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Who could buy Land Rover??


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To be honest I don't care as I will never buy any of the current line up of vehicles anyway.

And there's the rub - folks like us who run older (or in my case ancient) Land Rovers aren't on the radar of the suits at Lode Lane.

This stands to be quite a turning point for Land Rover obvious of course but combined with them being up for sale we also have the treehugging anti's who IMHO are winning the anti 4x4 argument. Wholey unjust of course but none the less it always feels as if we are on the back foot having to justify why we drive one.

There is therefore a developing image problem for the green oval which makes it a less attractive investment opportunity - it is likley any body coming in will as a result ditch the least environmentally freindly models to improve the image.

Expect to see

- a petro/electric hybrid Freelander in the not too distant future.

- The Defender to be quietly killed off - not because it isn't Euro 4 complinat which of course it is but just because it won't suit the image of the re-branded company and it is too inefficinet to build which nowadays increases it's overall 'carbon footprint'

- A small micro/mini 4x4 akin to the Suzuki sx4 - probably even made by Suzuki but just branded as a Micro/mini Land Rover - easy done nowadays.

- Range Rover production scaled down in anticipation of the second market values plumetting due to punitive taxes that probaly won't bother owners who buy them new but will hammer somebody who previously would have stretched themselves to buy one second hand. The massive depreciation will then deter new purchases where the tax won't.

So all in all who would buy them - well if it was my money I'm afraid I wouldn't, but any body who does is going to have to re-think the business and marketing strataegy big style.

All very sad and of course and much of this has been vaunted here previously - I just think the sale will really bring the image issue into focus. This is of coursejust my two cents worth which could turn out to be a load of cobblers - but check back in ten years to see if I wasn't somewhere near the mark.

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If i was in a position of power i would go for a corporate buy out.

In various magazines you read "executive so and so is so passionate about the brand" if they are so bothered let them buy it out.

I just hope it gets run better than Rover did.

It bothers me because next year i will be in the market for a Freelander II.

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How about this for a theory:

Ford don't really wish to sell two product lines which generate good profits and show growth in their sectors.

They market a strategy to sell te two companies at a point when the current elected Government has a chance to make a vote-winning decision in favour of british manufacturing and offer decent subsidies to Ford.

Ford pockets said subsidies, reduces its UK manufacturing cost, enjoys increased profits from low-volume, high-value product and agrees to retain said product streams for another 5 years or so.

Current elected UK Government with newly-aquired leader wins good public support and stands a slightly better chance at the next election.

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How about this for a theory:

Ford don't really wish to sell two product lines which generate good profits and show growth in their sectors.

They market a strategy to sell te two companies at a point when the current elected Government has a chance to make a vote-winning decision in favour of british manufacturing and offer decent subsidies to Ford.

Ford pockets said subsidies, reduces its UK manufacturing cost, enjoys increased profits from low-volume, high-value product and agrees to retain said product streams for another 5 years or so.

Current elected UK Government with newly-aquired leader wins good public support and stands a slightly better chance at the next election.

Or more acurately -

General motors is slowly going bankrupt due to declining sales and massive overheads - they repeatedly drop prices to entice customers back.

Ford are forced to follow suit or face a massive fall in sales.

Ford also faces large lawsuit from a tyre company.

General motors breaks into its workers pension fund and makes several tens of thousands of workers redundant to stave off bankrupcy for a another year or two.

Sales of American built cars are at an all time low - Toyota are set to become the worlds biggest car manufacturer ahead of GM.

GM introduces blue cross sales to win back customers from Toyota. They are selling vehicles at a loss, but still producing more cars than they can sell.

Ford again drops its prices to meet GM's.

The bottom falls out of the US truck market -Fords biggest income.

Ford is struggling to sell unpopular cars and keep its other brands alive - Mercury and Lincoln face falling sales due to poor image and uninspiring cars.

Jaguar is losing money - a lot of money. Land Rover requires constant investment but makes a small profit.

Ford make 35000 workers redundant when it closes a sub assembly plant in the states.

William Clay Ford steps down as CEO.

Aston Martin - the jewel of the Ford empire is sold at great profit. The first time Aston martin has made a profit in its long History.

Jaguar has had enormous investment but falling sales mean that it is still a loss maker.

Land Rover has replaced its entire product range by this point and is maing enough profit to almost cover Jaguars huge losses.

Ford needs more money. Jaguar will prove impossible to sell due to its enormous debts and daily losses.

Land Rover and Jaguar are offered for sale as a single entity as Ford know this is the only way to sell Jaguar.

Thats how it has actually happened

Lewis :)

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