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RHAYADER Tom`s farm


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I haven't been, but ithink they had a death there recently, and it woudln't surprise me if the HSe were crawling all over it.

Some of the piccies from the site would suggest that his farming practice could leave something to be desired!

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I haven't been, but ithink they had a death there recently, and it woudln't surprise me if the HSe were crawling all over it.

Some of the piccies from the site would suggest that his farming practice could leave something to be desired!

IIRC he went to a certain place and didnt pass go, due to his farming practice mid last year, not sure if he has served his time and running again?

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Guest diesel_jim

There wasn't a death there. a LR did overturn, and the air ambulance was called in, but no death.

there was a death at another site within a few days though.

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used the phone number and got an answer,

the site is open every day from around 10, cost £20 per vehicle, the site offers NO insurance for accidents though.

might give it a try, anyone fancy it, i am only about 30 miles from the site


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was up there the other week, remember it quite well as i spent 20 mins on my side in a gulley :lol:

yes there was a accident there quite recently, involving a completely std disco and a pillock behind the wheel thinking he could go down a 70 degree slope that is vertical at one point o and not to mention nearly 600ft foot long :rolleyes:

its not to go for a day tho <_< you need camp the weekend as i didnt cover 1/3 of the sight :rolleyes:

o beware....make sure you have a ground anchor !! there aint no tree's ;)

and watch the drops, i dropped into a few that jumped out infront of me :lol:

what ever you do...dont go down by the house....you will be disgraced at the manner of how he is keeping his dogs :angry::angry: i was very angry...very very infact


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was up there the other week, remember it quite well as i spent 20 mins on my side in a gulley :lol:

yes there was a accident there quite recently, involving a completely std disco and a pillock behind the wheel thinking he could go down a 70 degree slope that is vertical at one point o and not to mention nearly 600ft foot long :rolleyes:

its not to go for a day tho <_< you need camp the weekend as i didnt cover 1/3 of the sight :rolleyes:

o beware....make sure you have a ground anchor !! there aint no tree's ;)

and watch the drops, i dropped into a few that jumped out infront of me :lol:

what ever you do...dont go down by the house....you will be disgraced at the manner of how he is keeping his dogs :angry::angry: i was very angry...very very infact


Just dont go there!! Ive been there and i know what your talking about, i will never go there again! Its a dump and the guy has been banned from keeping animals. That site is the kind of thing anti's use to make our sport look bad.

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yes, not to mention it looks like a scrap yard :angry: wrecked suzukis and burt out cars everywhere....and ead sheep crammed into cars :angry::angry::angry:

felt like breaking his nose i did :angry:

next time i go...sharnt be paying ! will enter via another route :ph34r::lol:

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I go quite often and never had a problem with him, he's not that bad and there is a lot more worst kept farms/land around. having just done a 400 round trp of wales taking in most lanes on the route there was quite a few sights far more worse.

Around Dolgellau theres a lovely valley ruined by the rubbish dump on the valley floor, some of the propeties were in a far worst mess, some people don't understand that waste disposal in the countryside is a problem for some households. Made worst by the fact a round trip to the tip might take half day and mean a 40 mile round trip.

As for the dogs and sheep seen a lot worse

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I go quite often and never had a problem with him, he's not that bad and there is a lot more worst kept farms/land around. having just done a 400 round trp of wales taking in most lanes on the route there was quite a few sights far more worse.

Around Dolgellau theres a lovely valley ruined by the rubbish dump on the valley floor, some of the propeties were in a far worst mess, some people don't understand that waste disposal in the countryside is a problem for some households. Made worst by the fact a round trip to the tip might take half day and mean a 40 mile round trip.

As for the dogs and sheep seen a lot worse

There is no excuse for littering, its not that hard for them to take the rubbish to the dump on the way to the shops.

Unfortunatly some people just dont give a sh3t about the countryside, and are completely oblivious to the mess the live in.

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There is no excuse for littering, its not that hard for them to take the rubbish to the dump on the way to the shops.

Unfortunatly some people just dont give a sh3t about the countryside, and are completely oblivious to the mess the live in.

Not that easy round our way 10 mile trip (20 mile) no shops nearby, open 10-12 then 2-4 weekdays extra hour sat, closed sunday, if you have a full time job tough.

In the country even less council dumps, its not just the householders plenty of "memorial" sites have spring up all over the palce often in beaufull spots, yet during the winter the stuff gets blown around. These memorials are often not sites of a tragic death, but memorials to people whom this was there "favourate" spot.

Then theres carparks more and more been closed down to encourage public transport use if there is any and prevent fly tipping, whats open have had there bins removed to encorage people to take rubbish home.

We came accross one campsite which had no bins, your to take your rubbish home, finaly noticed locks on some wheelie bins left on the side of roads, cause the council truck will not go down the lanes, locks to prevent people pulling waste in them

With all this recycling the problem is getting worse we burn most stuff but larger stuff washing machine etc getting harder to get rid of

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I'm with Welsh Laner on this one. As I understand it the animals there are no longer Toms, and I too have seem much, much worse.

Quite honestly if he doesn't mind his farm a mess and his house falling down then that is up to him.

I wonder how many people on smart housing estates deplore the LR owner with mud dropped on the road and the car being fixed at all hours on the drive?

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Toms nothing compared to a "local" round our way ranting and raving at anyone crossing his land including walkers cyclists etc on a very well know ROW and route from north - south wales

His farm is a absolute disgrace far worse and visable from a tarmac road, not much can be said about his sheep, the luckly ones left dead all over the footpaths strange enough

if you meet him he's aggresive and i've seen him attempt to hit persons with a stick

have Tom any day, at least he's pleasent and up for a friendly chat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you look at the Mid Wales Journal you will see exactly why he went to prison. He and his wife had been banned from keeping sheep or cows for five years in 2001. This time they have banned him for life. This is NOT a common punishment, so to say that:

As for the dogs and sheep seen a lot worse

Well, I don't know what kind of 'sheep snuff movie' you watch in your spare time :ph34r: , but most reasonable people would consider their treatment of livestock to be terrible. One of the main things that went against them was :

The Breeses asked at the Llandrindod hearing to have taken into consideration the matter of a ram found with its horn growing into its eye, damaging the eye and considered by a vet to be suffering distress. It had to be destroyed.
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i think we have some how missed what this thread is about, i am not disputing how the cattle have been treated and yes we all agree it is bad.

All i wanted to know was what his site was like and if anyone was going there soon?

I am hoping to be there on the 6th May


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Well, I don't know what kind of 'sheep snuff movie' you watch in your spare time

Not watching any movie just scenes spotted from the cab window while greenlaning these last few years

Only very recently counted about 6 dead sheep and lambs left on the lane itself, most farms are well run but we come across a fair few which i consider far worse then Toms farm.

Again seen a few news reports of farmers been banned know a few round here not uncommon.

What does anony me is that certain indiviuals/clubs/organistions who for whatever reason do not like toms farm use this to prevent others from going, on a few forums his name has been banned, any ref to any days out there delated. In one club i am a member been told organise a trip there privately and you will be expelled. Varoius rumours are spead he is closed down etc. I have no problem with him, and think its a great site big enough for everyone to enjoy, even with a new truck and road tyres one can roam about the place and its good value for the money.

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