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Everything posted by TRMV8

  1. An atlas high range is 1:1 so why not cut some custom gears go go higher???? They will fit.
  2. Its also for spot welding with a mig if you have the right nozzel Tim
  3. The only problem with a scooter is by th time you get two 8274's, waffle boards and your Co driver on, your power might be lacking????
  4. Still not convinced I'll keep my coils
  5. Never mind move on to your next great idea????? Tim
  6. I feel this should be one to shelve keep it till your about 65+ give it to the grand kid's to solve when they come round
  7. why are they still leaf sprung?????
  8. Take your template down there they will be able to draw it and cut it out in two, a lot stronger and neater. If you ever want any more its st a phone call Cheers Tim
  9. I have a real nice cooler dual pass with fan might do the job? Cheers Tim
  10. How much do you want to spend??? Cheers Tim
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