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Following the Dakar


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Watching the Dakar rally on telly earlier, I was wondering if it was possible to go along and watch the action - there seems to be plenty of locals there watching. I appreciate that actually following the rally very far might get exhausting but are the routes/stages available in advance so that one could arrange to be there in advance of the event to watch the cars go by? I am hoping to arrange a trip to Morocco anyway and this would give some added attraction, perhaps in 2008... :)


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I watched them through the Erg Chebbi Dunes in 2005, to watch them do more than one stage you would need to fly or drive over night I think it would be a hard task.

This year you would have been able to see them in Portugal and then blast down to Algeciras then though Morocco and possibly watch 2 stages if you were lucky.

I am keeping an eye open for the Bowler 478 and Truck 517; I know the driver and co-drivers.


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Hi, yes, of course it's possible to plan something in advance. You need to keep an eye on the web site all year to see where its starting from.

The last two years it has started from Lisbon on the first day, and stopped at Portimao. The second day it has gone to Malaga where everyone went across to Africa. I thnk before that one of the starting points was Barcelona, so it is by no means no longer Paris Dakar, hence the change in name.

We know people who have arranged trips in 4x4s without using tour companies to go to Africa and watch it. We have only watched it at the European end. Even in Europe the proximity allowed to spectators is much more flexible than you get in the Uk. Similarly in Africa. Don't get too close though, sadly accidents happens to both spectators and drivers. :(



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Yep, theres no reason at all why you couldn't drive down and watch them, i drove a couple of hundred miles of last years route last summer, most of it is either open country or rough tracks, so you can pretty much go where you like.

If you plan it well you might be able to see 2 stages, but as the others have said, its doubtfull...

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Thanks guys. I took a look at the Dakar Rally website and they do indeed show the route in advance - whether one could find the route on the ground is another matter, the maps shown are not very good. I was presuming that the route was kept secret from the entrants before the event to prevent practice etc.. Anyone know when the route is announced?

Keep an eye open for "Forum trip to Morocco" ;)



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Thanks guys. I took a look at the Dakar Rally website and they do indeed show the route in advance - whether one could find the route on the ground is another matter, the maps shown are not very good. I was presuming that the route was kept secret from the entrants before the event to prevent practice etc.. Anyone know when the route is announced?

Keep an eye open for "Forum trip to Morocco" ;)



The route would be known and proven by the oganisers earlier in the year but the road books are not issued to the compeditors untill the day before along with the days activation codes for the GPS's.

That way there can be no cheating in the way of advance reccies etc.

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I know with the UAE Desert Challenge the competitors road book and the code to unlock the days waypoints in the official supplied GPS is only given out the night before the stage. The service crews road book for the full event is given out before the rallly at documentation but this only shows service points.

A rough scetch map which has lat/long of the start/finish/service locations is available before hand, more for spectators than anything else.

Not sure how it works on the Dakar though.

Ah posted same time as Streaky :)

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I have followded it in France and Spain a few years ago

Remember the event covers 7-10,000Km and so will you, if you try to follow it and it also last 17-20 days thats alot of time off work and a very strong and up together Landy to drive the 2k from home to Africa then 10k while there and 2k back all in 20-24 days holiday.

Alot of people go and follow but most have unimog type campers

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Don't forget there are no Roads joining these points well no good roads so you travel time is a big factor.

I struggled to keep up in a laguna hire car in france and spain in 03 let along without roads or sign posts.

I drive 50k per years but found it tough to keep up... in the respect that they don't sleep or stop

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Here is what they show for tomorrow's route... day5 It would be easy to find the beginning and end of the stage but harder to discover a point part way along the route with something worth spectating.



You find a high point at about 06-00 AM, and you will see helicopters and press being droped off on route, then you head for them vehicles will be going past the mid way point on a SS all day and into late evening.

Believe me you need to be on the route and have a good safe veiwing point early, as when they come past you if the wind is wrong you won't see a thing. The good and remote veiwing points will have Locals on them all night, waiting to earn a few Dirhams by helping the stuck one out.

I have seen locals point vehicles in the wrong direction to cause them to get stuck or worse crash, so the can charge to help them out.


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Hi Chris,

Just back from Portugal (last night) where I stumbled upon the rally in Portimao (the algarve) was going there to shop with my son only to find the city closed off.

Didn't have my camara with me but did manage to get one pick with mobile before running out of charge. must say the support vehicles are huge.

there were people tracking them by car and bike but imagin that would end once out of europe.


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Guest diesel_jim

Those pix are great, where were you, and when?

(Obviously not Portugal or Spain......)


The top pic... if you were to paint the "sand" green... it would have looked like the Gap road on the last day it was open!! :lol:

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