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Is this safe?


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I would like a second opinion on how I routed the braided pipe and placement of the reservoir. LTR wasn't designed to be mounted with top ring parallel to frame rail... as a result the pipe either exits toward the tire or the frame rail. I managed to loosen the fitting enough to turn it just enough to route it between the shock mount and the coil tower. There's about 4 to 6mm clearance all around the fitting. Do you think this is enough space/clearance ? Does the top of the shock tube move that much? Any advice/opinions are greatly appreciated.




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The problem with LTRs shocks is they are designed for Toyota Land Crusers and Nissan Patrols . That are loaded up to the hilt.With all the camping gear 250 ltrs of diesel, 200 ltrs water . Food for weeks and weeks a Tinny and a Camper trailer in tow. So a total weight of truck pushing 3.5 tons if not more. So expect them not to have to work hard on a land rover

Ok now if these are on a 90

I hope you have alot of wieght, or they will be bouching you around for a bit

When i was getting info for a mate who had them on a racer he bought . He was having problems as the OME dealers in the Uk did not know what he was talking about . So i asked a Bloke at the ARB shop and he said said to me , what the hell are you doing putting them on a land rover . They will do nothing on those as they are not heavy enough

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Surely with appropriate valving and pressure they could be set up to suit the vehicle weight and intended use.

Yeah but the lowest setting is still to high for the wieght of a land rover

Hence why these OME shocks were not really pumped in the Uk market place and not really sold. There is no call for this shock in the UK.

This is what ARB have told me

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I would not,

unless OME says the damper can be mounted upside down.

I did it with some Bilsteins I am testing by mistake,and ride was horrible.

Just goes to show no mater how clear you think you have written something someone will still interpret it differently :rolleyes:

Keep the resevoir and the damper the same way up as you have mounted them but just rotate the damper 180 degs (pipe wheel side)

I know a man that has them on his 'semi' stock 90 (front & rear winches + Lockers) and they peform great. :D

Have fun


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I know a man that has them on his 'semi' stock 90 (front & rear winches + Lockers) and they peform great. :D

Have fun


mmm interesting , just what i have been told by ARB. But then they wuld not know what a 90 was even if you ran over them with it. :D

Be really interested as to how they go

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Just goes to show no mater how clear you think you have written something someone will still interpret it differently :rolleyes:


Speaking of me,you bet it!

I'm a tad sleepy sometimes... :D

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The truck is a 110 CSW with 120 ltr rear fuel tank, 60 ltr side fuel tank, and about 100 lbs of gear in the back at all times. My principal concern is not to damage the fitting and I'm not sure how much lateral movement the upper shock tube is subjected to.

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