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LT85 Service

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So I have the cross hatch cased which I think I’m right in saying it’s the 22c? And this doesn’t have an oil pump? Mainly ask as when foot released from the clutch (not when moving) I can hear what sounds like something being pumped, arguably like air moving, maybe a dumb question but what is that noise ha?

To my main point, do any washers or drain plug need replacing with an oil change or just simple, drain and replace then fill up via the filler hole? There’s definitely oil around the drain at the moment but I guess could simply be not tight enough as noticed dripping on cross member

As always, thank you!!

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My LT85 makes a similar noise to what you're describing, there's a couple of things that are probably going on. It's hard to be exact, but these are options. First thing, the noise is almost certainly present all the time but you're not moving so it's not drowned out by all the other noises.

1. You're hearing the clutch release bearing when it contacts, it's probably fine but if you don't know when it was changed, it may be on the way out. If it's making noise when you're not operating the clutch pedal, it's not the pivot. If you're getting clean gearshifts with no grinding, there's no reason to suspect the master or slave cylinders.

2. More likely, you're hearing the input shaft turning. These boxes are noisy, it's one thing I hate about mine. When I had it reconditioned by Ashcrofts and it was essentially brand new, I could still hear the innards even when turning the shaft by hand; magnify that by whatever rpm the engine is putting through it, and you're going to have noise. I will try to find the video where I recorded the noise they make. It doesn't sound "pump" like to me, just rotating bearings and gears.

Does the noise start as soon as the clutch is released and then stay until you put it in gear/drop the clutch again, or does it go away/change?

With regards to the oil pump, not something I'm familiar with, but if this noise is new then something has changed which means either wear or failure. In any case, it would be well worth doing an oil change if not done for a while, it can't hurt anything. 20W50 engine oil is cheap, I'm about to do mine.

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Thank you!!

Yeah oil change is on my list as I have just purchased new oils for the entire truck.

The noise is as soon as I release the clutch and it does go away by itself after a number of seconds, I can try and capture it but potentially the engine noise will drown it out. I think the best way I can describe the noise is like a "gushing" sound of air / liquid. I wouldn't say it really sounds mechanical tho.

Challenge is I am knew to this gearbox so trying to understand whats the norm! The noise isnt a bother really - just wanting to check its all good.

I have about 15degress play on my front shaft as well which I think is causing a clunk then I change gear so a part of me is debating (as its a keeper) getting a recon LT85 and LT230 from Ashcroft - just the labour to do the change as I cant really do myself on drive easily.

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These boxes are loose and noisy, unless it is very loud then I doubt there's anything to worry about. Without hearing it, it's hard to know, it sounds like yours is making different noises to mine. It could be low(er) on oil and the gears are displacing air in some way when they start turning, obviously you can check what level the oil is at very easily, but change it anyway.

With regards to it being a pump or not, I've only ever had this box and no mention of a pump so I'll let others chime in here.

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Yeah I swear I read the other variant of LT85 (with the flat sides) has a pump - I may be totally wrong there tho ha

To be honest its definitely leaking oil and the bung is definitely not all the way in as I can see thread which I assume isnt correct so ill try the oil change as a first step and see what that does.

I assume an oil change is a simple remove bung, drain, refit and fill via the filler hole? I read PTFE tape can be added to the drain plug?

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Great - well I will hopefully manage the oil change at the weekend and see how that affects things. I assume that drain plug shouldnt have thread showing either?

I have a worry that someone before I bought my car wanted to have fun with draining the fluids apart from the engine oil. Coolant needed 5L, brake fluid was way below the min line, gearbox im thinking now is low, steering reservoir empty and now im thinking I should check the clutch fluid too :( 

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7 minutes ago, Mediamab said:

Whats everyone's view on Swepco oils? I have read and heard positive things about them but they are very expensive. I know 4x4Fab always use it on their builds...

I bought some for my mog diffs on Sid. Due to the modifications I had done I wanted an oil that would get into all the nooks and crannies. If you look on the differential section of the forum there is a video showing how Swepco oil climbs up a hand driven food whisk over competitors oils, the difference is unbelievable, this is why I paid the extra and have been very happy thus far

Regards Stephen 


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Yeah I actually watched a video on Youtube showing that and it is incredible just appears very expensive and im struggling to find providers in the UK with anything other than one for transfer box?

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Ok so I think this catches the noise I mentioned which stops when clutch pressed in. Just not sure if that’s normal or not as TD5 didn’t do that. Also the tapping sound I’ve mentioned before is also apparent so any idea there too? :) 



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35 minutes ago, Mediamab said:

Ok so I think this catches the noise I mentioned which stops when clutch pressed in. Just not sure if that’s normal or not as TD5 didn’t do that. Also the tapping sound I’ve mentioned before is also apparent so any idea there too? :) 

IMG_0402.mov 6.6 MB · 1 download  


All I hear is the exact same noise mine makes. 

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