&M4X4. Mine cost me about a tenner each and lasted 3 years. Ample.
  4. My 110 was a 200Tdi and it was a fantastic tool, would cruise all day at 80mph+ and give good economy. Had it not been for my bike accident and having to sell it because we were skint then i'd still have it now. They vibrate more than the 300Tdi, but it's no biggy once you're moving. You can hold normal conversations as you would in a car and i think it was marginally quieter than my old 200Tdi Disco once moving.
  5. Mate, i've said it before and i'll say it again; i love your truck!
  6. No snow here, but last night and the night before at work it was minus 4 and minus 3 respectively in the warehouse. I'm currently lying in bed with a chest infection. Hmm, wonder why... Good luck getting a new job Smo.
  7. Interesting to see it has "uprated / hardened springs". Case hardened for extra shattering perhaps? I guess he means they're stiffer. I despair at some of the grammar and spelling on ebay adverts.
  8. Reggie, i'm in love! That looks incredible and is doing nothing to help convince me not to sell the Disco and replace my much missed RRC!
  9. I hope the prices go up when i try and sell mine then!
  10. Just finished reading all of that build thread; brilliant. I feel another project coming on...
  11. Thanks chaps. The pedal feels lke everything is working (which it all does) just not proper travel. Slave is only £8 so i'll get one.
  12. Partsrange, better known as RPi. My missus was on their website for a while modelling one of their t-shirts; we used to get bits from them. Anyhow, it would cost more than the truck's worth going that far to get the lpg serviced! Thanks for the suggestion though.
  13. Ah yes, when they hold up the order confirmation letter and enquire "What's this?" you know it's going to be one of 'those' conversations... God forbid if you ask if those boots/jeans/handbag/top/coat/gloves/scarf/earrings are new though.
  14. Ralph (Western) knows every part number in the universe, so once he turns up you're in!
  15. LOL You have to work nights so you hardly see each other for starters! :lol:
  16. The wife asked me to email her a list of things (ie the exact thing, to avoid errors) i wanted for Christmas. I sent her this and she told me it was too expensive. Anyone want to buy a 'J' plate 3.5 V8i Disco for £20k so i can buy the 110? Happy Chrimbo everybody.
  17. I think the Guardian stuff is fantastic for the price. Really good tack. If i win the lottery in the next week though, it's Southdown all the way!
  18. Because those moments when you dip the clutch to change gear you lose traction because there's no drive, = stuckness! Obviously, not an issue with an auto. HTH
  19. You certainly do. The Mpi 2.0 was introduced because of european capacity duties which hurt continental sales on the V8. I drove one; it was nasty. Back to the original question: which one is better? Well, i'm on my 4th Disco currently, but i've had 3 Defenders; two were 9 and one 110. These have been interspersed and in conjunction with a whole host of other Land Rovers, including the best of all, my old 3.9 V8 Classic RR. Every time i had to do a long journey when i had the Defenders, i wished i was in my Rangey. Any time i wished i had to do a long journey in the Disco, i wished i was in my Rangey... but less so than in the Defender! Off road, obviously the 90 gets furthest, then the Disco, then the 110, but so much is down to the driver and the tyres it's almost irrelevant. Value wise the Disco is a winner, but if money wasn't an issue i'd have a 110 sat on my drive every day. Still miss my Rangey most though...
  20. Hmm, hope it's not the clutch itself. Thanks Les, i'll do the 'clamp' test.
  21. Then? I still don't trust the things now!
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